Yeah, he was a piece of work. But I doubt he feels guilty...he went to jail for abusing the toddler, and then when he got out, he got into a new relationship, had a baby, and that was the one he killed. He went to jail again. Then he got out of that one, and started dating a girl half his age and got her pregnant. How he even manages to get these girls to have a relationship with him is beyond me. He moved in my freshman or sophomore year of high school....sophomore I think, because it was Biology class where he would sit behind me and snap my bra and make horrid comments to me, and told me he'd leave me alone IF I let him do "upper body lifts". This was after I asked to be moved because he sat beside me. We had assigned seating in Biology, and he kept reaching across the aisle to stick a pencil in my ear, whisper things to me, etc. So I went to the teacher and asked if my seat could be moved because this kid was harrassing me. I told him what he did and the teacher told me that there were always going to be people I didn't like, but I had to learn to "get along" with them, and that it was my fault because I blushed and had a nervous giggle, and that was encouraging him. He DID change the seating arrangement that day....and put the kid right behind me, so he was even CLOSER than he had been, because now there was no aisle between us and he could just reach forward and mess with my hair, or whatever. I was coming home in tears. I didn't know what to do, and he would walk behind me in the hallway and snap my bra, etc. So word kind of got out, and there were a couple of teachers who told me just to slap him and if they were there, they would conveniently not have seen what happened, but I was scared of getting in trouble for physical violence. But then my brother cornered him after school, slammed him against a locker, and told him not to even THINK about me. The kid laughed, the german teacher heard commotion and went to check on it and asked if there was a problem. My brother said there sure was, and explained it, and she took both boys to the Principal, explained what was going on, and the principal for once wasn't completely useless and told the kid he'd better cool it, because his family was fixing to move, and if he was in trouble with the law, he wouldn't be allowed to leave the state, and his parents probably would not be pleased if they couldn't move because of a pending lawsuit. And we absolutely would have pressed charges if he hadn't stopped. But he obviously wasn't a stellar human being. It didn't really surprise me a lot to hear he had spent some time in jail. What DID surprise me was that he's been able to repeat offend! How is he allowed to be within 100 feet of a child??