Worst Disney Vacation moment


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Original Poster
Post the worst time at disney that either Happened to you, or someone u know or just something u saw at the park, that looked like it would have made u so mad if it happened to you.

My worst disney moment was when this little kid in the pool at the All star music puked in the pool. The entire pool had to be drained and sterilized. That sucked cuz it was in august and it was 95 everyday. Please share


New Member
I would say the worst WDW moment for our family was when we were traveling with a group of 14 unexperienced Disney travelers. My family did a lot of work planning and directing the group around the parks. Almost every time we went through the turnstiles of any of the parks one of our passes would not work properly. This would hold up the large group for at least 15 minutes or more. And it was always a member of my family who had the trouble. We didn't mind the first six times, but after that it got annoying. On the same trip we were staying on the grounds and one of the familes found that someone previously staying in the room had wet the daybed in their room and it hadn't been cleaned up.

I do have to say that we have been back several times since then and still love it! Also, Disney was nice enough to compensate us to help with th problems.


New Member
Not exactly a worst moment, but a very close call...

My daughters are dancers and were working on a routine as part of the Magic Music Days, and 3.5 weeks before we left for WDW my oldest broke her foot in dance class. They had been working on this performance for 5 months, so this had been a huge part of her life, countless hours given up etc. The doctor insisted on casting her foot, which meant she missed the last 3 weeks of practice. Not only that, but she was a spotlighted dancer (front and center for almost everything and even had a turn sequence that she was doing alone). She did a lot of tumbling in the number too, things like back handsprings and back tucks.

She had to be taken out of all the tumbling parts and it was questionable if she'd be able to dance at all. But we were still going to WDW regardless, because my younger daughter was still dancing, and the trip was just about paid for.

The cast came off 4 days before we left for Florida and she had 2 final group practices before we left, but her ankle and foot were still sore and she was struggling to do most of it, especially the turn sequence she was spotlighted on.

Since they didn't perform until a week after we arrived, she worked very hard during that week to regain her strength in her ankle and foot, but it was hard because there was no real good place for her to practice.

Finally the day before the performance, we were at Epcot and found the stage they performed on. There was no one using the stage at that time, so we asked if she could get up there and practice for a few minutes. They agreed and she was able to do the turns after all.

The performance went well, and even though she wasn't in the tumbling part, it was still a lot of fun for both the girls, and worth all that she had gone through for it. They were honorary cast members for the day.


New Member
Not that I actually remember but apparently my mom spilled coffee on my head when I was really young. We always stayed at the Polynesian and it was in the restaurant there at the time. Unsure if it was called Ohana back then also.

I guess I cried for a long time as you can imagine having hot coffee spilled on your head. :hammer:


New Member
Being stranded on 9/11/01. We were supposed to fly home that day. I love WDW so much that there are no words to express it... but I've never wanted to go home so bad in my life. There's no place like home.

M. Racer

New Member
Saw a wife completely lose it while at EPCOT in April 2000. She struck her husband several times-they had an infant in a stroller. We started toward them to intercede, but she stopped hitting him before we got to them. She did continue screaming at her hubby though. yuck! :mad:


New Member
On our recent trip we had a bad experience at Universal Studios (I know, not Disney, but during our same trip to FL).

We were waiting in line for the ET ride, and an older man right in front of me in line decided to light up a cigarette in line. I asked him very politely not to smoke in line, around my children. He got very nasty and said I didn't have to be behind him in line. I pointed out the fact that there are designated smoking areas and he should use them, and the rules posted on the wall right beside us clearly stated that smoking was not allowed in lines (or I believe anywhere in that section of the park, which was geared more towards kids). After a heated debate, I decided for the sake of my kids to drop it, and I turned my back to him and talked to my kids quietly. He then butted into our conversation and started with me again, after I tried to drop it (meanwhile, cigarette still in his hand). He refused to put out his cigarette and got right in my face. I thought he was going to hit me. Of course this was the one time in the day my husband was not there with us (he was riding the Mummy) and I'm not one to EVER get in a fight or get loud...I'm usually very quiet and don't cause trouble. But he had me so mad by this point that I refused to back down.

My 13 year old decided to start hacking and coughing like crazy, just to get the point across and it certainly didn't help matters cause he only got more angry. His wife just stood by and looked the other way (I think she was afraid of him too). A park employee walked by and I called her over and asked her to ask him to put out his cigarette. She left to get someone else to talk to him, meanwhile, we were screaming at each other and it wasn't pretty. Finally security arrived and they pulled him aside while we entered the ride, but during the name/passport stupid pointless process entering the ride, he ended up entering and got ahead of us. We intentionally stalled and stayed behind while he boarded the ride, and he ended our encounter by flipping me and my kids off as he rode off on his little bicycle.

I don't have a problem with people who choose to smoke, so don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with people who don't follow the rules and smoke outside of the designated areas. And I witnessed this many times in all of the Disney parks and US and IoA.



This didn't happen while in Disney, but my Grandfather died 2 days before we were supposed to leave for Disney in 2000. :( Obviously not being able to go on the trip was the last thing on my mind, but I always think of him now before I leave on a trip to WDW.


Active Member
My wife and I goto WDW every year in January for our anniversary. In 2003, a good friend of mine came with us and brought his psycho girlfriend. While visiting AK, we were fortunate to catch the tiger feeding. Well, since he was not paying any attention to her, she decided to get herself "lost". This was going on around 12:30, and we had lunch reservations at Rainforest for 1:00. After searching for 25 minutes, my wife and I decided to head to the front of the park and talk to security. My friend decided to wander around to find her. We ended up finding the neurotic psycho at the front of the park siiting on a bench balling like a 2 year old. When the 22 year old "kid" saw us, she charged at us screaming and cursing for leaving her. We just kept walking. I finally stopped and told her to sit and stay put. I contacted my friend on our cell phones. I told him where she was, and to meet us at Rainforest. Well....we missed our reservation, and to top it all off, he comes strolling out of the park without her. I ran to him and told him where she was (again). We walked up to the front gate and called for her. Well, that went over very well, we got a "F**K you and a bird finger. Being the calm person I am, I walked away. Nearly five minutes later, she dicided to exit the park and proceed to scream, argue and make a scene with him. By this time, security looked like vultures circling a dead animal.

40 minutes later we headed to EPCOT, tears and all. Now, that is just one story from our wonderful trip with a psycho. I could post about 15 more horror stories from just 6 days of what was supposed to be "vacation".

Tip to the wise, don't go to WDW (or anywhere at that) with a psycho.


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Back in Oct. of 2001 I started what ended up being a year long bout of really bad anxiety attacks that I still to this day deal with but back then didn't know how to deal with. Well, my girlfriend and I took our yearly New Years Eve trip to WDW and stayed for the usual 4 days that we stay for every year. I think during that 4 days we were there we went on a total of about 3 rides. I just couldn't get on any of them....keep in mind at the time this was about my bazillionth trip to WDW and I have been on every ride multiple times. I even remember at one point the two of us discussed just going home....it was horrible and I pray it never happens again.


Well-Known Member
I was about 11 or 12 and went to Typhoon Lagoon. This was the first or second year that it was open. Went with my parents and the worst things happened to us. The first thing was that my mom was in the big wave pool when this guy that was body surfing crashed down on top of her and she scraped her leg on the bottom. She got a good sized cut and had to go to first aid to get it treated. The rest of her life she had a scar on her leg from it. Then we went to the slides. I went down the first inner tube slide and that was fine, I had fun. Then when I went down the second one, I didn't lean at the right moment and ended up capsizing. I was trying to regain balance to get back on, but I was right next to a water jet that kept knocking me on my butt when my mom suddenly came down the slide behind me and plowed into me. I ended up going down the rest of the slide on my own, without the benefit of the tube and scraped the heck out of my toes. I decided to just deal with the regular water slides after that, because what could possibly go wrong... right? Well, I went down the slide, and halfway down lost all forward momentum. It wasn't like I was Homer Simpson and wedged in the tube, I just stopped going forward. I was trying to get myself moving again, when my dad comes plowing into me and I get pushed the rest of the way down the slide by him. Needless to say, I haven't bothered with going back since then. :hammer:

The Mom

Premium Member
emmanuel_10583 said:
We were touring and i had a great plan organized, but my mom suddenly got sick and we had to return to the hotel room at port orleans , i was going to go in the pool but it was being refurbished so i had to go to the hot tub wiht like ppl that were old , hairy..... i was going to get sick

Was that YOU? That's ME; old and hairy. :lol:


Active Member

My wife's grandmother passed away from cancer 4 days into our 7 day vacation. It was us, her mon, and her sister staying at fort wilderness. That was a miserable experience. We didn't leave immedistely bacause there was nothing we could do, believe it or not. But the time was , well, it just sucked. :(

Why does typing this sound like a terrible thing to do (staying), while at the time it didn't. :confused:


Well-Known Member
New Years Eve 2002.

The rain came down and flooded Epcot like none other. It was a deluge. And people were wet and grumpy and packed like grumpy rats in all the pavilions.

If that was our only "worst," however, we should consider ourselves lucky.

And, by the way, this was the only time I ever remember wishing I was elsewhere than at Disney. I was that miserable.


We just returned from a trip in May and let me say that it was fantastic but I do have a bad moment with a CM

We have 3 small kids (under age 5) and one morning on the way to MK, my son, who is 3, demanded to be carried by his mom from the tram to the boat at the TTC. Now, I have stroller to go thru the entrance to the boat..no problem, the CM opens the gate and lets me go through. Well, here comes my wife carrying the 3 year old. She can't get thru the turnstile so she trys to go thru the gate. The CM says she has to go thru the turnstile..
Wife: I can't go thru carrying him
CM: Then let him walk
Wife: He's tired (4th day of 7 day trip)
CM: Well, I'm tired too.
Wife: Open the gate...what is your name.
CM: (gives name) and opens gate

After we get thru, CM yells at my wife.....and spells it in front of all the people getting on the boat.... :rolleyes:

What a great way to start our day.....We speculated she had been rejected for employment at Wendys....

To be fair, every other CM wa great.... :lol:


Active Member
This happened to my brother (age of 36 at the time). He was with my son, 2 cousins and a friend during Christmas season 1997. On the final evening of the trip, they all had gotten off Splash and knew that if they ran, they could be in line one more time before the lines were closed for the evening. My brother took the first corner still in exit area just before the pictures and came crashing down. He face planted and thought he had broken his cheek. He jumped up and the group headed for their final ride on Splash. While walking out of the park, he realized that he couldn't straighten out his arm. They stopped at first aid which was locking up for the night. First aid directed them to the care station on property. They walked to the Contemporary and then he and a cousin cabbed to the care station. The only people there were the people who had just closed the place for the night and were waiting for a ride home. The cab driver took them to the hospital/hours later, the same driver was there to pick them up, get them to a drug store and back to the hotel. He had not hurt his face, he had broken his arm. The next day they were coming back to Chicago. He was in a cast for the next 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
My worst trip was when I went in August 1997. I nearly broke/severely sprained my neck in a swimming pool accident like 2 days before we were supposed to leave. While I was in serious pain, it didn't stop the vacation. I had went for 2 days with school six months earlier, but other than that it was my first trip since 1988 so we weren't going to miss it.

Then during that trip in 1997, my brother (who has spina bifida) had his wheelchair stolen. The cast members we reported to, checked but due to the fact that it was late in the day, were unable to get us a replacement because no more were available to rent. My dad, who was very upset, went searching for the one we had and thank god they put your name on the back. He found a lady stepping out of it to get on a ride. He confronted her and the cast member operating the ride held the ride and kept the lady there so my dad could finish yelling at her. He doesn't cause scenes very often (hardly ever to never) but this was one time that nothing could have embarrased me. We were all angry.

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