World of Disney store(s) rumor...


Well-Known Member
A restaurant with a feel like "The Animator's Palette" (sp?) would be cool since people don't go on the cruise line just for that one restaurant.


Well-Known Member
Why does it all have to revolve around the characters? That seems to me to be a huge limiting mindset - I mean there is so much more that Disney has to offer. I would probably do a restaurant based on one of the movies, but it certainly could be something else entirely. Most of the rides and restaurants are (or at one time were) pretty unique themes unto themselves.

I also think that you could get away with just one or two characters and still not draw from the park attendance. I mean, people go all that way not just to see one character. Plus, if anything, it gives just a little taste leaving people wanting more.

I think the shopping also has to be more of an event. Not just better characters, but it should really extend into all types of merchandise - housewears, towels, toys, books, clothing, gadgetss - the whole shebang. And decent quality to set it apart from the stuff you get at wally world.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about a very subdued restaurant... like the Cruise Line.... very understated Disney elegance, you know...

I don't even think there is a single restaurant in WDW that is themed like that... imagine a Disney store, with different character sculptures and such and lots of dark, yet colorful, colors... mahogany, brass fixtures, just like the old Disney Store in NYC, but with the added element of dining. No character meals, no tea parties, just themed dining. Pure and simple. Like the ESPN Zone, but instead of the sports motif, it's the Disney motif. Plus, this would only be in large market areas, high traffic metropolitan areas.

It's not a tourist draw in itself, but, let's say the family goes to NYC for summer vacation. They're walking down 5th Ave and see the Disney Restaurant! "Oooh wow, can we go, Dad?" "Sure, why not?"

They go in, they get a taste of the Disney experience, then BAM! after they're finished eating, there's a Disney Park & Resorts kiosk right there with planning information and brochures for WDW and DLR.

This seriously would not detract from theme park attendance... :lol:

"Mom, can we go to Disney World?"

"Sorry, son. We ate at the Disney Restaurant in New York. That's good enough."



Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I think a revamped store at the Mall of America would be a great idea. ;) And, seriously, it would fit the mold. You have lots of people visiting MOA from all over the country/world, it would be a great place to introduce WDW/DL to folks from far and wide. Plus, being Disney freaks means we'll make it a point to go there, unlike now, where we don't go unless we're there.


New Member
As a person living in Minnesota, I 2nd the idea for a revamped MOA store. If they do go to World of Disney stores in major cites MOA is deserving of one.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I went to the Mall of America about a year ago, and I have to say that the Disney Store there is pretty small. My store here in NJ is about 3-4 times the size of it. If that is any reflection of the amount of business they do (which I would have to assume it is) then I can't see that being one of the refurbed stores.


New Member
Not sure if that is a reflection of the business they do or not. The size of the store doesn't necessarily reflect it profitability or the exposure to a large variety of people.

Just hopeful to keep a bit of Disney close to home.

I sincerely don't think the MOA store would be close but
if you're correct about the current store's size relating to whether it will be kept in a refurbishment and downsize of the Disney Stores then we will have to wish upon a star to keep a store here in Minnesota.


New Member

When is the NYC store going to be open. I work in Midtown a block away from where it is and will go by and take some pictures at lunch. It would be great to know such a location is just around the corner.

Even better would be having NYC location sell limited items from the parks like attraction based items. I would also enjoy a copy of the wishes CD as I loved it this past X-mas day in WDW.


New Member
I didn't get a reply to my question, and I fear it's now been so far back in the thread that nobody will see it, so I'm asking again :p

Does this mean I will be able to work as a character without having to move to Orlando? I assume they will hire a regional pool of entertainment cast members?


New Member
casualrdt said:
When is the NYC store going to be open. I work in Midtown a block away from where it is and will go by and take some pictures at lunch. It would be great to know such a location is just around the corner.

Even better would be having NYC location sell limited items from the parks like attraction based items. I would also enjoy a copy of the wishes CD as I loved it this past X-mas day in WDW.

on 5th ave between 54 and 55th opening october 2004.


So with the possibility of this new Disney Store on Steroids, where does that leave the original Disney Stores? If you don't live nearby one of these big cities/metro areas where they're planning on putting in the new stores, are you still gonna have to suffer through the crappy merchandise they've got unless you want to travel? The last time I went into the Disney Store was back in Feb. The store LITERALLY had not changed it's merchandise (except for the new characters) since the LAST time I had gone in about 2 yrs ago. It was all the same princess costumes and plushies and kid-related garb. Are they going to at least try to make some quality changes to the existing DSs? That just kind of irks me. The whole thing. If Disney's supposed to be about quality then why can't they put forth the effort to their existing stores so everyone's got the opportunity of having a nice Disney outlet that caters to EVERYONE instead of big city/metro areas or having to TRAVEL to get to the new stores? :veryconfu

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
nicholas said:
I didn't get a reply to my question, and I fear it's now been so far back in the thread that nobody will see it, so I'm asking again :p

Does this mean I will be able to work as a character without having to move to Orlando? I assume they will hire a regional pool of entertainment cast members?

It is possible depending on whether or not the character things are going to occur often. If they only have character appearances every now and then (like they used to at the NYC store) then I would doubt they would be hiring new characters for the jobs.


New Member
phlydude said:
Rumor has it that they will all be bought out by a chain called Children's Place

Yep. It's been confirmed that the two are in talks. Overall, I'm happy to see this (only b/c it means they won't be closing), but I hope they don't make it another Children's Place (i.e. all children's clothing).



New Member
SirNim said:
A Disney Restaurant is a VERY feasible concept, at least to me...

Think about it...

A HIGH-PROFILE themed dining complex buoyed by the most faMOUSE brand in entertainment?

In high-traffic metropolitan areas?

With lots of children around?


Why hasn't Disney done this already?

Would you consider Albany, New York high-traffic? :hammer:


New Member
SIR90210 said:
Would you consider Albany, New York high-traffic? :hammer:
When Disney was actually considering a chain of Chef Mickey restaurants near the Disney Store sites, back in the chain's heyday, Albany wasn't even on the first-round list. I think that was back around when the Crossgates store first opened. Colonie was still the primary store back then.

corran horn

Well-Known Member
How many of these did they get around to opening? I know of the one in Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, IL because I went there. Didn't last very long.


Active Member
Outside US

My wife and I were in Edinburgh, Scotland, this past summer and visited a Disney Store on Prince's Street. We bought a set of bean bag-sized Mickey and Minnies in native Scottish dress because we couldn't get them in the Disney Stores in the US. There may also be Disney Stores in London. So they do seem to have some stores outside the US. I don't know about this new Super Disney Store that is described in the original post or how many other countries have them already, but some seem to.


Well-Known Member
The current Disney Stores are full of crap merchandise. I live near Cherry Hill, NJ and this was a "flagship" store that got one of the first make overs a few years ago. When it was reopened, I wondered what idiot came up with the setup. It both blows and sucks.

The World of Disney store at Downtown is just awesome. If they could build something like that, I'd spend a fortune there and actually have a reason to go to the mall.

The current stores just have cheesy offerings and not much of a selection. It is really a narrow band of customers they can reach so no wonder they say the stores don't turn a profit.

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