Worst attraction in WDW property?

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
I suppose living 2 hours from the bright lights of Broadway have spoiled me. However, seeing the people talking and moving the mouth of the puppet is a drag. Maybe if they used a black background with the people wearing black clothes so they can't be seen, it would be better.
I think you're missing the point of the intent of the show and how it's designed.

The puppets are an extension of the actors/puppeteers and vice versa.

Think of it terms of the animus theory in psychology.


Think for yourselfer
Worst attraction at WDW is the stroller parking lot outside Philharmagic. I just don't know what TDO was thinking with that? Is it supposed to be a maze? Maybe they were going for something like Tom Sawyer Island caves inside of FantasyLand. The queue is poorly designed, and the exit is just a bottleneck. Plus I believe the theming is lacking. It is just an eyesore.

Second place goes to SGE.


The Epcot Manifesto
I suppose living 2 hours from the bright lights of Broadway have spoiled me. However, seeing the people talking and moving the mouth of the puppet is a drag. Maybe if they used a black background with the people wearing black clothes so they can't be seen, it would be better.
Avenue Q was/is a huge hit on Broadway, and that show uses puppets in that exact fashion. In fact, one of the writers of Avenue Q is the guy who developed the Nemo show. It's the most Broadway style show that WDW does! I mean, Disney themselves did something like this with The Lion King on Broadway, which is currently (according to everyone's favorite Wikipedia) the 9th longest running Broadway show in history.

If I were to pick my worst attraction, its Tiki Room UNM. As a HUGE original Tiki Room fan, it kills me. I must be a glutton for punishment though, because every single time I go to WDW, I march into that show thinking "it can't be as bad as I remember it last time, I'm just blowing it out of proportion", and 1 minute in, I want to start weeping...


Well-Known Member
Worst attactions by park: (IMO)

MK - Tomorrowland Speedway - I know when I go to DW later this year, my 3 yr old will want to go on it because he loves cars. But, he doesn't understand the themeing. I've only been on it once the first time I went to DW. It needs to get replaced by something that goes along the lines of Tommowland.

Epcot - I didn't like Mission Space all that much. But, I'd like to see more rides in the World Showcase. I like the water rides in Norway and Mexico.

DHS - Sounds Dangerous is pretty boring.

AK - It's gotta be the carnival area. Like someone else said, cheap county fair.


Well-Known Member
It was like being tricked into a Time Share Meeting.

This made me LOL really hard in the middle of this library! (shhhhhh.......)

and sshindel...I am so with you on the Tiki Room fiasco.
I am such a huge fan of the original, that I have the soundtrack to listen to when I need a big boost of happy.

I haven't even seen the new version in person...only on video.
I absolutely refuse to step foot in the theatre until they return it to it's original glory.


Well-Known Member
MK - SGE, Indy Speedway.
Epcot - Seas With Nemo And Friends, Journey into Imagination, Test Track. (The car ride there is more fun.)
DHS - Narnia, Sounds Dangerous.

I dislike:

MK: Indy Snailway (nothing about the futre, ugly, slow...)
Epcot: Journey into Imagination (I think it's the worst on property)
DHS: Muppet Vision: 3D (puts me to sleep and I hate the plot)
AK: Narnia (can't believe it's still there, even after D dumped the series)

Narnia's in DHS.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Wow! There's a lot you seem to not like about WDW. Just wanted to comment on a few:

First, Snow White's Scary Adventure is aimed towards kids. Not sure exactly how you would make Snow White a thrill ride. I mean, it's a kids' story after all. It SHOULD be "kiddie". :veryconfu

Dinosaur? Really? I agree the storyline isn't that great, but saying it's one of the worst attractions at WDW? Seriously? :shrug:

And Expedition Everest?? Yes, the Yeti isn't working which kind of stinks, but you think because the Yeti doesn't work that the ride is one of the worst in WDW? Wow! I can't believe that if the Yeti swung his arm 6 ft as it was intended that it would go from the worst attraction to being one of the best. Just... wow! :hammer:

The ride is themed to the Yeti. It was designed to build up to a climax where you see the Yeti. And now, thanks to the broken Yeti, the climax isn't there. You just go forwards and backwards on a heavily themed roller coaster. Big deal.

As for Dinosaur, I expected more. But I found it dull. The AAs weren't particulary convincing.

As for Snow White...you're probably right. I hope the new Dwarfs Mine Train will be for everybody, however.

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
The ride is themed to the Yeti. It was designed to build up to a climax where you see the Yeti. And now, thanks to the broken Yeti, the climax isn't there. You just go forwards and backwards on a heavily themed roller coaster. Big deal.

As for Dinosaur, I expected more. But I found it dull. The AAs weren't particulary convincing.

As for Snow White...you're probably right. I hope the new Dwarfs Mine Train will be for everybody, however.

Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of what they like and don't like. I'm not one to say that anyone's opinion is wrong. I personally enjoy the entire ride on EE, especially going backwards at high speeds. Yes, the ride would be better if the Yeti worked properly and the quality of the ride suffers because it doesn't work, but I personally don't feel it's one of the worst rides in WDW because the Yeti doesn't work.

With that said, yes I wish they would fix him. I honestly think that the price to fix him is so high that they are having trouble getting the expenditure approved by the board for now. I don't think Disney is purposely letting one of their prized creations rot. They're waiting for the sizeable expenditure to be approved.

As for Dinosaur, I didn't have any expectations for that ride because I just sort of stumbled upon it by accident my first visit to Animal Kingdom. Maybe that's where the difference is. If someone builds it up as being great and then I rode it, I might have been disappointed too. I still think there are dozens of attractions that are far worse.

And Snow White is Snow White. :p


Well-Known Member
Epcot: Journey into your Imagination as of today I think is the worse attraction in history, its cheap and nowhere near the good old Disney quality.

Magic Kingdom: I have to say Stiches great escape is pretty bad but I also wasn't very impressed with alien encounter either. I think that whole stadium with the effects it has is bad all together. I think they should switch out the well outdated effects on the stage and make a fear factor type experience, scare the living hell out of people and have a god thrill.

Animal Kindgom: I would have to say the whole street fair area just because I can see that anywhere and the sun beats down in that spot so bad.

Hollywood Studios:Now dont kill me for this this is just my opinion. I despise the tower of terror, the theme part is shorter than journey into your imagination, the line is way to freaking long and there isn't much drop time. Not to mention the fear of getting nailed by pennies and flying food which has happened. I can go to an average amusement park way closer and ride a more thrilling drop with more drop time, no line, and way more of a thrill.


New Member
Epcot: Journey into your Imagination as of today I think is the worse attraction in history, its cheap and nowhere near the good old Disney quality.

Magic Kingdom: I have to say Stiches great escape is pretty bad but I also wasn't very impressed with alien encounter either. I think that whole stadium with the effects it has is bad all together. I think they should switch out the well outdated effects on the stage and make a fear factor type experience, scare the living hell out of people and have a god thrill.

Animal Kindgom: I would have to say the whole street fair area just because I can see that anywhere and the sun beats down in that spot so bad.

Hollywood Studios:Now dont kill me for this this is just my opinion. I despise the tower of terror, the theme part is shorter than journey into your imagination, the line is way to freaking long and there isn't much drop time. Not to mention the fear of getting nailed by pennies and flying food which has happened. I can go to an average amusement park way closer and ride a more thrilling drop with more drop time, no line, and way more of a thrill.

Wow you must be joking about ToT, it is amazing and has the LONGEST drop time out of any freefall ride. Not to mention the drop sequence introduced during Summer Nightastic was EPIC.


Well-Known Member
There are a few I'm sure that are terrible (Sounds Dangerous, Narnia), but I've never bothered to do them.

Indy Speedway I hate, but my kids love it, so it serves a purpose.

I personally can't stand Universe of Energy. The dinosaur part is cool, but the whole Ellen thing is the most boring, long experience at Disney.


Premium Member
I think there are a few simple solutions for the speedway:
1. Change the name to cosmic highway.
2. Make the cars electric and futuristic looking.
3. Add futuristic bilboards and other neat details to the scenery.
The simple fact is that the ride is very popular with kids because they love to be able to drive their own car. I think it should be kept, but redone with the solutions above.

Yes, whenever we have smaller children in the group they beg to ride on it, and even the older kids like to go on it with them if the line isn't long. But, if they announced tomorrow they were enclosing the entire track and bringing in tron-like lightcycles I would mark the day it opened on my calendar so we could be there to ride it...

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