working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you were able to salvage your road trip in NOLA. I totally get wanting to travel. I feel kind of trapped right now. That's good that NOLA is taking steps to make it safer to visit. It's such a weird time to travel. I am hoping to travel in Sept. But I don't know what to expect anymore.

The New Orleans portion of the trip definitely felt the safest, but other areas...not so much. It felt good being away from home, but there's definitely a new kind of travel stress to be considered when trying to vacation during a pandemic, especially if you don't stay put in one area. Every state and city/town has their own thing going on and it's a lot to try and navigate it all in person. My friends who have rented homes and stuck to one vacation area seem to have had the most enjoyable trips in all of this, so maybe you can do something like that in Sept. Ultimately, I just feel like we didn't get enough time away and could use at least another week.


Well-Known Member
Good morning. ☀

I am in the home stretch for this 30 day barre program. I will finish it on Thursday. I kind of dread the workouts, but I am in too deep to quit. (I don't think barre is for me.) Plus, I get a "badge" for completing the program. :p I am going out for a walk with my husband in a bit.

My son got his residence hall assignment, so I guess the school is going all in. I've been monitoring the school's website and there is no word on how they are going to minimize the risk of infection when the term begins. We're less than a month away from when he has to move in and I'd like to see a concrete plan.

I'm just kind of burned out on this whole virus thing. I am tired of disinfecting groceries before I bring them into the house. I am tired of these masks. I feel trapped. I have so much frustration about this entire situation.
You mentioned your son wanted to live at home and drive in....can he move some basic stuff in when he's allowed, but stay at home for a while until it's safe again? Then he has a place to crash if he needs it, and a place to store books during the day, etc, but he doesn't have to stay there all the time. He can just use it as needed until there's a vaccine or whatever. Maybe keep a set of clothes and toiletries and bedding there in case he's too tired to drive home one day or the weather is bad, but not actually live there yet?


Well-Known Member
Just checking in...

After using last week as a post vacation lazy week and remembering how much it messes with my mind these days, I got back on track this week. I'm on day 3 of the gym and I'm also back to trying to focus on dietary stuff. It's been a rough week (and it's only noon on Wednesday)...between back to school decisions changing, bank card issue, work insanity, and a bladder infection...I'm just trying to keep it all together. I've at least gotten my back to school shopping done (part of my bank card issue) and am in a good place for Kendall's bday cake in a couple of weeks.

A recent chat with a friend also had me thinking of @Sans Souci and the state of the airlines. I know @MinnieM123 noted something a little while back. My friend was telling me that her friend was furloughed by her airline. She's been an FA with this airline for 15 years and the earliest they say they'll call her back to work is 6 years from now. I remember her talking about them flying standby a couple of years ago under said friend's FA perks and getting bumped 30 min before their flight because a more tenured FA wanted to fly, which already sounded crazy to me...but 6 years is "find another career" territory. So, maybe it really is an omen you weren't able to go that career route.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So I've been really bad about keeping up with my workouts. My allergies had been bad, which then messes with my sleep cycle, which makes me tired, which messes with my workouts, which makes my migraines worse, which makes me want to sleep some more... it's just a never ending cycle. I finally started taking Benadryl a few nights before bed to get over the worst of it, and now I'm taking Allegra in the morning and Claratin and Melatonin at night. So far it seems to be helping. My Fitbit says I'm sleeping better.

Yesterday I did the elliptical while watching Hamilton. It works really well. I turned it off and I'll watch the next part tomorrow while working out



Well-Known Member
Well, good news is I've obviously lost weight. I desperately needed some new summer clothes, so I went shopping today and tried on shorts that wouldn't have fit me last year, but are now a bit loose, so yay.
Bad news is my hip is really bothering me the last few days. I came home early from work last night because it was soooo dead and figured it was better to take the rest while I can than keep pushing through the pain. I hope resting will help. I do wonder if it's a weather-related got worse right around the time the heatwave started. We're up over 90 degrees and are supposed to be there for at least a week, which is pretty miserable without air-co. There's nowhere to escape the heat most of the time, and it's really bad at work without AC and it's all moderate physical activity. But I wonder if the change in the weather is a trigger for my hip.


Well-Known Member
Well, I haven't worked out since last Friday. I've been dealing with some bladder issues and things aren't improving with meds the way I'd like. Needless to say, I haven't been sleeping well and haven't been very comfortable. I have my annual visit with my regular doctor on Monday (soonest I can get in), and some of this falls into her area of expertise, so I'm hopeful. The stress of the last week or so hasn't helped.

The kids started school yesterday, which has had its ups and downs. It's all virtual to start, but it gets more complicated in week 3. I was going to keep them both home, but I just found out that my older one must go in person for sports/electives if I want her to play high school softball for PE credit. I'm not too worried about the softball safety as the kids have both been playing, but it will likely also mean choir in person. And of course, one is her first period and one is her last period. We're close to the school (but not close enough to bike safely and potential to miss zoom classes) and we're still working from home indefinitely, but it's still a hassle going back and forth multiple times.

On top of this, the darn A/C in my new vehicle is out again. I scheduled an appointment with a different dealer, but they couldn't work me in until this coming Monday for a loaner. After booking, I realized that my drivers license was expiring on my bday (which just passed). Our governor extended expirations for 60 days after he calls an end to the state of disaster over Covid...but apparently that only applies to things like getting pulled over. As far as the dealer knew, I'd need a valid DL and couldn't borrow a loaner on the governor's orders. Apparently rental agencies are doing the same. Our DPS offices reopened a couple of months ago, but up until late July, they weren't doing anything for renewals and the first available appointment I could get was Sept. I tried several locations this morning in hopes of a walk up appointment, but none were allowing it. In an act of desperation, I checked for last minute cancellations and wound up finding a bunch...but not at my location. Still, need I drove halfway across the city to get my renewal. And of course it's around 100 out and no A/C for the drive. 🥵

The older one has to do a mile every day for softball, so I may join her at the track. It's something.


Premium Member
Well, I haven't worked out since last Friday. I've been dealing with some bladder issues and things aren't improving with meds the way I'd like. Needless to say, I haven't been sleeping well and haven't been very comfortable. I have my annual visit with my regular doctor on Monday (soonest I can get in), and some of this falls into her area of expertise, so I'm hopeful. The stress of the last week or so hasn't helped.

The kids started school yesterday, which has had its ups and downs. It's all virtual to start, but it gets more complicated in week 3. I was going to keep them both home, but I just found out that my older one must go in person for sports/electives if I want her to play high school softball for PE credit. I'm not too worried about the softball safety as the kids have both been playing, but it will likely also mean choir in person. And of course, one is her first period and one is her last period. We're close to the school (but not close enough to bike safely and potential to miss zoom classes) and we're still working from home indefinitely, but it's still a hassle going back and forth multiple times.

On top of this, the darn A/C in my new vehicle is out again. I scheduled an appointment with a different dealer, but they couldn't work me in until this coming Monday for a loaner. After booking, I realized that my drivers license was expiring on my bday (which just passed). Our governor extended expirations for 60 days after he calls an end to the state of disaster over Covid...but apparently that only applies to things like getting pulled over. As far as the dealer knew, I'd need a valid DL and couldn't borrow a loaner on the governor's orders. Apparently rental agencies are doing the same. Our DPS offices reopened a couple of months ago, but up until late July, they weren't doing anything for renewals and the first available appointment I could get was Sept. I tried several locations this morning in hopes of a walk up appointment, but none were allowing it. In an act of desperation, I checked for last minute cancellations and wound up finding a bunch...but not at my location. Still, need I drove halfway across the city to get my renewal. And of course it's around 100 out and no A/C for the drive. 🥵

The older one has to do a mile every day for softball, so I may join her at the track. It's something.

Wow. That's too much going on for one person -- then again, it's 2020 and there's little good about this year overall.

Doesn't it figure that your driver's license also expired during all of your current stress. Reminds me of an old expression, when it rains, it pours! As for your A/C, isn't this a NEW car?!! What's up with the freaking A/C?! Sorry to hear about your long ride to the DPS in this heat (we've having a heat wave up here as well). But at least you could get your license. My goodness, I hope better days are ahead for you.


Well-Known Member
Wow. That's too much going on for one person -- then again, it's 2020 and there's little good about this year overall.

Doesn't it figure that your driver's license also expired during all of your current stress. Reminds me of an old expression, when it rains, it pours! As for your A/C, isn't this a NEW car?!! What's up with the freaking A/C?! Sorry to hear about your long ride to the DPS in this heat (we've having a heat wave up here as well). But at least you could get your license. My goodness, I hope better days are ahead for you.

Thanks! I forgot to mention the suspected fraud from my back to school order with Staples in this mix. I will NEVER do online business with them again. They hit my bank account for my full order amount and also billed my account in increments as portions were fulfilled. One or the other is fine, but not both. So, I had a $175 order, but double that in pending charges, which impacted my available balance. Thankfully, I had enough for other expenses (and wasn't using that account anyway after stopping the card I used), but what about the person who doesn't have that much in their account? My bank thought it could be fraud, Staples' chat customer service didn't know they billed like this, so I had to cancel my bank card and then watch and wait if there was anything to dispute. Thankfully, all is good.

That's kind of how I'm feeling right now. Every day is overloaded with stuff. And it figures 2020 would be the year I'm required to renew my DL in person. Most years, it's a simple online process. I think 2008 was the last time I had to renew in person. And yeah, this is the new vehicle...the one that was in the shop for over 3 weeks in June and 2 days in April for this same problem. I'm trying a different dealer this time. I expect it to be hot like this here, but I never would have expected my new car to be on round 3 of trying to get my a/c fixed in the worst of it. I want to just rent a nice hotel room and sit in there for a night on my own with no issues or demands. I did do something nice for me to help alleviate some of the stress. It's kind of silly, but my bday gift to me was a Nintendo NES mini. So, now I can be nostalgic and play fun old video games.


Premium Member
Thanks! I forgot to mention the suspected fraud from my back to school order with Staples in this mix. I will NEVER do online business with them again. They hit my bank account for my full order amount and also billed my account in increments as portions were fulfilled. One or the other is fine, but not both. So, I had a $175 order, but double that in pending charges, which impacted my available balance. Thankfully, I had enough for other expenses (and wasn't using that account anyway after stopping the card I used), but what about the person who doesn't have that much in their account? My bank thought it could be fraud, Staples' chat customer service didn't know they billed like this, so I had to cancel my bank card and then watch and wait if there was anything to dispute. Thankfully, all is good.

That's kind of how I'm feeling right now. Every day is overloaded with stuff. And it figures 2020 would be the year I'm required to renew my DL in person. Most years, it's a simple online process. I think 2008 was the last time I had to renew in person. And yeah, this is the new vehicle...the one that was in the shop for over 3 weeks in June and 2 days in April for this same problem. I'm trying a different dealer this time. I expect it to be hot like this here, but I never would have expected my new car to be on round 3 of trying to get my a/c fixed in the worst of it. I want to just rent a nice hotel room and sit in there for a night on my own with no issues or demands. I did do something nice for me to help alleviate some of the stress. It's kind of silly, but my bday gift to me was a Nintendo NES mini. So, now I can be nostalgic and play fun old video games.

Yikes. First of all, thanks for the heads up about avoiding Staples. What a mess that was.

Agree, nothing is simple. I swear that businesses, gov't. agencies, etc., all go out of their way to make things complicated and time wasting all around. Why should getting a license renewed be any different? 🤦‍♀️

I do recall your recent issues with the new car. New cars should not have any issues like that. For the huge bankroll they charge a customer to buy them, everything should be perfect. Ugh.

Happy belated birthday by the way, and I like your idea of getting a nice hotel room, ordering in-room dining (get the most expensive meal on the menu), and chillin' out. :)


Well-Known Member
Yikes. First of all, thanks for the heads up about avoiding Staples. What a mess that was.

Agree, nothing is simple. I swear that businesses, gov't. agencies, etc., all go out of their way to make things complicated and time wasting all around. Why should getting a license renewed be any different? 🤦‍♀️

I do recall your recent issues with the new car. New cars should not have any issues like that. For the huge bankroll they charge a customer to buy them, everything should be perfect. Ugh.

Happy belated birthday by the way, and I like your idea of getting a nice hotel room, ordering in-room dining (get the most expensive meal on the menu), and chillin' out. :)

Staples was a bit of a shock. I submitted a complaint after the fact and I got a canned response about how they will pass my suggestions on to the appropriate party, along with a dose of that's just how they do things. I received a survey from them as well and detailed my issues in that too. Somebody has to read it? Right? o_O

It's unfortunate that the dealer and other rental facilities aren't following along with the governor's orders. If they were, it will probably be at least 6 months before I'd be in a "have to renew right now" situation. On the bright side, minus a crazy man in line and standing in that socially distanced line in the full sun for about 10 minutes, the process went very quickly. I guess the only blessing with the car issue is that it's the same issue. I love the vehicle, aside from the a/c, but it should be a clear lemon law case if I have four failed attempts to fix the same issue.

And if I can't get to a hotel, maybe our first bathroom renovation will go quickly. I can just sit in the jetted tub and relax to Disney sounds for a while.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Well, I haven't worked out since last Friday. I've been dealing with some bladder issues and things aren't improving with meds the way I'd like. Needless to say, I haven't been sleeping well and haven't been very comfortable. I have my annual visit with my regular doctor on Monday (soonest I can get in), and some of this falls into her area of expertise, so I'm hopeful. The stress of the last week or so hasn't helped.

The kids started school yesterday, which has had its ups and downs. It's all virtual to start, but it gets more complicated in week 3. I was going to keep them both home, but I just found out that my older one must go in person for sports/electives if I want her to play high school softball for PE credit. I'm not too worried about the softball safety as the kids have both been playing, but it will likely also mean choir in person. And of course, one is her first period and one is her last period. We're close to the school (but not close enough to bike safely and potential to miss zoom classes) and we're still working from home indefinitely, but it's still a hassle going back and forth multiple times.

On top of this, the darn A/C in my new vehicle is out again. I scheduled an appointment with a different dealer, but they couldn't work me in until this coming Monday for a loaner. After booking, I realized that my drivers license was expiring on my bday (which just passed). Our governor extended expirations for 60 days after he calls an end to the state of disaster over Covid...but apparently that only applies to things like getting pulled over. As far as the dealer knew, I'd need a valid DL and couldn't borrow a loaner on the governor's orders. Apparently rental agencies are doing the same. Our DPS offices reopened a couple of months ago, but up until late July, they weren't doing anything for renewals and the first available appointment I could get was Sept. I tried several locations this morning in hopes of a walk up appointment, but none were allowing it. In an act of desperation, I checked for last minute cancellations and wound up finding a bunch...but not at my location. Still, need I drove halfway across the city to get my renewal. And of course it's around 100 out and no A/C for the drive. 🥵

The older one has to do a mile every day for softball, so I may join her at the track. It's something.
Happy belated 1597831874356.png and good luck with everything else


Well-Known Member
Waving hi! Still boot bound but at least it doesn't feel as heavy when I have to drag it around. I've been keeping myself busy canning this week so far I made 24 quarts of pineapple salsa. I don't know why but I thought it would be something @epcotisbest would like

Yes, I love pineapple salsa. Never tried to make it at home. We have a big jar of mango salsa from Sam's in the fridge right now. If they had pineapple I would be all over that.

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