Worst dining experience


Original Poster
OK we have all said what good, but lets go the other way.

What the worst place you have eaten at in Disney World.

Mine is Todd English's bluezoo- the food was undercooked and way overpriced.


New Member
Hmm.. I would say Cinderella's Royal Table. I was really excited to eat here, I'd never done it before, but MAN was I disappointed.. I think I was just underwhelmed. I imagined the restaurant to be covered in pixie dust or something and it just wasn't :(


New Member
My families would have to be the 50's Dinner. My husband did not eat anything there because he has this thing about not eating meat on a bone (don't ask), and the food was very overpriced. We liked the funny ladies that served us and all, but it was not the greatest place we have ever dined before. :(


New Member
Mine would have to be the Rainforest Cafe at Animal Kingdom.The restaurant was really neat, but the food and service was horrible, and too overpriced.


Well-Known Member
I can't say I've had anything truly bad, except for a horrible meal once at ABC Commisary. I've been there a couple of times since and been fine - I assume I just got a stale burger.

As far as sit-down, again, I can't say I've ever had something truly bad - but I find the Rainforrest Cafe a big fat rip-off. The food is really no better than park fast food, it's a lot more expensive, and the service sucks. I've tried it a couple of times, but don't bother any more.



New Member
Mine was at the 50's Primetime, too. The food was ok, but very overpriced. There was quite a wait, even with the PS. The waiting room was packed and there was no where to sit. The service was lousy. Our waiter was completly uninterested in helping us and did none of the fun things that the restaurant is know for. This is not a place I'd go back to.


Well-Known Member
We have had 2 bad exeriences
1. The coral reef for dinner. The meal was ok and very small. This was the the first night at WDW and we had been up since 3:00 AM and only had breakfast to eat about 6:00 AM and were extremely hungry. We ordered an appatizer and had our entrees and were still starving after that, and the bill was over $100.00 for myself DW and my DD. Now at Disney you typically get more food than you want, but this was definatly an exception.

2. Cinderellas Royal table for breakfast. The food was good and the atmosphere was excellent except for the water dripping on us as we were eating. We complained about it and wanted to move and they could not move us because they were fuly booked and had no table open. We were then given the reason for the water dripping is that they shut off the AC at night (last week of August) and the condensation on the ceiling drips in this one area. Let me tell you it is hard to enjoy a $60.00 breakfast in the rain.:mad:


New Member
When I was a kid we ate at L'Originale Alfredo di Roma in Italy, though I think it may have had another name back then. I had some lasagna and became violently sick a few hours later and spent the rest of the trip in the hotel room. :zipit: Now I'm certain that the food wasn't really to blame, but I didn't eat any italian food for years after, and I still can't make myself eat at the restaurant in Italy.


New Member
Fun times! Great story!

I would have to say Chef Mickey's hands down... I got a piece of plastic in my buscuit and didn't know it until I was about to swallow it! (well actually I was trying to finish the bite quickly so i could take a picture... :rolleyes: ) so I hadn't chewed it entirely - tried to swallow and choked... not dangerous lost alot of air choked... but scratched my throat until it bled choked... lol... yeah - so that pretty much ruined breakfast... on my birthday no less... grrr... the head chef and i had a little conversation about it - he actually grabbed the napkin that i spit it into and dug the plastic out so he could go figure out where it came from (sure hope he washed his hands afterwards :lookaroun ) He came back about 10 minutes later and said it was from the top of a ketchup bottle... lovely. I know it probably doesn't happen often there... but we still have no desire to ever go back to Chef Mickey's... one bad experience was enough...


Not old, just vintage.
Ooooh. This is an easy one for me. We ate at San Angel Inn for dinner. I had the meat Tacos. I got the worst food poisoning of MY LIFE. I threw up and/or dry heaved from 10pm that night (Friday) straight through to 9am (Sunday). Mid day on Saturday we took me to the hospital because I was so dehydrated and my espohagus had started to rupture. I completely destroyed a room at Disney's All Star Music ( I heard after the fact that they had to all but burn the room down and start over again....:lookaroun ) It was certainly a memorable experience. One I wish I could forget. I was only 13 at the time and I was definetly traumatized by this. To this day (9 years later) I still will not eat any Mexican food from anywhere, ever. I still have problems with my espohagus and have had chronic acid reflux as a result ever since. It's the worst souvenir I ever got from WDW. :hurl: :cry:

Needless to say I avoid the Mexico pavillion ( I get nauseous walking past it) at all costs and an extremely cautious (to the point of near insanity) of anything I eat in WDW.

Edit: Oh, and I think Rainforest Cafe is a total rip off (bad service, crappy food) and I despise the Flame Tree Barbeque in AK. The food just tastes gross to me.


Oh I loved Bluezoo, but hey mistakes happen everywhere. We just drew bad luck at Jiko, the food wasn't our type, that's nobody's fault, however our waitress was very negative. She acted like she was special, and as if she didn't care what happened to us at all, we were just a way for her to earn money.

Oh well, I still love all of the restaurants around Disney!


New Member
What's up with everyone bashing Rainforest Cafe? That is one of our favorite restaurants in the Disney area. We often go there more than once per trip. I have never had anything but good service there. It always amazes me how quickly the food comes out when they have so many people eating there. Granted, we usually eat at the DD Rainforest Cafe, but I have been to the one at AK a few times with no problems. The food is expensive, but so is every single Disney-run restaurant.

The worst experience we have had was at Rose and Crown. It took FOREVER to get our food, and when it came it was very bland. We were very excited about going there, but will never go back.


Active Member
Sledge said:
ABC Commisary was just horrible.
I'll second that - worst counter service meal I've ever had in the parks... Totally not worth the money (and I normally like WDW food!!)

Worst table service meal? Hmmm... I'd have to say it's a toss up between the Coral Reef and the Sci-Fi. (although I know I'm pretty alone for the latter!)


Active Member
I have to agree that Rainforest Cafe is the worst. The worst meal was at Bonfamilies @ PO. I ordered the chicken and it was not cooked and still bleeding. I showed it to the waiter and within 1 min the head chef came out and apologized up and down and offered to fix anything I wanted personally. The meal was free and he offered to pick up the bar tab for the night.

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