Worst meal on Disney property?


Ok, let me play the devils :fork: advocate.....we all come on these boards praising everything Disney. (Eisner excluded-wrong thread)...:D
Now, lets see if we can finagle some answers for this question.

Where have you had the WORST meal on Disney property? And why.



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I can honestly say that I have never had a bad meal anywhere on WDW property. In fact, in my whole life I've only had two bad meals at a Disney park and they were both at DCA. One was chicken strips and the other was a hamburger and fries. And they weren't just bad meals, they were HORRIBLE. The burger was so bad (it didn't even taste like a real hamburger, but I KNOW it wasn't tofu), it made me queasy. Just thinking about it now I'm getting nauseaus.
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Active Member
The tiny restaurant/lounge next door to the Hoop De Do Revue at Fort Wilderness. I think I had the quesadillas or pizza. Don't remember, but it was not pleasant. The only time I have not like food at Disney, but I will say it still was not the worst dining experience that I have ever had.
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New Member
Biggest disappointment on our recent trip was Mickey's BBQ. I didn't expect more than average food, but it had a LONG way to go just to reach average. The character experience turned out to be nothing more than an extended autograph session, complete with the rude, pushy parents. The kids seemed happy to dance with Mickey & the Gang until the parents got involved.

The other letdown was the Big River Brewpub. Again, I did not expect a lot, but the service & food was awful, while the beer was pretty good.

To end on a positive note, Boma is a must do.
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Active Member
Originally posted by jriddle
And on the subject of GOOD Italian...... FAZOLI'S!!!!! My personal favorite!!!!


I love Fazoli's! When I lived in Michigan I got takeout from there alot. Awesome pizza, pasta and the BREADSTICKS! *drool*

It's been a few years since I've last eaten at a Fazoli's though as we don't have them here in Tampa (crazy, huh?). Closest one is about a half hour or so away in Lakeland.

As for WDW, I don't think I've really had a bad meal experience there. I do remember getting sick after eating a Dole Whip one time, but that was my own stupidity for not having eaten anything and being in the hot sun all day. Oh wait... I remember I got pizza in Future World at Epcot once at it was awful. The sauce was way too sweet for my liking and the peperroni was so greasy. After 2 bites I tossed the rest.

As for food I like at WDW...

MK: I've always enjoyed the burgers at Pinocchio Village Haus and the chicken caesar salad at Cosmic Ray's was pretty good too. And of course the Crystal Palace. Great buffet and I love visiting with Tigger several times.

Epcot: I love the fish & Chips at the Rose & Crown counter service restaurant. In the main Rose & Crown pub/restaurant, I like the Ploughman's Lunch alot.

MGM: Only sit-down restaurant I've been to there is the 50's Ptimetime Cafe. I had the BIGGEST ham sandwich I had ever seen in my life for lunch. Was really good. My friend had a salad and said that was really good too. Great and extremely fast service (we got our food maybe 10 minutes after our oder was placed... and it was BUSY that day).

AK: Never been there soI don't really know what's good/bad there.

Downtown Disney: Every time I've eaten at Planet Hollywood, the food was decent. Service can vary. Last time I went, a server had an accident and spilled water that landed partially on my friend's back. We both just laughed it off as it was actually pretty funny. A little later a manager came by to apologize profusively and offered us a free appetizer of choice to make amends.

Rainforest Cafe... I've eaten there twice and both times the food was good. Service is a little slow at times though. Funny thing was the last time ate there, I was with my parents, who were down on vacation (I drove up to meet them for dinner). I was wearing a t-shirt with my friend's old band logo on it. As soon as we were shown to our table, this server came by and said, "Hi! I'm not your server, but I noticed your shirt...." Ended up there was another band with the same name in New York and he asked me if it was that same band. I said "No... this band is just a bunch of nobodys from Tampa." :lol:

Right now, my fave place to eat at Downtown Disney is Earl of Sandwich. Great food and very reasonably priced. I love their Hawaiian BBQ! It's busy and seating is a bit limited, but that's what benches are for! :animwink:
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Active Member
We seem to be the opposite of many, but I've rarely had a GOOD meal on WDW property. Cindy's royal table was good, but it's hard to mess that up. We didn't like the Crystal Palace, Garden Grill, Akershus or Alfredo. I'll give credit to the manager at Alfredo, he tried to make it right. Still looking for that illusive Great meal.
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New Member
:hammer: The worst meal that I have had has nothing to do with the food. Has anyone ever eaten at the 50's Prime Time Cafe in MGM? The day we went there we had our entire family with us (which was unnerving enough) and the server kept picking on everyone at our table. I know that they do this stuff at that place but it seemed to me that we got the worst of it that evening. I wound up wearing a "dunce" cap by the end of my meal because i refused to remove my elbows from the table. It took everything I had within me not to take that server and "KNOCK HIM THE %@&! OUT!"
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Pirate Wench

New Member
The snack stand just across from the Mexico pavilion has truly lousy Churros. They are cold and hard.

My fav place to eat is the Yakitori House. They have lovely Teriyaki Chicken and rice. Its always calm and quiet in there too.

Worst service ever was at Artist's Point at Wilderness Lodge but when I wrote a letter of complaint they comped our entire meal for 4 on our next visit!
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Well-Known Member
What I find is that food 'quality' is totally random at WDW. I've had great meals at bad resturants and bad meals at great resturants. From what I learned, don't order anything too exclusive. Even then, here's a few resturants that I rather not go to, EVER AGAIN...

-50's Prime Time Café- Got dragged ther last time as part of the robotics team. Needless to say, I was running all night long, and NOT as in exercise... :hurl:

-Rainforest Café- don't know if it was just me, but once we had a burger there that just made me sick. Just something odd about it, oh well, went there again a few years later and had a decent meal.

Those are the ones off the top of my head. I find that fast-food places have a generally greatter amount of quality compared to sit-down resturants, due to the short time the food is spent sitting, and how it's the employees job's on the line if they arn't quick enough. muahaha :drevil:
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I have always been very happy with the food except for the rainforest cafe. I mean it was terrible. I even had breakfast there and it was really bad. I will never eat there again!!!
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Active Member
The taste and quality of Rainforest' food is strange. I was sick for the last two days of our trip after eating there. This was at DTD, not the one at AK. I will never again eat there, but do find their specialty drinks appealing.
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Interesting that a lot of people don't seem to like the Rainforest Cafe. I love it :) Except the last time we were there we were sitting under the little fountain or something like that and under an air conditioning vent, so I was cold and wet.

Worst meal I can remember is the Tusker House. Maybe I was sick that day, or just picky, but I hated that chicken.
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New Member
I've never eaten at the rainforest cafe at WDW. Afterall it's just a chain restaurant.

When I go to WDW, I try to eat at restaurants that I can't find around my house. :)
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I am not sure about any bad food in disney... i havn't eaten any my dad HATED the turkey legs though...there was a restaurant pretty close the the pirates of the caribbean and jungle cruise around there that was actually pretty good.... there were birds flying in the restaurant though didn't like that at all...LOL

61 DAYS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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New Member
i have a question though. on an episode of WDW Inside Out (for those of you who remember this very excellent show) the host ate at 50's Prime Time Cafe, and his waitress (who was 'the Mom') was constantly nagging him to 'get his elbows off the table', 'finish his vegetables', and even made him wash his own dishes as 'punishment'. all this made my dad lose any interest in eating there. but i've always heard great things about their food, and i noticed on Deb's site that they have s'mores. being the s'mores addict that i am, i want to eat there now just to see how their s'mores match up to mine. so, do the waiters and waitresses actually do all that nagging and make you wash your dishes and all, or was that just for the tv show? cuz i'd really like to eat there, but i don't want to be nagged while trying to eat. i get plenty of nagging here at home.

When we went our waitress seemed to hardly spoke english, so we did not get any of the during the meal nagging. Which I think was better for us. The hostess did ask if we washed our hands.
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New Member
I have had great food at WDW with only a very few disappointments.
Had a bratwurst at Sommerfest at Germany & not only did it not taste that great, I didn't feel good the rest of the night.
The food wasn't bad at Mama Melrose's....it just wasn't that great for the price etc....
I have been wanting to try Alfredo's when we go in Nov...but there have been so many negative posts on it that now I'm not sure.
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