Worst Disney Experience


Well-Known Member
This isn't really a bad experience as it falls into the "stupid guest" realm.

There was a large line waiting to get on to the bus to leave Magic Kingdom in the afternoon. We were all about to get on when they stopped the line. A hispanic family were leading their blind uncle onto the bus, so they were allowed to go ahead of everyone. I knew this because they made it a point to shout something about their "blind" uncle.

Now, I'm not a doctor, but most blind people would have a cane, a dog, or a loved one at their side leading them. They also have their eyes covered with shades or their eyes are open but looking off in directions.

This family pulled the man by his arms, which were outstretched like he was a zombie looking for brains, and he had his eyes CLOSED, like he was sleepwalking. Mom pulled him by his right, the children by his left. THe family boarded before the giant line.

When were on the bus, I looked at the gentleman. His eyes were open, and he looked right back at me, with that sense of acknowledgement, then nervously looked around with purpose, focus..a sense that he could see everything around him.

People ::shakes head::


My worst tales involve some of the stupid things people write on these forums when it comes to "what's your worst experience". I forget that I read them here. Some legit bad luck stuff and I have sympathy for, but when they start blaming CM's and Disney I almost always want to take "them to the ladies room".


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Yeah, it's almost as bad as somebody bumping a thread just to cast thinly disguised threats at members of an internet forum.


Well-Known Member
No bad CMs...they are everyday people just like me trying to make a living. Everyone has a bad day every now and again...even in Disney. :)

Other than having some problems with a resort, I have never experienced any problems with Disney.

I have had a few problems with some guests thinking they are better than others or are immune to rules, line jumping, foreign groups being rude, cleanliness of some guests, etc.,


Well-Known Member
My worst tales involve some of the stupid things people write on these forums when it comes to "what's your worst experience". I forget that I read them here. Some legit bad luck stuff and I have sympathy for, but when they start blaming CM's and Disney I almost always want to take "them to the ladies room".

Take them to the ladies room? What a strange thing to want to do.

Where you the guy that was recently caught in the ladies room in Epcot spying on females in the stall?


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
My worst trip was probably going to WDW and for the first time all the magic left me on a couple of rides and instead of enjoying them, I was looking at all the bad things in them. Like how dusty Snow White's Adventures was. Or the breaks on The Mad Tea Party. AA's not moving in Ellen. Ect. I couldn't stop thinking about them. Another bad experience was when I went to see CBJ and the volume was incredibly soft. I told a cast member and he said "okay". I was actually amazed to go back and see it again and the sound was up. But I can't EVER stand to see CBJ again and just hear the clinks and clunks of the AA's instead of the audio. :dazzle:

I also read a book, might've been Mousejunkies but I'm not 100% sure... Anyways, the writer said that there was a mother and her son. They were waiting for a monorail when her son had to go to the bathroom. She told a cast member to hold the monorail while she took her son to the restroom and the cast member said she couldn't. So instead of taking her son to the restroom they went on the monorail. Then when she got off she and her son walked up to a cast member and said "My son left a little something for you to clean up inside". It's no 100% accurate from the book, but it ends up the son takes a dump inside the monorail and the cast members have to clean it up. :hurl:


The last original pavilion. :king:

Lord Pheonix

Active Member
It's come down to buses and scooters again that cause the most consternation in Disney. This will only get worse with the new "Living Seas" scooters.


if she goes deeper the pressure will squish her back into thin, then she might look good in a bathing suit again......


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
I'd be willing to bet both Dad's were either from: Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, or one of the Carolina's.

What a way to set an example for their children. :rolleyes:

HEYY!! :mad:

...yeaa... :zipit:

I'd like to bet S.C. I haven't seen too many ppl here who haven't had a fight in a country accent-rap-off d:


The last original pavilion. :king:


Well-Known Member
My worst tales involve some of the stupid things people write on these forums when it comes to "what's your worst experience". I forget that I read them here. Some legit bad luck stuff and I have sympathy for, but when they start blaming CM's and Disney I almost always want to take "them to the ladies room".

Take them to the ladies room? What a strange thing to want to do.

Where you the guy that was recently caught in the ladies room in Epcot spying on females in the stall?

Mr. Timoteo took me to the ladies room once. They had these strange, sink-shaped urinals, but that didn't stop him...


My worst WDW experience was not guest or CM related. A few years back, I volunteered to keep my youngest son while everyone else went to ride Splash Mountain, since he was not tall enough to ride (as an aside, he will be tall enough for the first time when were at the Magic Kingdom in 26 days!!! YAY!!!). So, after the whole crew (wife, two older kids, my father and my wife's mother) left to queue up, I went over to the smoking area right there by Splash/BTMRR and had a quick burn. Then I decided that we would walk around the Briar Patch and browse while we waited for everyone to finish riding. So, I walked over there and parked the stroller and went to unstrap my son from the seat and it was then that the smell just took my breath away. My little guy was just swimming in feces. It was everywhere. It must have been an inch deep in the stroller. So, I hurriedly ran over to the POC bathrooms, totally forgetting that there were bathrooms right where I was located, and locked myself in the family restroom for probably a good half-hour while I cleaned him up. I needed a good tub to plunk him down in to wash him and he wouldn't fit in the sink (I tried). Meanwhile, everyone's done with Splash and my wife is calling me to find where we're located and I'm not answering the phone because I'm up to my elbows in feces, so she's freaking out. It was a fiasco from the get-go and one Disney memory I will never, ever forget.

What a story to tell his future wife though! LOL!!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Worst Experience.

Yeh,our worst experience has happened on our four visits to WDW,and it's always on the same day.The last day when we say goodbye till our next visit.:wave:


New Member
We were on the bus one night from Hollywood Studios to Epcot and a mother and a her sons were on there, and they had purchased some of the light up stuff from one of the carts. The older son, who also had special needs, was I would guess 15 or so, had one of toys that you pressed the button and it spun. The other son was probably around 12 and had one of the fiber optic mohawks. Well the mother kept getting on to the older son for the spinning thing, but let's the younger son keep the mohawk on flashing colors and bright as can be, and completely driving many on the bus crazy.

Speaking of the buses, one thing that some people need to realize, is not everyone has a problem that is visible. I was hit by a car while on a bicycle and suffered three fractured vertabra, so I definitely have a sore back at the end of a day and sat down on the bus many times while still recieving dirtly looks from other passengers, because I am only in my 30s. However, there are times I will give up my seat, but I always make that my kids do, and make sure they understand why they are to do it.

Oh, we have also gotten dirty looks as my wife carries the packback throughout the day, since if I did, we would have to leave the park way too early.
Well, my worst experience wasn't exactly in Disney..I was on my way. This past trip I had a 530pm flight from NY to Orlando. We ended up getting delayed more and more as time passed, and didn't depart until 1230. It was Pop Warner week so as you can imagine, the airport was filled with screaming cheerleaders who were as frustrating as the delay itself. The flight was just as horrible... We got to Disney at 4:30 and woke up at 7 to go to Hollywood Studios that morning. Not the best start to a trip.

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