Sans Souci
Well-Known Member
I've seen several friends post about similar bans. It really ticks me off because I have seen so many inflammatory posts from people that absolutely disgust unfriend virtual and real life disgust me...but theirs were allowed to stay without punishment. As it is, I've been procrastinating opening a close friend's message...because I know he and I are not in political agreement...but I feel what's going on is well beyond politics and delves more into the state of humanity and personal ethics, among other things. While I didn't totally lose it on him yesterday, I still sent quite a rant and I'm probably going to scream if I get another "I just don't see it that way." I really do wonder what sets it off on FB. Several people have said that the bot that reads everything can be super sensitive and many people have been reinstated by disputing the matter, but that's a lot of work for something that shouldn't have been censored in the first place.
I've backed away from a friendship, too. I just don't see the humor in this. I don't see how Wednesday's action were funny or acceptable. I look at these people in a totally different way, now and it's not favorable. I don't sever friendships because someone's views are diametrically opposed to mine, but when you start justifying an attempted coup d'etat, it's going to be hard for me to continue our friendship. I'm just lying low for now and I may feel differently in a few months.
I think they have a words that are considered hate speech and I think if your post or comment contain these words, it gets flagged. It's totally automated. There is no human to ask questions. I'd like to know why you can use an ugly, hateful, and misogynist term to describe women, but other things are verboten. I guess misogyny will always be socially acceptable.
I used to follow posts from a former cabinet member and I remember reporting a comment calling this person a " stained midget" and implored this former cabinet member to kill himself. Facebook got back to me and told me they saw nothing wrong with it. OK, then. I don't understand why certain groups are protected and others aren't.