Worst Disney Experience


Active Member
Original Poster
hello everone. this is sort of awkward, but what is your worst disney expirance. wheter it be with a cast member of another guest

mine was on the buses going back to the restort. and there was a little boy who was:hurl::hurl:. yep then the cast members were yelling to move back closer, but no one would go near him
ps sorry if there is another thread similar to this


Well-Known Member
Once when getting in line for the... (can't remember the name) rafting in AK, these people were getting out their fast passes or something just standing there. So my parents say to go in front of them because they're not ready. I agreed, because they weren't in line. Yeah well, one had an electric scooter and tried to run over my foot *______*. Really, lady? Is it worth it? We would have sued her if I didn't run out of the way.


Active Member
Original Poster
Once when getting in line for the... (can't remember the name) rafting in AK, these people were getting out their fast passes or something just standing there. So my parents say to go in front of them because they're not ready. I agreed, because they weren't in line. Yeah well, one had an electric scooter and tried to run over my foot *______*. Really, lady? Is it worth it? We would have sued her if I didn't run out of the way.

uh that is never fun

im pretty sure you were talking about kali river rapids


Well-Known Member
Once at Hollywood Brown Derby my coffee was 180 degrees, I prefer it to be 190. Can you believe it?? At the prices they charge.


New Member
My worst experiences were always the bus back to the resorts after the parks close. Never enough busses and too many people in scooters. That late at night with wore out children, it is difficult to remain charitable for those who are less fortunate in their health when many of them are due to life choices (over eating).

The last time we went, it was the sheer number of scooters that was frustrating. I think it took 45 minutes to get onto the bus and we were near the middle of the line for the value resorts. We are staying at Coronado Springs this time so I have no clue what the bus lines will be like.

The other frustrating thing about the busses is many people do not have courtesy any longer. I always give up my seat to the elderly and most women. I saw too many healthy adults remaining in their seats while grandmothers were standing. Guess it is just the way I was raised.


Well-Known Member
The other frustrating thing about the busses is many people do not have courtesy any longer. I always give up my seat to the elderly and most women. I saw too many healthy adults remaining in their seats while grandmothers were standing. Guess it is just the way I was raised.

AMEN! I always give up my seat as well, especially for people with young children. My wife will as well. I saw a LOT of people unwilling to do so last year, and it really bothers me when I see teenagers that won't give up their seat and their parents don't say a word. My son was 6 on our last trip, and I told him to get up a couple of times, to which he protested because as he said "those other big kids aren't standing up for anyone." I explained things to him on the bus, and he happily gave up his seat for anyone who needed it more than him afterward, even at 10pm on the way back to the hotel! One older lady expressed her gratitude and told my wife that we were raising a "fine young man." Don't think I've ever been more proud of him. :) IIRC, he even said "you're welcome" without any prodding! :cool:

On our first trip, my wife held my son (5 years old at that time) on the entire trip back from MK to AKL as it was almost midnight and he was passed out. Yeah, we stood the entire bus ride while more than a few able bodied men sat comfortably in their seats. I think that's the only time I saw my wife really upset on any of our trips.

The only other thing that drives me crazy are the people with HUGE strollers (I'm not talking about umbrella strollers) that RUSH to get onto the bus first only to take the very front seats forcing everyone else to walk over their gargantuan stroller that sticks out into the aisle. They're also first to get off the bus. I don't get it.

Never really had a bad experience with a CM. Had slow service at some restaurants, but only when things were super busy and super hectic. Can't really blame the CMs in that situation. Doesn't bother me. We're on vacation enjoying ourselves, and their working their tails off, so we try to stay pretty laid back. Never had any problems on rides with the CMs either. Some rude guests every now and then, but you'll run into that anywhere. I'm sure we've done something on accident that offended a few people as well. We're surely not perfect!

Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
It's come down to buses and scooters again that cause the most consternation in Disney. This will only get worse with the new "Living Seas" scooters.



Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with a CM I don't think. I've seen other guests get angry over what I think are very small issues.

However I know I have made other guests mad and I will continue to do it every trip. I'm only 24 and I look fit and healthy but I have very bad knees, so bad it ended my sports career. I can walk all day without pain but I just can't stand still that long before they hurt but I'm still one of the first ones to give up a seat to the elderly or a parent holding a child. What I do That has gotten me more then one dirty look is if my GF and I have already given up our seats but their is still a parent holding a baby or an elderly person who you can tell needs to sit down then I'll look at my GF and say as loud as I can without screaming something to the effect of "some people really don't need to be sitting down" or something like that. It embarrasses my GF pretty good lol.


Well-Known Member
hello everone. this is sort of awkward, but what is your worst disney expirance. wheter it be with a cast member of another guest
mine was on the buses going back to the restort. and there was a little boy who was:hurl::hurl:. yep then the cast members were yelling to move back closer, but no one would go near him
ps sorry if there is another thread similar to this


I have to say when I was at DL's Toontown about to meet Mickey. There was a family in front of me and when the parents pushed the kids to see Mickey the kid screamed bloody terror and the parents dragged him back to see him..As they left you can hear the kid still screaming..


New Member
I was online for the Kali River Rapids ride and had my arms around my now fiancee and I guess this girl in line behind me didn't like it (or was jealous whatever) because she started talking about me calling me inappropriate names because I was hugging my boyfriend. It's not like we were making out or doing anything disgusting, I mean come on, it's Disney World in July and there are kids EVERYWHERE.
So then I said something to her and she threatened to beat the ________ out of me.
Security was a nightmare and I ended up leaving AK for the day because I was so peeved.

On a side note?
Never got to ride the rapids that trip D;


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with a CM I don't think. I've seen other guests get angry over what I think are very small issues.

However I know I have made other guests mad and I will continue to do it every trip. I'm only 24 and I look fit and healthy but I have very bad knees, so bad it ended my sports career. I can walk all day without pain but I just can't stand still that long before they hurt but I'm still one of the first ones to give up a seat to the elderly or a parent holding a child. What I do That has gotten me more then one dirty look is if my GF and I have already given up our seats but their is still a parent holding a baby or an elderly person who you can tell needs to sit down then I'll look at my GF and say as loud as I can without screaming something to the effect of "some people really don't need to be sitting down" or something like that. It embarrasses my GF pretty good lol.

Good for you. This is something that really ticks me off. When my boys were young they would fall asleep in my arms on the bus back to the resort. Many times I had to stand the whole way. Now my boys are older and always give up their seat as do I.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
I had my first and only issue with a CM on our trip from last week.

My wife who has been to WDW 6 times prior had never seen Beauty and the Beast Live show in DHS due to a variety of reason. She has always gone Christmas time so there was generally a xmas show there. Anyways, my kids and I decided to surprise her and planned on Sunday to go to the 5:45 showing.

We did Star Tours @ 5 with a 10 minute wait (thinking we had plenty of time) but it turned out MUCH longer so we ended up getting off ST @ 5:40. My wife as waiting for us since she doesn't do ST so I said "let's go" and started walking. We walked very quickly to get there and as we approached my kids and I had to use the restroom badly. We told her her surprise which made her very happy and said to go in and save 3 seats and we would be right there since we used the bathrooms next to ToT.

When we headed up the ramp they had it roped off as it was @ capacity. I told the CM that my wife was in there and saving seats as we had to use the restrooms. She said, "sorry, it's full. You can't go in." I said to her that we had seats saved and she said it doesn't matter unless we had "blue cards" to get back in and basically called me a liar cuz she said "they hear that all the time". I even showed her the text my wife sent telling us where she was. This CM was the biggest bi&ch I have ever dealt with and basically told me I was S-O-L. I texted my wife telling her what was going on and she came down towards us. The witch of a CM and another moron CM who now was doing nothing to help saw her and didn't say a damn thing. They STILL would not let us go in. I NEVER lose my temper in public or cause a scene so when I went up one side of her and down the other, my kids were shocked. She never apologized or offered a solution and was just being an outright bi&ch.

I abruptly walked to Guest Services and they also did absolutely nothing other than offer us VIP seating to one of the shows on the Friday we were going to be there. The guy there barely offered an apology as well.

I was livid and angry for the better part of an hour after. I have never had any experience like this in WDW in the 4 times I've been there nor had my wife in her 7 times. I've only had a couple of mediocre experiences with CMs in the past and this trip so this was infuriating as I wasn't even asking for anything special........just to get in and watch the show with my wife.

We didnt use the VIP on Friday as we went to an earlier show that suited our schedule better but did get to have my wife see the show.


Premium Member
Long story short....a South American tour group threw soda on my husband and I after Spectromagic. We had been sitting in a spot first and they wanted our spot. So when the parade started everyone around us stood up so we did as well, the tour group apparently didn't like it and threw their pop on us and the family next to us. A CM was informed and since the tour group scattered into the crowd nothing was done to them but my husband and I were given new shirts and the family and us were taken to a VIP area to watch Wishes.


Well-Known Member
Long story short....a South American tour group threw soda on my husband and I after Spectromagic. We had been sitting in a spot first and they wanted our spot. So when the parade started everyone around us stood up so we did as well, the tour group apparently didn't like it and threw their pop on us and the family next to us. A CM was informed and since the tour group scattered into the crowd nothing was done to them but my husband and I were given new shirts and the family and us were taken to a VIP area to watch Wishes.

Wow. How rude.

I guess this is a normal thing, but in the small queue tunnels for Splash Mountain, you know, the REALLY tight and small tunnels, a tour group started doing what they do the best, annoying us all with their chants. Since these tunnels were so small, and the walls were so close together, the sound traveled through the tunnel so quickly and so loudly. What's even better is that they got even louder, which seemed intentional.


Well-Known Member
We noticed the chanting thing from foreign tour groups. Annoying to say the least, especially when two of them start competing (this happened while we were waiting in the stands for Fantasmic).

I guess this is a normal thing, but in the small queue tunnels for Splash Mountain, you know, the REALLY tight and small tunnels, a tour group started doing what they do the best, annoying us all with their chants. Since these tunnels were so small, and the walls were so close together, the sound traveled through the tunnel so quickly and so loudly. What's even better is that they got even louder, which seemed intentional.


Active Member
I had my first and only issue with a CM on our trip from last week.

My wife who has been to WDW 6 times prior had never seen Beauty and the Beast Live show in DHS due to a variety of reason. She has always gone Christmas time so there was generally a xmas show there. Anyways, my kids and I decided to surprise her and planned on Sunday to go to the 5:45 showing.

We did Star Tours @ 5 with a 10 minute wait (thinking we had plenty of time) but it turned out MUCH longer so we ended up getting off ST @ 5:40. My wife as waiting for us since she doesn't do ST so I said "let's go" and started walking. We walked very quickly to get there and as we approached my kids and I had to use the restroom badly. We told her her surprise which made her very happy and said to go in and save 3 seats and we would be right there since we used the bathrooms next to ToT.

When we headed up the ramp they had it roped off as it was @ capacity. I told the CM that my wife was in there and saving seats as we had to use the restrooms. She said, "sorry, it's full. You can't go in." I said to her that we had seats saved and she said it doesn't matter unless we had "blue cards" to get back in and basically called me a liar cuz she said "they hear that all the time". I even showed her the text my wife sent telling us where she was. This CM was the biggest bi&ch I have ever dealt with and basically told me I was S-O-L. I texted my wife telling her what was going on and she came down towards us. The witch of a CM and another moron CM who now was doing nothing to help saw her and didn't say a damn thing. They STILL would not let us go in. I NEVER lose my temper in public or cause a scene so when I went up one side of her and down the other, my kids were shocked. She never apologized or offered a solution and was just being an outright bi&ch.

I abruptly walked to Guest Services and they also did absolutely nothing other than offer us VIP seating to one of the shows on the Friday we were going to be there. The guy there barely offered an apology as well.

I was livid and angry for the better part of an hour after. I have never had any experience like this in WDW in the 4 times I've been there nor had my wife in her 7 times. I've only had a couple of mediocre experiences with CMs in the past and this trip so this was infuriating as I wasn't even asking for anything special........just to get in and watch the show with my wife.

We didnt use the VIP on Friday as we went to an earlier show that suited our schedule better but did get to have my wife see the show.
Being on your side, yes that is frustrating, but they were doing their job, which is to cut the flow of traffic into the theatre at a certain time. They also probably at first did not want to let you in because they just turned away so many people, that if someone saw you get let in, they would just get yelled at even more.

If I were working, I'd point in the direction down somewhere else, then have a CM over there to discreetly let you in, so that everyone wouldn't see you getting let in, and no one else. Also, the guy at Guest Relations was probably not going to apologize for a Cast Member doing their job.


Active Member
I had my first and only issue with a CM on our trip from last week.

My wife who has been to WDW 6 times prior had never seen Beauty and the Beast Live show in DHS due to a variety of reason. She has always gone Christmas time so there was generally a xmas show there. Anyways, my kids and I decided to surprise her and planned on Sunday to go to the 5:45 showing.

We did Star Tours @ 5 with a 10 minute wait (thinking we had plenty of time) but it turned out MUCH longer so we ended up getting off ST @ 5:40. My wife as waiting for us since she doesn't do ST so I said "let's go" and started walking. We walked very quickly to get there and as we approached my kids and I had to use the restroom badly. We told her her surprise which made her very happy and said to go in and save 3 seats and we would be right there since we used the bathrooms next to ToT.

When we headed up the ramp they had it roped off as it was @ capacity. I told the CM that my wife was in there and saving seats as we had to use the restrooms. She said, "sorry, it's full. You can't go in." I said to her that we had seats saved and she said it doesn't matter unless we had "blue cards" to get back in and basically called me a liar cuz she said "they hear that all the time". I even showed her the text my wife sent telling us where she was. This CM was the biggest bi&ch I have ever dealt with and basically told me I was S-O-L. I texted my wife telling her what was going on and she came down towards us. The witch of a CM and another moron CM who now was doing nothing to help saw her and didn't say a damn thing. They STILL would not let us go in. I NEVER lose my temper in public or cause a scene so when I went up one side of her and down the other, my kids were shocked. She never apologized or offered a solution and was just being an outright bi&ch.

I abruptly walked to Guest Services and they also did absolutely nothing other than offer us VIP seating to one of the shows on the Friday we were going to be there. The guy there barely offered an apology as well.

I was livid and angry for the better part of an hour after. I have never had any experience like this in WDW in the 4 times I've been there nor had my wife in her 7 times. I've only had a couple of mediocre experiences with CMs in the past and this trip so this was infuriating as I wasn't even asking for anything special........just to get in and watch the show with my wife.

We didnt use the VIP on Friday as we went to an earlier show that suited our schedule better but did get to have my wife see the show.

While it could have been handled in a better way when a show has reached capacity even if there was room to squeeze you in a cast member is told that no one else may enter. I understand that you were stuck in line at Star Tours but you did arrive to the show late. Guest Relations did offer you a solution and that should have been seen as the apology.

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