Worst Disney ride experience.


erasure fan1 said:
It’s a small world, 45 min. stuck in same place, they didn’t shut off the song. That’s all I can say or I might start crying, its just to painful.

Wow! Trauma! That could mess a person up for a while I'd think!


Once while chaperoning a high school choir trip, one of the choirs was to perform on the stage in Tomorrowland. There was time for 1 more ride before the kids had to go to the changing area to get ready to perform. My husband and I got in line for Space Mountain and noticed several of the performers in line in front of us. As soon as our rocket got to the curved area ready to blast off, the ride shut down. A CM told us we would get going shortly. After about 15 minutes, I started panicking. The CM kept reassuring me the ride would start shortly. I explained the problem to him. About 10 minutes later, he let my husband and I out of our rocket and asked how many choir kids we still had on the ride. The CM's went through the ride and got them out of the rockets so we could make it to our performance on time. The CM's were great. Found out later the problem was a hand towel that had accidentally been lost from someones possession, had hit a sensor, causing the ride to stop. Of course the next year when we had our final parent, student meeting before our choir trip, I made sure to announce to the students going that No One was to take towels from the hotel this time.

My worst experience though was talking my mother into riding BTMRR, at the age of 70. I've been on it so many times that I never thought it would be a problem for her. She was so terrified that I spent the entire trip praying to the Lord to please let her live.


Active Member
Back in 97 I got stock on JOurney in to Your Imagination. It was the part where Figment is in the middle and plants were growing on a screen. All I remember about the room was the narration saying... Germination then back to seed.


Active Member
I attended Grad Night in 2005 and I had already had a very bad night and it was only like Six o'clock and by best friend and I had a big argument anyways I go off on my own and later met up with some other friends and we ride Haunted Mansion, 2005 they had all these dance clubs in the park so none of the rides had waits, so we get there and go throught the streching room and get to the part where you kind of start to go up hill it stopped and the lights came on and I started to look around and then I mad a very very big mistake I looked down and I saw that there was a very large distance to the ground I started flipping out b/c I have horrible anxiety, and are also very scared of heights and the fact that I was stuck bad my anxiety flair up and then looking down made my fears an all to real idea, but once the lights went back off I was fine:veryconfu


Well-Known Member
It was my last night at WDW and me and my cousin were riding Splash Mountain. Unfortunately, we got in the same log as four stoned teenagers in a group, and they just would not shut up! I don't mind if you make noise on a ride, rides are not meant to be quiet, but when you are singing and screaming at the top of your lungs it gets old really quick. They also kept standing up while the logs were moving! Grr... Luckily it wasn't my last ride on Splash Mountain of the trip, We got on once more and it was just fine.


Well-Known Member
- Alien Encounter. I cried so hard. I don't think I've ever been that terrified in my life. I came off that ride covered in tears and snot.

- Everest. I had my eyes closed and screaming the whole time. So much worse than BTMRR, don't let them fool you!

- Test Track. High speed loops are no fun when you're going slow like a turtle. I felt like I was going to fall out of the car.

- Carousel of Progress. People who talk during the entire show! But it warms my heart when people sing along.


New Member
Well its not a ride, but Philharmagic...it seems like every time we go to that something bad happens. People can be so rude! They jump out in front of me and separate me from my group and then want to get an attitude with me about it, like I did something wrong! Grr. :mad:


Well-Known Member
should-be-BELLE said:
Mine was this past week on the Haunted Mansion. There were 3 small crying kids in the stretch room screaming so loud that you couldn't hear the Ghost Host at all. Luckily on the actual ride I wasn't too close to them, but I did hear their screams during the whole ride! If your child is afraid of a ride, good Lord please don't put them through the agony of it. It ruins it for the others.

Mine was similar to the above story. We were waiting in line for Tower of Terror. When we got to the load area, the CM was organizing us into rows as normal, but then I overheard this little boy begging his father (I assume it was his father) not to make him ride it. I thought, oh boy! This kid is gonna be on our elevator. The father was practically suffocating the kid to make him stop complaining. When we got on the elevator, the kid kept saying that he didn't want to ride the ride. By the time the ride actually started, he was screaming bloody murder. I was glad that I was behind him instead of in front of him so it wasn't as loud as it could have been.

When the elevator started going forward toward the drop shaft, I thought the kid was going to have a breakdown of some kind. He was literally beside himself. However, during the actual drops, he was very quiet. Finally, when we got off the ride, he was quiet, and his father was telling everyone that he (the boy) wanted to go again.

The bottom line is that parents should NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES force a child to ride a ride. Even if this kid really did want to ride again, the second that he started begging to get out of line, the father should have taken him out of line. If the kid said that he wanted to go on the ride later, too bad, you missed your chance. It isn't fair to everyone else on the ride to have to listen to that the entire time. It isn't like you have to be quiet on Tower of Terror, but this kid never stopped sceaming at the top of his lungs until the actual drop.


New Member
My worst experience was in Philharmagic. It was the last night before I moved away from Orlando (and away from WDW :( ). My wife and I wanted to have one last fun night at MK. We went in Philharmagic, and this group of at least 5 or 6 tweens were sitting right behind us. The show started, and all seemed well, but as soon as they heard a song they recognized, they thought it to be just fine to sing it at the top of their lungs (not even close to the right key). It just ruined the ride for us and everyine else.


New Member
I really don't like it when parents force their kids on rides they know they can't handle. My dad once forced me on a dark ride at a park I used to go to when I was a kid. Since it was a dark ride I couldn't tell what was going to happen so I didn't want to go on it. But since it was new my dad wanted to see how it was like so he took me on it.

Now I didn't scream at the top of my lungs like most kids do, I stayed silent for the entire ride as I kept my eyes closed. When my dad had to tell me the ride was over he knew he made a mistake. That was the first and only time he did that to me, he still feels a bit sorry to this day.

Now my mom did force me on the Haunted Mansion but she only did that because she knew I could handle it since I was a bit older. She was right on that one!:cool:

But for most parents they just force their kids on rides they don't want to and it's really sad.


New Member
I love all the rides and exhibits. I had a bad experience with a CM.

I visited WDW for the first time in years a few weeks back (me being 20 now, last time I think I was 3) with my family. My parents really wanted to see the 5pm parade at MK for my little brother (4) and sister (2). They decided it would be best to wait for the parade at Main Street USA for an hour or so before the parade was to pass by. So we sit on the street edge for an hour in 90 degree heat and high humidity, my brother and sister are getting restless and causing trouble, and my parents could care less.

The parade comes by and by this time im hot, tired, bored, and have a headache. All of a sudden one of the pirates jumps out at me on the parade route and yells in my face "SMILE!" in a sarcastic manor. I didn't think it was too appropriate and it imbarressed me in front of everyone around me because then all the guests stared at me. Maybe pirates are allowed to be rude to guests cause after all, they are pirates? I have the incident on video so maybe I can get a screenshot of this or something.

Otherwise WDW was fun even though I didn't get to see 1/4 of the stuff on my 2 day visit.


Well-Known Member
Worst ride experience was being stuck on the harry potter ride and at ending when the owl....oh wait that has not happened yet.


Crazy Harry

Active Member
When my sister was seven we went to wdw and I convinced her to go on Space Mountain. She started crying on the friggin lift hill and didn't stop screaming and crying the entire ride. It only took her like 6 or 7 years to get over it, and to trust me again. Now she's like me, there's nothing she won't go on.


For me it was on SGE last summer. During the show a lady jumps up out of her seat and starts screaming at the guy next to her. She claimed he inappropriatly touched her. Poor guy looked confused, but I don't know if he did it or not. But bottom line, she carried on and on so loudly, nobody could focus on the show. The cm tried valiantly to deal with the situation until security could get there, but this lady was eager to be on display.:(

BTW, we saw her chasing the "suspect" through tomorrowland a few minutes later. I guess she was going to exact her own punishment.:lookaroun


New Member
I was riding its a small world. The boat stopped right next to the out of tune bagpipe player towards the end of the ride. We were stuck there for 35 min. I heard that damn song play over and over again like 3 times with the out of tune bagpipe player. That was really annoying. Still to this day i can still clearly hear that damn bagpipe playing out of tune. I wanted to do beat my head of a wall after riding that ride that day.
:hurl: Happened to me on one of my favorite rides....Splash Mountain. Just prior to going up the final hill, a young boy, probably about 9 or 10, told his mom that he wasn't feeling well and she told him that the ride was almost over. Well, within seconds, he ended up spewing just near the top of the hill (IN THE LOG!!) and the rest of us in the log ended up smelling his relief, though it was just for a short time, it seemed like an eternity. We'll NEVER forget that!


New Member
my only bad ride experiance at disney is that when i got on space mountain about a year ago as i sat down my sunglasses in my pocket slipped round me,(still in my pocket mind they were zip up pockets too) before i realised and could anything about it my restraint was locked and the ride had started.
i went through the whole ride with my sunglasses poking me painfully in my posterior,and not only that my sunglasses brock in the process so i had to buy some new ones.

i have never had a bad ride on m:s ever and i rode it something like 30 times last year alone, never had anyone throw up or myself throw up on it.
maybe im just lucky.:D


New Member
Disneybird said:
Found out later the problem was a hand towel that had accidentally been lost from someones possession, had hit a sensor, causing the ride to stop. Of course the next year when we had our final parent, student meeting before our choir trip, I made sure to announce to the students going that No One was to take towels from the hotel this time.

And what did the CMs tell the other guests what the issue was?

"Sorry. Space Mountain is experiencing Technical Difficulties. Please check back again later." And not "Yeah, we're closed because SOMEONE doesn't know how to hold onto a towel! You're all being inconvenienced because of THAT KID from XYZ Chorus. Let 'em know how you feel about this after their show."

So next time you see a ride go down at the parks, don't knee-jerk assume that the ride is "broken" or that maintenance's budget must have been slashed, or that the CMs who work there are so stupid that they don't know how to keep the ride operating smoothly. Sometimes it just isn't Disney's fault... and we respect our guests too much to embarass them by assigning blame, especially in front of thousands of other guests.


Well-Known Member
browniebee said:
Another time, in 2002 we were at Voayge of the Little Mermaid, and the woman behind us was singing along VERY LOUDLY to all the songs.

That wasn't a woman, that was Vince. :lookaroun

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