@epcotisbest , my previous Weber (charcoal) grill finally rusted out (we keep it outdoors all year, through snow, rain, and everything--no room inside for it). Had it about 5 years, so can't complain.
Last week, I went looking for a new one (they're still expensive). So I went to Lowes here, because the web site said they had the basic models in stock on the floor. When I got there, they only had the more expensive ones.

I asked a man in the dept. if he might have some in a back storeroom, etc. He looked it up, and then brought over a tall ladder, and got me one from way up on a high shelf.
I took it to the checkout, and the casher rang up $40 (before tax).

What?! It's supposed to cost around $110!! So the man at the register told me it was from last year, and they had changed inventory numbers (or something like that) and this was just one left--so it had been marked down to move it out. SCORE!!!