working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
So, I didn't do any walking last night. I got drawn into the TV show and that was it. I did go out for a walk this morning before logging into work. It was about 30 minutes and around 1.5 miles. My ankle tolerated a sock this morning, so I walked with socks & Crocs! My calf muscles felt really tight and those shoes have so little cushion, but I think the socks helped me go at a slightly faster pace. I didn't sleep well last night and just don't have the energy for a more intense workout today, but I still got onto the bike after work. I went for 30 minutes and biked about 7.65 miles.

Not the most eventful day aside from some rain. About to head out to take Sam to practice and debate back and forth about travel and camp invites.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Happy Friday! 🎉

I did the most horrendous workout this AM. I even tweaked my back slightly in the process. It's not too bad, it feels like a slightly pulled muscle. Even though it was a sweaty and difficult workout, I feel better for doing it. I looked like drowned rat when I was done. lol

I'm planning my BBQ foods for the holiday weekend. I am thinking of making chicken shawarma and roasted veggie skewers (cooked on separate skewers) with hummus, a mix of olives, and some couscous. I am making Paula Deen's banana pudding, too. I haven't made that in so long. I'd been making the Magnolia Bakery banana pudding, I thought I'd switch it up.


Well-Known Member
I was going to make this sheet pan dinner that is baked feta with broccolini, grape tomatoes, and red onion served with orzo. I honestly wasn't feeling like cooking, but I was going to anyway, but when I went to turn the oven on, my son was using it to bake dozens of cookies. I put some tater tots in the air fryer and I'm calling it dinner. This is the second time I have done that for dinner this week. I am in one of those moods where no foods or meals appeal to me. lol

Tater tots are sounding pretty tasty right now! Hopefully, your son shared his cookies with you for dessert.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking Friday is going to be a break day for the foreseeable future. Sam has 6am weights pretty much every week until the new year. We had to leave extra early this morning to get money since we forgot that she needed to put in her payment for a fundraiser. I got home just before 6am, crawled back into bed, and crawled back out about 5 minutes before I needed to log in for work. There used to be a time when I had no problem working out at this hour, but I just haven't been able to find the energy to do much before 7am. We'll see how I feel later on. Seeing @Sans Souci talking about kettle bells reminded me that I have all of mine back and that might be a nice change to the workout life. If not, it might be on tap for tomorrow morning. It's rare for me to sleep in much past 7:30 and Sam's practice at 9 is only a little over 5 minutes away. So, there will be plenty of time.


Well-Known Member
Agreed! While I'm by no means saying it was OK, we did periodically take film pictures of our friends in really dumb situations. That being said, it was usually people we'd known in person for far more than a week. Not to mention that it was film and you had to wait to get it developed. Whatever was driving the moment had usually long passed by that point. I don't know if we would have been so cavalier with it if camera phones, texting and social media were a thing back then.

I'm really getting the impression that this girl's main "friend" group before college was her cousin(s). That's been her justification for most of her bad behavior (i.e. it's always been OK with them). Family is more likely to let you get away with a lot of things that wouldn't be acceptable in standard peer groups.
I hope she can work it out with the girl. Unfortunately, I think it's almost an unwritten rule that you have to have some bad roommate experiences in college. I know I sure did. My first roommate was a friend of mine...she didn't go to my high school, but I knew her through activities and thought I'd rather live with someone I knew and liked than some stranger. But when I moved in, she had gotten there first and had taken all the shelf space in the room, and part of my closet, etc. She would help herself to any food or drinks that I had in the room, but told me if I touched hers, heads would roll. She would meet me at the door asking me where I was sleeping that night because she wanted to have a sleepover in the room with her boyfriend and I needed to find somewhere else to stay. She hid booze in the room, which if found, I would have lost my scholarship even though it wasn't mine. I'd be in my room listening to music and she'd come in, turn off my music and put hers on instead. She tried to commit suicide the day before my birthday, so I spent my birthday in the hospital with her. It was just a tough year. And then that summer, I stayed in the dorms rather than going home, and my roommate didn't shower, never cleaned up her stuff. I found her dirty underwear under my bed, plates with half eaten food crusted onto them, etc. She was a super sweet girl, but just unsanitary and the room was always a mess and it smelled. I got a single room after that. I didn't want to deal with roommate issues anymore. I'm very non-confrontational and my mom was so strict I had become a people-pleaser just to survive, and I didn't have the confidence to stand up to them and tell them to shape up. And I'm sure there were things they didn't like about me as a roommate, too. Sometimes it's worth the extra money to not have to fight over space, over decor, over privacy, etc.

Are there a lot of single rooms at K's university? They were in short supply where I went, and I just happened to luck out being able to get one. Over here, finding student housing is difficult all the way around. There's a severe shortage, even WITH roommates. A lot of people go years before they finally get a place and there are people who cheat the system by signing up for one class after they graduate just so they still qualify for student housing because there's a housing crisis in the Netherlands. Only 1% of available properties are affordable for "starters" (people for whom it is their first home). So graduates finish school and can't even get an apartment, so they take a class or something so they can keep their student housing room, which means that someone just starting school can't get a dorm room. It's a vicious cycle. People take YEARS on a waiting list to get a place. When I first moved here, we lived with my in-laws and we were signed up on a waiting list. You could sign in for 3 listings per month and the first person on the list who signed in on that house got it. After 3 years of being on the list, we were still at the very bottom of the list every time. If there were 200 people signed up for a house, we were 198th. We even started signing up on the least desirable places....places in towns without a bus system. One bedroom apartments in poor sections of town....even if there were only 15 people who signed up for that house, we were 12th....and that was 3 years in. We were never going to get a house that way. We got this one off a different list that worked with a lottery system rather than length of time on the list. It's a small house in a low income neighborhood, but beggars can't be choosers. We needed a place and our number was drawn, so we took it. But there was a news item not too long ago that said there were people on waiting lists for over 20 years who STILL couldn't get a place. And you have to be pretty wealthy to afford a place that's not on a waiting list. So it's pretty bad here for housing. So I'm curious about how it is there? Does K have any other options? How many roommates are there in her room/suite?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking Friday is going to be a break day for the foreseeable future. Sam has 6am weights pretty much every week until the new year. We had to leave extra early this morning to get money since we forgot that she needed to put in her payment for a fundraiser. I got home just before 6am, crawled back into bed, and crawled back out about 5 minutes before I needed to log in for work. There used to be a time when I had no problem working out at this hour, but I just haven't been able to find the energy to do much before 7am. We'll see how I feel later on. Seeing @Sans Souci talking about kettle bells reminded me that I have all of mine back and that might be a nice change to the workout life. If not, it might be on tap for tomorrow morning. It's rare for me to sleep in much past 7:30 and Sam's practice at 9 is only a little over 5 minutes away. So, there will be plenty of time.
I have a few go to YouTube videos for kettle bells if you are interested. There's one channel that is pretty basic that uses the kettle bells as weights and doesn't do things like "scratches" (substitute the cr with an n). Those are kind of tricky, but I don't know how comfortable you are with that move. He does do different types of swings. I just think the previously mentioned move is an invitation for injury if you do it incorrectly. I rarely do them, because I feel like I need a professional to watch me and provide feedback about my form.


Well-Known Member
I have a few go to YouTube videos for kettle bells if you are interested. There's one channel that is pretty basic that uses the kettle bells as weights and doesn't do things like "scratches" (substitute the cr with an n). Those are kind of tricky, but I don't know how comfortable you are with that move. He does do different types of swings. I just think the previously mentioned move is an invitation for injury if you do it incorrectly. I rarely do them, because I feel like I need a professional to watch me and provide feedback about my form.

Have you ever used this one? It looked appealing because it involves a number of things I've done before, but combined into a 30 minute routine.



Well-Known Member
I cook them in the air fryer and they are so addictive. I was meh about them before, but now, they come out nicely browned and crunchy and the interior is creamy, like mashed potatoes. 👩🏼‍🍳🤌🏻

I just moved our air fryer back out to the garage, but it may come back out if I splurge on some tots! I normally just bake them. Our regular oven is a convection oven, so I'm not sure it makes a huge difference between that and the air fryer.


Well-Known Member
I hope she can work it out with the girl. Unfortunately, I think it's almost an unwritten rule that you have to have some bad roommate experiences in college. I know I sure did. My first roommate was a friend of mine...she didn't go to my high school, but I knew her through activities and thought I'd rather live with someone I knew and liked than some stranger. But when I moved in, she had gotten there first and had taken all the shelf space in the room, and part of my closet, etc. She would help herself to any food or drinks that I had in the room, but told me if I touched hers, heads would roll. She would meet me at the door asking me where I was sleeping that night because she wanted to have a sleepover in the room with her boyfriend and I needed to find somewhere else to stay. She hid booze in the room, which if found, I would have lost my scholarship even though it wasn't mine. I'd be in my room listening to music and she'd come in, turn off my music and put hers on instead. She tried to commit suicide the day before my birthday, so I spent my birthday in the hospital with her. It was just a tough year. And then that summer, I stayed in the dorms rather than going home, and my roommate didn't shower, never cleaned up her stuff. I found her dirty underwear under my bed, plates with half eaten food crusted onto them, etc. She was a super sweet girl, but just unsanitary and the room was always a mess and it smelled. I got a single room after that. I didn't want to deal with roommate issues anymore. I'm very non-confrontational and my mom was so strict I had become a people-pleaser just to survive, and I didn't have the confidence to stand up to them and tell them to shape up. And I'm sure there were things they didn't like about me as a roommate, too. Sometimes it's worth the extra money to not have to fight over space, over decor, over privacy, etc.

Are there a lot of single rooms at K's university? They were in short supply where I went, and I just happened to luck out being able to get one. Over here, finding student housing is difficult all the way around. There's a severe shortage, even WITH roommates. A lot of people go years before they finally get a place and there are people who cheat the system by signing up for one class after they graduate just so they still qualify for student housing because there's a housing crisis in the Netherlands. Only 1% of available properties are affordable for "starters" (people for whom it is their first home). So graduates finish school and can't even get an apartment, so they take a class or something so they can keep their student housing room, which means that someone just starting school can't get a dorm room. It's a vicious cycle. People take YEARS on a waiting list to get a place. When I first moved here, we lived with my in-laws and we were signed up on a waiting list. You could sign in for 3 listings per month and the first person on the list who signed in on that house got it. After 3 years of being on the list, we were still at the very bottom of the list every time. If there were 200 people signed up for a house, we were 198th. We even started signing up on the least desirable places....places in towns without a bus system. One bedroom apartments in poor sections of town....even if there were only 15 people who signed up for that house, we were 12th....and that was 3 years in. We were never going to get a house that way. We got this one off a different list that worked with a lottery system rather than length of time on the list. It's a small house in a low income neighborhood, but beggars can't be choosers. We needed a place and our number was drawn, so we took it. But there was a news item not too long ago that said there were people on waiting lists for over 20 years who STILL couldn't get a place. And you have to be pretty wealthy to afford a place that's not on a waiting list. So it's pretty bad here for housing. So I'm curious about how it is there? Does K have any other options? How many roommates are there in her room/suite?

I tend to agree. While this girl has definitely crossed some lines, learning to work it out is something that I associate with college life. Kendall also feels like she's a people pleaser. She's not that way at home, but I know it's something that bugs the other two roommates. You went through a lot with that roommate. I'm just glad the alcohol thing never was discovered. It's maddening that someone else's bad behavior and choices could have had such a devastating impact on you. It's kind of like when K got punished for vaping, simply because some girls came in to sneak a vape while she was in a stall. I feel like schools really need to do better with this kind of stuff.

I honestly have no idea how many singles there are, but there must still be a few around because I've heard of a few exceptionally bad roommate situations resulting in people being pushed out into singles. Sadly, it's always the victim and never the one causing the issues. So, that person winds up dealing with the stress of moving and the higher costs associated with a single. It's not quite as bad here with rooms, but it really depends on the school and their housing policies. Some schools with limited on-campus housing have no requirements to live on campus. Some are so "in demand" that you have to pay to enter housing lotteries to even stand a chance. Those are also the schools where apartments can be hard to come by and are insanely expensive. Others have mandates for at least freshman, so that pushes most upperclassmen into apartments. I'm kind of scared for the spring, because we'll probably have to make that decision for K by January or February and have a deposit in place for the fall. K would have had to pay something like $3,000 to waive the on-campus freshman housing requirement at OU. My alma mater was similar. Freshman and sophomores were required to live in dorms and there were meal plan mandates as well. I would really like her to become an R&A so she could have most of room/board covered, but we'll see how it goes. At least she has lot of food options. I know she was super worried that she'd need to shop for groceries all the time, but they're so spoiled!


Well-Known Member
Good evening and hope everyone is having a nice Labor Day weekend.

I woke up a little early today to get in a workout before Sam's practice. It's more of the usual, but better than sleeping in. I biked a little over 10 miles, arms, stretching and abs. Tomorrow, I really think I'm going to do the kettle bells, but we'll see.

Other than that, I'm hot and tired. Sam was at practice for 9 hours today. David wants to go out since Sam is staying overnight with a friend, but part of me wants to just get pizza, make some drinks and watch some games or TV.

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