I have my physical cap and gown pic somewhere. It was a big deal for the girls and nails because you placed your hand over your cap in front of you (vs wearing it), which in turn showed off your nails. You can see the drape pic is what we selected as my yearbook photo. I didn't like the standard black drape and opted for a 2-tone thing my mom put together. We didn't do wills, but you can see the write up I put together for our yearbook. It was all reviewed to ensure nothing mean or too tasteless went in, but someone obviously didn't proofread their typing when entering mine. I'm still bothered that they typed in "LUCH" vs luck. I'm sure people snuck in some mean and nasty things since most people took up every space and used acronyms and codewords. Oh, and they didn't cut off my hair in the pic. I just cut off the screenshot since there's some personal info at the top of my wording. The copy they uploaded for the digital archives also appears to have something dirty on my chin...meaning the page of the yearbook they scanned was dirty. Oh well. I know the pics weren't cheap since every senior did a sitting with a pro-photographer in their studio offsite during the summer leading up to senior year. I know there were some families that just took the pics and declined to buy anything due to the costs...which had to have still cost something because it was actual film back and hand development back then.
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That's awful with that girl. Great that your brother and the others tied to the yearbook stopped it from going in, but how nasty and petty. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time jealousy and insecurity created a high school drama mess. I feel like the teacher could have helped with some of this. Teachers in these areas area usually well aware of the issue potential and personalities in the mix that can make things worse. They really should have made a decision and had a clear cut plan from the beginning. Was there any punishment for the girl being a no show? While there was no seniority involved, I dealt with a girl who was the choir darling in middle school. She wasn't bad, but I never felt she deserved the special treatment. When we got to high school, we both made all of the select choirs, but she immediately grew bitter when I got a soprano solo and she got nothing. It intensified when I made region that fall, which seemed silly since those were impartial judges from districts over an hour away that had no clue who either one of us was beyond our assigned number. She left the school before All State rolled around. Our director at least did a good job of divvying up solos so that none of the upper classmen go ugly. I could see the one girl K is dealing with in choir doing something like what you experienced. She's talented, but she has a horrible attitude and loves spreading lies about everyone. While she's a senior, it's only her first year in choir. She's been given solos because of that talent, which is great and for the most part deserved, but she's completely disrespectful to the officers and refuses to follow etiquette and dress code...which has hurt the choir in recent competitions. Just last week, she thought the sopranos were messing up, so she audibly shhh'd them numerous times during a competition piece in front of a panel of judges and very visibly expressed her anger and frustration with hand, arm and facial gestures/expressions. She reprimanded some of the girls even though it's not her position to do so, and it turned out that she just couldn't hear things because she's on the back row and these girls are three rows in front of her/beneath her. K said that this is the first year the choir failed to get top marks and it's due in part to this girl. K had to report her in the fall because she wore brown Birkenstock sandals to a formal performance where everyone was supposed to be in black closed toe dress shoes. That's worse than the girl that showed up in black Converse high tops with white soles.
It's so interesting to me how different things are in different areas. Cute picture!! I'll have to grab my yearbook and take a picture of the senior page. Ours is SOOOO different than yours. And I'm sure it was the yearbook advisor who stopped the girl's will getting put in as it was. I'm sure my brother and some friends who worked on the yearbook probably asked her what to do, and I'm sure she'd have gone to the girl and told her it was inappropriate and she needed to redo it.
As for the girl who was a no show, she had been chosen to go to the honor choir that year. You could only take 10% of your choir, and that year, there were only 5 people in choir, I think? Or maybe we increased by a few, but 10% was still only 1 student. All-staters from previous years didn't count in that number, but as a freshman, I hadn't even auditioned at that time. We had had an AWESOME music teacher who did both band and choir....she was phenomenal and she had built a really strong program. The Jazz Band went to California to play at some bowl game, they always got top ratings at the festivals. And it was considered cool to be in music. But the principal was not a supporter of the arts because they didn't bring in a whole bunch of revenue. It was never proven to my knowledge, but it was rumored that he skimmed money off the top of every account for his own private slush fund....so every class, student council, every team....we all had accounts with our fund raiser money in it or what was budgeted for that activity by the district, and he was taking money out of those accounts. Music didn't charge for the concerts, so there wasn't much for him to embezzle. He made it too hard for her and she ended up retiring early and starting a business as a realtor instead. She just got fed up trying to cut through all the red tape. I had her for 7th grade choir and band. We didn't have a teacher for the first week of my 8th grade year. He asked us all what we wanted in a music teacher, and we had said we wanted someone who could play the piano...the previous teacher was great at piano, but our elementary teacher could barely plunk out notes and couldn't accompany at all. We said we DIDN'T want someone like her....guess who he hired to replace the amazing teacher! Then by my freshman year, they had rigged the schedule so that almost no one could fit choir into their schedules, so we only had 5 kids. And he consistently hired HORRIBLE people for band....one of them ended up getting fired for choking a girl, and then when they investigated the incident, they found alcohol stashed all over the classroom. That was my 8th grade year. Then my freshman year, they brought in a guy who was "on sabatical" from a neighboring town, and he told us every day that we were losers and he hated us, and he was verbally abusive. I had quit band....the one and only time my mom let me quit something halfway through the year, and I guess at the end of the year concert, he told all the parents their kids were whiners and losers who would never amount to anything, etc. So we had problems recruiting for the music program....no one wanted to be part of that, and with only a couple kids, it made it very competitive for solos, honors, etc. Val was a year older than me and so when I was in 8th grade, she was in the high school choir rather than junior high, and she didn't have me to compete with. But there was another girl who was a few years older than her who had seniority and got all the solos, the lead in the musical, etc. So she was happy when these girls graduated and she would have seniority over me....but none of those senior girls had ever made all-state. Our school had only had 1 girl who made it to all-state I think my 8th grade year, when she was a senior. No one had made it from band in a few years, was my understanding. So when I made it as a freshman, Val was furious. She was already jealous, and then she tried to make me look bad by bailing on the national anthem...but I did a good job, and didn't look bad at all. SHE did. And then when she didn't show up for all-state auditions, the teacher decided to pull her from honor choir and send me instead. So that was the consequence....no real punishment, I guess, but not getting the honor was a huge thing to her. And then I ended up being sick and not having a voice, so I didn't get to go, but neither did she. And then I made all-state, so I got to go every year, AND I got the lead in the musical that year because she was considered unreliable. I think she maybe didn't take choir after that year, because she was so angry that she wasn't getting the special treatment she wanted. There was an incident my senior year with some underclassmen...we all had to make posters for the auditions for the school musical, and these girls made posters that said "Hurry up and audition before Susan steals your part!" and such, and the teacher hadn't even looked at them to make sure they were ok before they were hung up all over the school. Jealousy really makes it hard. I was always the nice girl...nice to everyone, even people who were awful to me. I just kept my mouth shut and tried not to let it bother me, but to this day, I'd prefer not to sing solo. It's just not worth the hatefulness it brings out in people who didn't get the part. I still love singing, but I've had too many experiences with mean girls in choir who just get nasty...even if I don't go for the solos. There was someone in my last choir who would mumble things under her breath just because the director asked me to sing a particular part that wasn't going well. I was the only one who could sightread music, and it was a passage with a big run and everyone was having difficulty with it, and the director was a percussionist, and couldn't play it on piano as easily as I could sing it. So he asked me to demonstrate, and she started shooting daggers. And this was a 60 year old woman. There were other things she did, but it was obvious that she was upset because I was classically trained and she had been with the choir for 20 years and considered herself an authority...so when I was recognized as knowing something she didn't, she got angry and started being passive-aggressive. And that was AFTER I declined to audition for any solos because I DIDN'T want that kind of cattiness. I ended up leaving the choir because of her and one other woman. It's just not worth it to me, and I never thought I'd experience that outside of the competitive milieu in high school and college, but I think it's just inevitable. And directors tend to figure people should be mature enough to behave themselves, and they shouldn't have to police that among adults. So I don't do solos anymore unless I'm pretty much forced to. The choir I'm in now isn't really like that...it's a much higher level group and not everybody gets in. It's audition only, and while no one is classically trained except me, and no one can read music except me, everyone can at least match pitch and carry their part. But everyone appreciates the talents that everyone brings to the group, too, and I still avoid doing solos. I can't come across as arrogant if I won't audition for a solo....I hope. So far, there have been no passive aggressive behaviors towards me, and I've been there for 6 or 7 years now.
I'm sorry about the girl in K's choir. We never had officers or section leaders or anything. We barely had a choir. But there's always one person, isn't there?