I kind of think all of this is beside the point. Even if they weren't in imminent danger, they were in a place they clearly shouldn't have been. If you've been to DLP, it's a very prominent position and a place that non-CMs are obviously not supposed to be. Would people really expect a CM to walk over calmly and have a casual chat with a couple who jumped onto the stage in front of Cinderella Castle to propose?
I don't know, to me this smacks of entitlement mentality to the extreme.
So you have the serves them right mentality? I get feeling that way sometimes but it does not go anywhere. It sounds like you are the one that has been making up things of the scenario from sitting at home like you stated to another poster earlier. In an earlier post you stated that these guests jumped the fence. I may have missed it but I still have not shown me how we know they jumped the fence(?)Is that documented somewhere?
Many people, myself included feel the CM made an odd choice and reflection is not villifying. If you don't care that people and the company(Disney Parks) apologized for and said reflection and retraining can happen...than so what? If you are.really pro.safety, than you are fine reflecting on what the CMs.cam.do.in the future even more efficiently. Training properly is what helps.prevent most hindsight negatives anyway.
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