working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
She's really happy so far, so I think she's quickly seeing that it was for the best. As for his lies, it could be a bit of both. Earlier in the summer, he told K that his dad wanted him to break up with her...said he could do better and that with K being curvy, she's the kind of girl that could really balloon if she had kids. Now, he may have said it, but the ex-boyfriend also lied about having permission to drive K to college and made up this lie about how David and I refused to help K get to school and move in. So, it's possible he made up or exaggerated the dad thing as well. One of many lies.

I probably should meditate, but I'm also a bit superstitious. The last time we had a span of bad things like this, I bought some sage. I actually carried it around until recently. It all sort of disintegrated. It was just after the eclipse that this all started, but it's also around the time when I tossed the last of the white sage bits. Maybe I can do both...sage and meditation. I hear you it really restorative if it's shifted into the to-do list?

OK, that's really toxic. Whether his father said that or he made that up, it's a red flag. Did he tell his parents you and your husband weren't helping K move in? Lying all the time is not normal. The break up is a blessing in disguise.

You should try smudging your house with the sage. Just light up a bundle and go all over your house and into corners of rooms while the windows are open. I haven't done it in a while, but last time I felt I needed to was after my mother came to visit. I swear, she has this oppressive, angry energy around her. I sleep with selenite on my night stand, too. 😅

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Well COVID is never going away. Despite the having much more flu shots and technology. Just need to still be cautious.

Yeah, it's like the flu now. Like you said, you just have to be careful, especially if you are immunocompromised or are an older adult. At least it is less deadly than the original virus. I just don't want long covid.


Well-Known Member
Happy Friday-Eve!

I'm a little "rinse & repeat" right now with working out, but just trying to stick to it while also trying not to push it. I biked 9 miles last night, stretching, arms, and abs. About 20 minutes in, my right calf started pulsing like it was going to cramp, but I managed to get through. I think it's because I haven't been as mobile due to my ankle. My ankle also was still giving me that pinched feeling and the healing is again a bit disrupted in the highest damage point. I'd love to go walking, but I'm still really afraid to try real shoes, plus it's super hot out there. I have the walking pad, which I may start using briefly in backless shoes or bare feet to help warm up the calf for the bike.

We're also waiting to see how things go with Kendall and her roommate. Some of this is just getting used to living with others and their quirks, while other things are legitimate leaving the door unlocked, making fun of K's old noise canceling headphones, mocking K for chaffing, and taking a pic of K while she was sleeping in bed and posting it to social media. Beyond that, I'm really just trying to get us back to normal. I am so tired of the bad things and drama. No word yet on the part for my vehicle, but the hot water heater was replaced today and Voo seems to be improving. Of course, David and Sam have something itchy going on and may need to see the dermatologist. David has been developing allergies later on in life and Sam has always had really sensitive skin, so even though some of it looks bite-like, I'm leaning towards allergies.


Well-Known Member
OK, that's really toxic. Whether his father said that or he made that up, it's a red flag. Did he tell his parents you and your husband weren't helping K move in? Lying all the time is not normal. The break up is a blessing in disguise.

You should try smudging your house with the sage. Just light up a bundle and go all over your house and into corners of rooms while the windows are open. I haven't done it in a while, but last time I felt I needed to was after my mother came to visit. I swear, she has this oppressive, angry energy around her. I sleep with selenite on my night stand, too. 😅

He sure did. They denied him use of the car and told him to tell us that it was our responsibility to take our child to school. I can't even believe if this is what the whole parent demanded apology part could have been staged as well. I don't trust him, so I refused to get on the phone for the apology and potentially play into another lie. At least he brought back her Beatles painting. I definitely see it as a blessing. She was devastated that he wasn't devastated and begging for her back, but I think the jolt of starting college has helped tremendously.

I actually bought some sage yesterday! I've been trying to find a link to the start of this madness. At first, I was blaming the eclipse, but I actually think it's sage related. The last time we had a bad stretch like this, I bought some sage and did my own version of a smudging. I kept what was leftover and put parts of it in various bags. I think it was after my eclipse travels that I cleaned the last of those sage crumbs out of my bags and never replaced it. I also have some amethyst and malachite around which also supposedly help.


Premium Member
Happy Friday-Eve!

I'm a little "rinse & repeat" right now with working out, but just trying to stick to it while also trying not to push it. I biked 9 miles last night, stretching, arms, and abs. About 20 minutes in, my right calf started pulsing like it was going to cramp, but I managed to get through. I think it's because I haven't been as mobile due to my ankle. My ankle also was still giving me that pinched feeling and the healing is again a bit disrupted in the highest damage point. I'd love to go walking, but I'm still really afraid to try real shoes, plus it's super hot out there. I have the walking pad, which I may start using briefly in backless shoes or bare feet to help warm up the calf for the bike.

We're also waiting to see how things go with Kendall and her roommate. Some of this is just getting used to living with others and their quirks, while other things are legitimate leaving the door unlocked, making fun of K's old noise canceling headphones, mocking K for chaffing, and taking a pic of K while she was sleeping in bed and posting it to social media. Beyond that, I'm really just trying to get us back to normal. I am so tired of the bad things and drama. No word yet on the part for my vehicle, but the hot water heater was replaced today and Voo seems to be improving. Of course, David and Sam have something itchy going on and may need to see the dermatologist. David has been developing allergies later on in life and Sam has always had really sensitive skin, so even though some of it looks bite-like, I'm leaning towards allergies.

Wow, sounds like Kendall's roommate might have some issues. Posting pictures of her sleeping sounds like a step over the line to me and a little concerning. I hope the roommate is just a little immature and straightens up soon, here's hopping it works out for Kendall.


Premium Member
legitimate leaving the door unlocked, making fun of K's old noise canceling headphones, mocking K for chaffing, and taking a pic of K while she was sleeping in bed and posting it to social media.
I hope K told her to take down that post immediately. (If she did ask and it was not taken down, could K ask a dorm manager to help intercede to delete this harassment/violation of campus rules. That would also put the incident on the girl's record.) I know at least in the past, there were dorm managers in most school dorms.


Well-Known Member
I hope K told her to take down that post immediately. (If she did ask and it was not taken down, could K ask a dorm manager to help intercede to delete this harassment/violation of campus rules. That would also put the incident on the girl's record.) I know at least in the past, there were dorm managers in most school dorms.
In my college each dorm had an RA which is an upperclassman resident assistant. They received free room and board and they were the point persons to go to when there are issues we needed to bring up with. The RAs would if need be escalate to Dean of students , security etc if help is needed. This roommate spells trouble and hopefully these issues will be addressed.


Well-Known Member
I hope K told her to take down that post immediately. (If she did ask and it was not taken down, could K ask a dorm manager to help intercede to delete this harassment/violation of campus rules. That would also put the incident on the girl's record.) I know at least in the past, there were dorm managers in most school dorms.

It was supposedly posted to Snap, so it's already disappeared. I haven't heard from K since lunchtime yesterday, but she was supposed to have a one-on-one talk with the girl. All of the quad-mates and several floormates have real beefs with her, but K wanted to take this approach first so that it wasn't like everyone is ganging up on her. I had told her to take it to the RA, but I think she wants to give the girl a chance before really blowing things up. The university has several tools to help pair roommates and K and her high school friend used one that was sort of like an online dating app to find their other girls. So, I think she knows there's a girl still in there that she originally clicked with during their pairing efforts. We're also trying hard to work with what's no OK, what's a quirk, etc. I've already seen a few roommate horror stories in my OU parent groups. They're all much worse than this, but the standard solution appears to be moving the complainant to a single in a different dorm. Sadly, this is how it was back when I was in college as well. The one with the problem ends up being the one with the stress of another move as well as higher room costs. So, we're hoping to make this work.

In my college each dorm had an RA which is an upperclassman resident assistant. They received free room and board and they were the point persons to go to when there are issues we needed to bring up with. The RAs would if need be escalate to Dean of students , security etc if help is needed. This roommate spells trouble and hopefully these issues will be addressed.

Yes, she has upperclassmen RAs that are handling their floor. Some are better than others. I also get that feeling that this roommate could be an issue, but we'd really like to work this out. So, hopefully they can make her see where she's crossing the line between quirky and unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Wow, sounds like Kendall's roommate might have some issues. Posting pictures of her sleeping sounds like a step over the line to me and a little concerning. I hope the roommate is just a little immature and straightens up soon, here's hopping it works out for Kendall.

I hope they work it out as well. I've been trying to dig into what possibly makes this girl tick, since there's a lot of quirky behavior that also really rubs the other roommates the wrong way. At first, I thought she might be an only child that's never had to live with others and compromise a ton. I found out she's one of six. K also said that there was a messy divorce and remarriage in the picture. So, I was thinking a blend of fighting for attention and being overindulged due to guilt. Some of her other questionable behavior is stuff she does with her cousin. In other words, if it's OK with her cousin, why isn't it OK with everyone else? This makes me think that she had a really limited social/friend group. That's not to say that people with an active social life can't be awful roommates as well, but there's a certain lack of social skills and knowledge that is coming out in some of her more irritating quirks. I really just hope they can learn to coexist. K is making all kinds of friends and loving it there, so the roommate is really the only major headache.


Well-Known Member
It was supposedly posted to Snap, so it's already disappeared. I haven't heard from K since lunchtime yesterday, but she was supposed to have a one-on-one talk with the girl. All of the quad-mates and several floormates have real beefs with her, but K wanted to take this approach first so that it wasn't like everyone is ganging up on her. I had told her to take it to the RA, but I think she wants to give the girl a chance before really blowing things up. The university has several tools to help pair roommates and K and her high school friend used one that was sort of like an online dating app to find their other girls. So, I think she knows there's a girl still in there that she originally clicked with during their pairing efforts. We're also trying hard to work with what's no OK, what's a quirk, etc. I've already seen a few roommate horror stories in my OU parent groups. They're all much worse than this, but the standard solution appears to be moving the complainant to a single in a different dorm. Sadly, this is how it was back when I was in college as well. The one with the problem ends up being the one with the stress of another move as well as higher room costs. So, we're hoping to make this work.

Yes, she has upperclassmen RAs that are handling their floor. Some are better than others. I also get that feeling that this roommate could be an issue, but we'd really like to work this out. So, hopefully they can make her see where she's crossing the line between quirky and unacceptable.
I'm glad I went to school pre cell phone social media time. What kids can do when they post items online etc can at times be downright wrong and mean.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I went to school pre cell phone social media time. What kids can do when they post items online etc can at times be downright wrong and mean.

Agreed! While I'm by no means saying it was OK, we did periodically take film pictures of our friends in really dumb situations. That being said, it was usually people we'd known in person for far more than a week. Not to mention that it was film and you had to wait to get it developed. Whatever was driving the moment had usually long passed by that point. I don't know if we would have been so cavalier with it if camera phones, texting and social media were a thing back then.

I'm really getting the impression that this girl's main "friend" group before college was her cousin(s). That's been her justification for most of her bad behavior (i.e. it's always been OK with them). Family is more likely to let you get away with a lot of things that wouldn't be acceptable in standard peer groups.


Well-Known Member
Agreed! While I'm by no means saying it was OK, we did periodically take film pictures of our friends in really dumb situations. That being said, it was usually people we'd known in person for far more than a week. Not to mention that it was film and you had to wait to get it developed. Whatever was driving the moment had usually long passed by that point. I don't know if we would have been so cavalier with it if camera phones, texting and social media were a thing back then.

I'm really getting the impression that this girl's main "friend" group before college was her cousin(s). That's been her justification for most of her bad behavior (i.e. it's always been OK with them). Family is more likely to let you get away with a lot of things that wouldn't be acceptable in standard peer groups.
Yes back in the day we did similar things for a laugh. One guy we knew rose up the food chain ladder to be CFO in a Fortune 500 company. He reached out to request to please don't share pictures, videos , stories of him from his wild college days.


Well-Known Member
It's Friday! Although, yesterday felt like Wednesday to me and Wednesday felt like Thursday 🤪

I got in a little bit of gym time last night, but my ankle wasn't happy. I went at a slower pace, but only got in 3.58 miles before calling it quits. I did some triceps work after that with the 8lb weights, but I was just over it. I guess I did something. A little something is better than a lot of nothing.

We had the plumber back today to turn up the heat on the new water heater. It was plenty hot to shower, but we're just not used to having to turn it up that high to make it that warm. He echoed what I'd found online about how sediment in an old heater can make things run hotter. I guess sometimes worry Googling can be right! He turned the new one up a little. I'm waiting to hear from K how things are going on the roommate thing. No news is usually good news, so fingers crossed for that. I think we have a weekend off since Sam has elected to sit out of the private collegiate camp her team was invited to this weekend. These camps are great exposure and cheaper than going to something individually, but they're still not free and it's hard to justify it when it's not a school where she's really been looking. Don't get me's a good school and team, but we just can't do everything and get her into things on her list. So, I guess I'll do some more cleaning and reorganizing. There's no shortage of that to be done around here!


Well-Known Member
Yes back in the day we did similar things for a laugh. One guy we knew rose up the food chain ladder to be CFO in a Fortune 500 company. He reached out to request to please don't share pictures, videos , stories of him from his wild college days.

We have a similar agreement with some of our friends. We have a few in our circle that are now TV personalities, prominent in the legal and political landscapes, etc. The last thing someone needs are for those college moments to go public. With the rest of us, it's just a bit of common sense...which you're just not going to have if you're a drunk undergrad with a smartphone in hand.


Well-Known Member
We have a similar agreement with some of our friends. We have a few in our circle that are now TV personalities, prominent in the legal and political landscapes, etc. The last thing someone needs are for those college moments to go public. With the rest of us, it's just a bit of common sense...which you're just not going to have if you're a drunk undergrad with a smartphone in hand.
And the one under oath will deny deny deny. SCOTUS Bret Cavanaugh appearing before a Senate Committee before being confirmed only admitted that he liked to drink while attending Yale. He advised all the female accusers that filed complaints against him were all liars🙄.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
He sure did. They denied him use of the car and told him to tell us that it was our responsibility to take our child to school. I can't even believe if this is what the whole parent demanded apology part could have been staged as well. I don't trust him, so I refused to get on the phone for the apology and potentially play into another lie. At least he brought back her Beatles painting. I definitely see it as a blessing. She was devastated that he wasn't devastated and begging for her back, but I think the jolt of starting college has helped tremendously.

I actually bought some sage yesterday! I've been trying to find a link to the start of this madness. At first, I was blaming the eclipse, but I actually think it's sage related. The last time we had a bad stretch like this, I bought some sage and did my own version of a smudging. I kept what was leftover and put parts of it in various bags. I think it was after my eclipse travels that I cleaned the last of those sage crumbs out of my bags and never replaced it. I also have some amethyst and malachite around which also supposedly help.

Life is hard, I will take every little bit of help I can get. I sleep with amethyst and rose quartz under my pillow. 😂 I hope the new sage helps you get out of this rough patch.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Happy Friday-Eve!

I'm a little "rinse & repeat" right now with working out, but just trying to stick to it while also trying not to push it. I biked 9 miles last night, stretching, arms, and abs. About 20 minutes in, my right calf started pulsing like it was going to cramp, but I managed to get through. I think it's because I haven't been as mobile due to my ankle. My ankle also was still giving me that pinched feeling and the healing is again a bit disrupted in the highest damage point. I'd love to go walking, but I'm still really afraid to try real shoes, plus it's super hot out there. I have the walking pad, which I may start using briefly in backless shoes or bare feet to help warm up the calf for the bike.

We're also waiting to see how things go with Kendall and her roommate. Some of this is just getting used to living with others and their quirks, while other things are legitimate leaving the door unlocked, making fun of K's old noise canceling headphones, mocking K for chaffing, and taking a pic of K while she was sleeping in bed and posting it to social media. Beyond that, I'm really just trying to get us back to normal. I am so tired of the bad things and drama. No word yet on the part for my vehicle, but the hot water heater was replaced today and Voo seems to be improving. Of course, David and Sam have something itchy going on and may need to see the dermatologist. David has been developing allergies later on in life and Sam has always had really sensitive skin, so even though some of it looks bite-like, I'm leaning towards allergies.

That is nuts. The first two behaviors are awful, no doubt, but taking a photo of her and putting on snapchat is a major boundary violation. I hope K can talk some sense into and make her realize what a violation it is for someone to take a photo when they are most vulnerable and then uploading for laughs. She sounds really insecure and immature. That's definitely a situation to monitor.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did another 60 min yoga practice called "strength". I had to back out of poses because my muscles were starting to burn. It's a different way of moving over traditional strength training, so it's going to take a bit to get used to it.

After trying since May, I finally got my blood drawn today at Quest Diagnostics. I wish I'd known sooner it was in network. It was like night and day compared to LabCorp. I was the only person waiting. I checked in on my phone and waited for the phlebotomist to get me. I waited maybe 5 min. LabCorp is a frigging zoo compared to this. I think they over schedule, too and that's on top of taking walk ins. I would have to look weeks in advance for an appointment before 9.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a more traditional workout yesterday. It was the kind of thing I'd been doing-kettlebells, discs, pull ups. I went for a walk, too. I didn't do much today other than making 2 lasagnas. I might go for a walk after dinner, but I'll see. I am feeling kind of tired.

I dropped off my lasagna in Camden today. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The reality looked a lot different than the google view/maps, but the images were from 2022. There were lots of boarded up houses. If I knew I could be matched with a family in this part of Camden, I would do it again. My husband wasn't that bad, but he did ask me to make my delivery radius smaller. He said he would have no problem going into the part we went into today, but it does get much worse and he doesn't want to drive there. I'd read today that that your chances of being a victim of violent crime in Camden is 1 in 63, the chances statewide is 1 in 493. Anyway, the lasagna was for a single mom with 5 kids. 😵‍💫 I made a 4 layer 9x13 in lasagna for her.


Well-Known Member
Good morning!

I gave my ankle a break on Friday and Saturday, but I'm not sure that was best. I think I need to be moving more to help with the healing. I had some scabbing issues that may be impeding progress, so I switched to a hydrocolloid band aid, added a few wound healing things into my diet (including a pricey drink mix for the next few days), and am trying to move more. Some of my issues may also be nerve damage, which I'll just have to push through. After running a bunch of errands yesterday, I got onto the walking pad for 30 minutes last night before going out to dinner and I went for a 30-minute walk before logging in to my computer this morning. I hate that I'm having to do it in Crocs, but so be it. I'm hoping to do more during the day and later.

A Kendall update -
It's sounding like a lot of kids are going through drama. She's told me several horror stories and I've now seen several in my parent groups. She had a talk with her roommate to get the ball rolling. The roommate cried, Kendall consoled her to the point of saying she was sorry for upsetting the girl, and that ticked off the other roommates. Like, why are you consoling her when she hurt you? So, now Kendall is on herself for being too much of a "people pleaser." Part of me gets are going to be living with this person all year and while you need to tell her that what she did isn't ok, you want to be able to still tolerate each other in the same space. The positive result ... it ended up bringing the four girls together to create a roommate agreement. It set a lot of solid rules and boundaries. I'm sure there will still be growing pains and drama, but it's a start. Of course, she was a bawling mess the next day when she thought she was going somewhere with several of the girls and they ended up leaving her out, but this also happens. In the end, while it hurt her, most of the tears ended up being because the ex-boyfriend didn't reach out to her on her bday. So, that leads me to believe that some of her heightened emotions right now are still because of him. It's just all going to take time.

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