It's been a minute. I've been doing circuit training and trying to keep it around 30 minutes or so.
About a week or so ago, there was a dead mouse left in front of my patio door. My husband dispatched it. Then a day or two later, a cat showed up at the patio door. She just sat there, quietly looking in. I opened the door and she backed away. She had no collar and her left ear is tipped, so she is either a stray or feral. Since I don't have cat, I have no cat food. But I do have cans of tuna, so I put that out for her and she ate it. Then she left. Then she came back the next day for more tuna, but she took a nap on our deck and came back to the door for more tuna. She now seems to come every 2-3 days. I did buy some proper cat food for her, plus wild caught sardines in packed in salt-free water. She comes to the door, naps, eats, naps again, and eats again.
My son wants to gain her trust to bring her to the vet to see if she is someone's cat, but I think she is too feral to ever become a house cat (besides, I am allergic to cats). I have gone outside the same time she is here, but she moves away a few feet and stays away. I am glad she showed up, because he was really depressed, staying in his darkened room all day. Now, he comes out and looks for her. He even texts me when he's out running errands to ask me if she's shown up and to keep an eye out for her. I let him feed her/give her fresh water and clean up her eating area.
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