working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I don't know if the drone show at Disney Springs will still be going on but there is a package offered with a view of the drone show from Jaleo. I think someone mentioned they booked it on Open Table. The drone show looks really cool.

I didn't know that! I did go into to Open Table, but it looks like the last day it's available to reserve is Sept. 2. Bummer. That's sounds cool.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a mix of bodyweight, kettlebell and dumb bells. It was over quickly. I am into quick workouts in the warmer weather.

Callie has shown me irrefutable evidence she has an intestinal parasite. She's beyond the egg stage and we're talking adult worm. Since I can't find a vet that treats feral cats, I am left on my own to figure out what it is. It sounds like round worm. I found some OTC roundworm dewormer from Amazon. I'll start there and see if that works. I read that roundworm is the most common intestinal parasite in cats. If this doesn't work, my next guess is tapeworm, because that comes from ingesting fleas. They sell a broad spectrum dewormer, but it's $230. That's going to be my absolute last resort. I am wondering if I should get tested for worms now. I'll see if I get any symptoms. I always wash my hands and face after petting her, but it's still good to be vigilant. I thought she looked thinner than usual and her coat seems dull to me. It's usually so shiny. I hope this stuff works. 🤞

I'v got sloppy joes in my crock pot. I haven't had them in so long. I can take or leave them, but their biggest appeal is how easy they are to make. I am so lazy nowadays. lol

Edit: I asked AI what was more likely in a feral cat; round worm or tapeworm and it told me tapeworm and enumerated the reasons why. It also told me it could be both and suggested a medication combination that treats both simultaneously. So, when I googled these two generic names together, I got a product called Drontal, which is the aforementioned $230 medication. I need to think about this. That's like a week of groceries in this house. lol I did cancel my order for roundworm treatment and ordered stuff for tapeworm.
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Premium Member

I did a mix of bodyweight, kettlebell and dumb bells. It was over quickly. I am into quick workouts in the warmer weather.

Callie has shown me irrefutable evidence she has an intestinal parasite. She's beyond the egg stage and we're talking adult worm. Since I can't find a vet that treats feral cats, I am left on my own to figure out what it is. It sounds like round worm. I found some OTC roundworm dewormer from Amazon. I'll start there and see if that works. I read that roundworm is the most common intestinal parasite in cats. If this doesn't work, my next guess is tapeworm, because that comes from ingesting fleas. They sell a broad spectrum dewormer, but it's $230. That's going to be my absolute last resort. I am wondering if I should get tested for worms now. I'll see if I get any symptoms. I always wash my hands and face after petting her, but it's still good to be vigilant. I thought she looked thinner than usual and her coat seems dull to me. It's usually so shiny. I hope this stuff works. 🤞

I'v got sloppy joes in my crock pot. I haven't had them in so long. I can take or leave them, but their biggest appeal is how easy they are to make. I am so lazy nowadays. lol

Edit: I asked AI what was more likely in a feral cat; round worm or tapeworm and it told me tapeworm and enumerated the reasons why. It also told me it could be both and suggested a medication combination that treats both simultaneously. So, when I googled these two generic names together, I got a product called Drontal, which is the aforementioned $230 medication. I need to think about this. That's like a week of groceries in this house. lol I did cancel my order for roundworm treatment and ordered stuff for tapeworm.

I was going to make sloppy joes too but when I opened the spice cabinet I saw the taco seasoning so my meal switched to tacos.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I was going to make sloppy joes too but when I opened the spice cabinet I saw the taco seasoning so my meal switched to tacos.

If you ever want taco seasoning, but don't have an envelope on hand, you can make your own. I use this recipe all the time.


Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I decided to let AI develop a workout for me. I told it I wanted a 20 min interval without using my gliding discs, kettle bells and dumb bells. It gave me 5 four minute circuits with 4 exercises in the circuit. It was 30 seconds of work, 15 sec rest. Because each circuit was only 4 min, I could only get through each circuit 1.5 times, so it didn't feel balanced. I think I need to be more specific when asking for a workout.

I am still trying to get answers about my biopsy or whatever. I got the doctor's name I am going to see, so I called her office. The woman I spoke to was very nice, wrote down my concerns and said she'd send the message to the doctor. My nurse practitioner's nurse (NOT the doctor) called me back and was not helpful. She said she didn't know what procedure I was having done, but they don't do any pain management for biopsies. She said they tell women to take Motrin 90 min before the appointment. But she thinks that my appointment is a consult, even though it says procedure in the My Chart app. She said whatever I need done outside of a biopsy will be done in a hospital and that is why I am seeing an OB/GYN. Are Ob/Gyns just doing surgery and delivering babies now? I really dislike this nurse practitioner as gate keeper model of care. I am going to see what happens at my appointment. If I am getting a biopsy, I am nope-ing out of there, if this is a consult, I will see what she has to say. I think I will just get my procedure done and then go somewhere else. No disrespect to nurse practitioners, but it's not the same as seeing a doctor. I really dislike this intermediary between me and the MD. I know NPs like to say the level of expertise is the same as a physician's, but I don't see how 2 years of NP school is the same as 4 years of med school + residency. They are not cramming 4 years of med school in 2 years. IMO, they have their place in medicine as an adjunct to the physician, not a replacement.


Premium Member

I decided to let AI develop a workout for me. I told it I wanted a 20 min interval without using my gliding discs, kettle bells and dumb bells. It gave me 5 four minute circuits with 4 exercises in the circuit. It was 30 seconds of work, 15 sec rest. Because each circuit was only 4 min, I could only get through each circuit 1.5 times, so it didn't feel balanced. I think I need to be more specific when asking for a workout.

I am still trying to get answers about my biopsy or whatever. I got the doctor's name I am going to see, so I called her office. The woman I spoke to was very nice, wrote down my concerns and said she'd send the message to the doctor. My nurse practitioner's nurse (NOT the doctor) called me back and was not helpful. She said she didn't know what procedure I was having done, but they don't do any pain management for biopsies. She said they tell women to take Motrin 90 min before the appointment. But she thinks that my appointment is a consult, even though it says procedure in the My Chart app. She said whatever I need done outside of a biopsy will be done in a hospital and that is why I am seeing an OB/GYN. Are Ob/Gyns just doing surgery and delivering babies now? I really dislike this nurse practitioner as gate keeper model of care. I am going to see what happens at my appointment. If I am getting a biopsy, I am nope-ing out of there, if this is a consult, I will see what she has to say. I think I will just get my procedure done and then go somewhere else. No disrespect to nurse practitioners, but it's not the same as seeing a doctor. I really dislike this intermediary between me and the MD. I know NPs like to say the level of expertise is the same as a physician's, but I don't see how 2 years of NP school is the same as 4 years of med school + residency. They are not cramming 4 years of med school in 2 years. IMO, they have their place in medicine as an adjunct to the physician, not a replacement.

Ugh how frustrating. Just make sure you have your list of questions, even if you have shared the questions with them before. I have a little wariness of nurse practitioners too, however I have had good luck with them so far. It seems like they listen more than doctors, at least the ones I've gone to.

Also thanks for the taco seasoning link, looks like I might have to make a batch when my current supply is gone.


Premium Member
I know NPs like to say the level of expertise is the same as a physician's, but I don't see how 2 years of NP school is the same as 4 years of med school + residency. They are not cramming 4 years of med school in 2 years. IMO, they have their place in medicine as an adjunct to the physician, not a replacement.
Agree. (That said, some NPs are very competent within their circle of expertise.) But I still say that a physician possesses a higher level of medical knowledge and experience.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Ugh how frustrating. Just make sure you have your list of questions, even if you have shared the questions with them before. I have a little wariness of nurse practitioners too, however I have had good luck with them so far. It seems like they listen more than doctors, at least the ones I've gone to.

Also thanks for the taco seasoning link, looks like I might have to make a batch when my current supply is gone.

Do you have a Penzey's Spices near you? I know they are dotted around the midwest. They have a good selection of spices for tacos, chili and curries. They just ran a deal that was $35 for a $50 gift card that never expires. I didn't realize it until I got the invoice email that it came with a mug and a sample of one of their spice blends. I bought it to stock up on baking spices for Fall and the Holidays.


Premium Member
Do you have a Penzey's Spices near you? I know they are dotted around the midwest. They have a good selection of spices for tacos, chili and curries. They just ran a deal that was $35 for a $50 gift card that never expires. I didn't realize it until I got the invoice email that it came with a mug and a sample of one of their spice blends. I bought it to stock up on baking spices for Fall and the Holidays.

I have heard of them but I don't think there are any nearby. I think some friends order from them, I'll have to check it out.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Agree. (That said, some NPs are very competent within their circle of expertise.) But I still say that a physician possesses a higher level of medical knowledge and experience.

I had a pediatric NP when I was kid. I was genuinely sad when I aged out of her practice. She never talked down to me and I appreciated that in my teens. I do like this OB/GYN NP, she takes my medical issues seriously and helps me instead of saying, "That's part of being a woman."I just don't like the communication style. If someone had just said this is a consult, I'd be less frustrated.

I did an article last night about how this is becoming the fastest growing occupation in the US. The problem is, there are a lot of diploma mills churning out graduates who have done the degree online and people are dying because of this.There are no educational standards for NP school. This article also said a lot of NPs want themselves and their families to see MDs, instead of NPs. I do trust my NP. She went to the University of Pennsylvania, so I would imagine that''s a rigorous education with placements. But some of these online schools very high acceptance rates, like 96%, so I am skeptical of the quality of the education.

Here's the article if you're interested. :)


Well-Known Member
I had a pediatric NP when I was kid. I was genuinely sad when I aged out of her practice. She never talked down to me and I appreciated that in my teens. I do like this OB/GYN NP, she takes my medical issues seriously and helps me instead of saying, "That's part of being a woman."I just don't like the communication style. If someone had just said this is a consult, I'd be less frustrated.

I did an article last night about how this is becoming the fastest growing occupation in the US. The problem is, there are a lot of diploma mills churning out graduates who have done the degree online and people are dying because of this.There are no educational standards for NP school. This article also said a lot of NPs want themselves and their families to see MDs, instead of NPs. I do trust my NP. She went to the University of Pennsylvania, so I would imagine that''s a rigorous education with placements. But some of these online schools very high acceptance rates, like 96%, so I am skeptical of the quality of the education.

Here's the article if you're interested. :)
We had NPs and MDs. Both we were happy with. One young MD that treated my mom at the local urgent care worked there Fri and Sat. The doctor advised he worked Sun-Thu as an ER doctor at the nearby hospital. I can only imagine the debt he accumulated from years of schooling .

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I have heard of them but I don't think there are any nearby. I think some friends order from them, I'll have to check it out.

They do ship from their online store. I found out there is a store in Philadelphia, but by the time I pay the bridge toll and look around for parking (and paying for it), it's nearly the same as paying for shipping. If I am ever in Philly for another reason, I might drop in. But I can't bring myself to go there for the sole purpose of visiting Penzey's Spices.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning ☀️

I have been doing workouts from a 6 week program that I started a couple of months ago, but then I got covid when I was nearly finished. So, I restarted this week. I finally felt like I could do these workouts again. They are intense workouts and it took me a while to work my way back.

I tried to put flea and tick topical treatment on Callie this AM, and failed. I swear, she knew something was up when she came in for breakfast. The dewormer I bought for her has instructions stressing to make sure fleas have been treated or it really won't do anything. There is a monthly edible flea and tick treatment, but it's by prescription only. However, I found this Australian pet supply company that carries it (no script required) and ships to the US. The catch is they are products within 9-12 months of their expiration dates, which is fine because I bought a 6 month supply. The shipping takes 2-3 weeks, since my order is coming from NZ. I have been giving her edible flea treatment, but it only lasts 24-48 hours before the fleas return and the pills are $27 for 4 pills, so that's going add up. I was hoping to get the topical stuff on her to provide with some relief and then start the deworming. I think she left for one of her "little adventures" after I tried to put the topical stuff on her. She didn't seem too impressed with me. I am doing the best I can for her while working with limitations. I wish she wasn't so feral or I'd take her in. She is the sweetest cat I've ever met and she's never displayed a hint of aggression towards us. 😻

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

This morning I did a workout with my pull up bar, jump rope, discs and kettlebell. It was fine for what it was.

I gave Callie her dewormer yesterday, well, I tried to. She could taste the medicine in the churu I mixed it in. It looked like she ate 75% of it. I wasn't sure if it was enough, but I think it made her lethargic. She came in for dinner and came over for pets. She was struggling to stay awake and at one point, she was sitting up with her eyes closed leaning all her weight onto me. I was wondering if I'd done the right thing. She eventually went outside and sat in her preferred chair. Before my son goes to bed, he likes to make sure the deck and her feeding area are clean of bits of food so we don't attract raccoons and skunks. He said she was on the chair and didn't even move when he saw her, which she usually does when someone goes out on the deck when she's on it.

I came downstairs this morning worried about what I was going to see this morning. But she saw me, jumped from her chair and came into eat. She seemed so much better, she was very affectionate and I felt so much relief. I read that if a cat is heavily infected, it could cause lethargy. She needs another pill in 10-14 days. A few hours later, I noticed a dead chipmunk lovingly laid before my patio door with her looking up to me. I did thank her and told her it was not necessary. :hilarious: I also heard meowing from my yard the second time this week, so that freaked her (and me) out a bit. Then she started playing with the chipmunk, which I could have done without witnessing, but I think she was proud of herself, so I let her have her moment. After that, she went on one her yard patrols, where she walk around the yard looking for cats who don't belong on her turf.

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