working out for Disney

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Her kid is in 6th grade this year and will be choosing a secondary school for next year. I REALLY hope he doesn't choose the one my DD goes to.

That would suck. She sounds like a real peach. I used to chaperone my son's trips from time to time, but I did that because he's an Aspie and I knew he'd be a handful for a parent unaccustomed to him. Some other mothers were cliquish, in that it felt like I was in HS again, but nobody was outright nasty.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

This morning was a bit of cardio and lower body strength training. I wasn't feeling it. I did shout at the TV, because the instructor was doing way too much talking and I just wanted to get my 5:30 AM workout in before i changed my mind. :hilarious: My husband went up to Boston last night so I slept poorly, plus my bedroom was a bit warm.

I went out for a walk today, too. I'm loving all the blossoms on the trees, not loving the pollen so much though.

I feel like I need to switch up my workouts, too, but I am not sure what. 🤔

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
When you get there see if you can find us a place too. The pollen is kicking my butt right now. Stuffed up, running nose, sneezing like crazy, super sore throat, coughing up nasty stuff...OK, that is more than you needed to know.

I have all of that nonsense, too.

I'll play the lottery this weekend and if I win, I will buy a palatial mansion in Scottsdale and everyone's invited. 🌵🌴🌞


Well-Known Member
I think not long ago, the FAs finally merged and United FAs who were previously "line holders" (could make their own schedule) were bumped back down to reserve (on call). Also, post merger, United FA were working domestic flights and the Continental FAs were getting all of the international trips, so there's bad blood there.

I think the brokering of the premium trips were happening under corporate's nose. There's Facebook page for FAs to swap and pick up trips and the FA selling the flight would use coded language to let the junior FAs a route was for sale and the junior FA would respond using coded language. Some people complained to the union about it and the union just told them to stop, but took no action.

I have read two things that shocked me today: 1) There is a United FA who has been working at O'Hare since 1989 and she is still on reserve (on call.)
2) There is a United FA who also works at O'Hare and she has been working there since 1961. LOL
But why was their seniority stripped because of the merger? That makes no sense! Someone who has been there since 1961 and she doesn't have seniority? There can't be many FAs on the continental side who have been there that long to have seniority over her. No wonder they are miffed!


Well-Known Member
That would suck. She sounds like a real peach. I used to chaperone my son's trips from time to time, but I did that because he's an Aspie and I knew he'd be a handful for a parent unaccustomed to him. Some other mothers were cliquish, in that it felt like I was in HS again, but nobody was outright nasty.
Yeah, my DS has Autism (obviously, or he wouldn't be at his school), but we didn't know that back when he was in regular school, and this mom is just nasty. If he DID choose DD's secondary school, we probably wouldn't have a whole lot to do with her. I doubt her kid will be doing the same program DD is, and she'd be a year ahead of him anyway, and everything goes by year and program. BUT, there are information nights for parents that are open to anyone. Like, they had a workshop about talking to your teens about....issues that they might be struggling with at their age. I just really don't want to deal with her on any level, so I hope he picks another school.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I hope you're feeling better today. Between the pollen and my sinuses, I think I might move to Phoenix. :p
Thank you I think I was just doing too many things, not getting sleep and the return of pollen all at once and am feeling much better this morning but today will be just some yoga and some LS, which is good because I have to alter a dress I made and want to get it done before I start in on a production line of shorts. PS please tell my younger ds to stop growing!


Well-Known Member
Somehow, I got in my workout this morning. I did 16 rounds of light arms (shoulders, biceps, triceps w/set of 5lb weights) during my 15.65 mi biking. I threw on my ankle weights and did three rounds of hamstring/glutes/adductor/abductor work, some abs with the exercise ball, and a mini power walk at the end. I'm just feeling so drained! I think some of it is these darn brownies I made. They are dairy free and gluten free, but still packed with sugar. I've been very good with portion control on them, but sugar is sugar. It's making my stomach feel weighed down, it's zapping my energy and messing with my sleep. I'm a fudgy middle (vs crispy edge) brownie person, and the middle pieces are gone, so hopefully I can resist. Hubby's bday is on Monday and I think I'm just going to buy something I can't eat so I can detox a bit from sweets. I think my allergies are also messing with me too. While we're still in heavy oak pollen season (even though we're past the everything is neon yellow phase), I think it's the grass pollen that's setting me off.

I'm also getting a bit anxious for race registration. Sign up for all of the January 2020 Marathon week races opens on Tuesday. It's sort of like the anxiety and excitement I used to get over booking Disney dining at the 180 mark, but more like my first time playing the whole 180 game...since I've never booked a Disney race before. Part of my brain wants to move on to thinking about lodging, but I feel like I might jinx myself and wind up getting shut out of the races I want. I'm so mental sometimes! I'm seriously debating about going into work late that morning just so I can sign up in peace from my home computer. Fingers crossed we have no home internet issues! Our provider can be downright awful at times.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
But why was their seniority stripped because of the merger? That makes no sense! Someone who has been there since 1961 and she doesn't have seniority? There can't be many FAs on the continental side who have been there that long to have seniority over her. No wonder they are miffed!

Once the two airlines merged, some United FAs were "pushed down" because of Continental FAs who had worked at Continental longer than the United FAs. Seniority is everything to a FA. It dictates when you can transfer bases, which trips you can bid on and which holidays you can have off. If I ever get a job as a FA, I will likely be working every major holiday for at least the next 3-5 years. o_O

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Yeah, my DS has Autism (obviously, or he wouldn't be at his school), but we didn't know that back when he was in regular school, and this mom is just nasty. If he DID choose DD's secondary school, we probably wouldn't have a whole lot to do with her. I doubt her kid will be doing the same program DD is, and she'd be a year ahead of him anyway, and everything goes by year and program. BUT, there are information nights for parents that are open to anyone. Like, they had a workshop about talking to your teens about....issues that they might be struggling with at their age. I just really don't want to deal with her on any level, so I hope he picks another school.

Sometimes it's best to ignore those types of people by not giving them attention, even negative attention is like pouring gasoline on a fire. If I had to say something, I would just give a "hi" and a quick nod and move on. She sounds like a miserable cow.
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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Somehow, I got in my workout this morning. I did 16 rounds of light arms (shoulders, biceps, triceps w/set of 5lb weights) during my 15.65 mi biking. I threw on my ankle weights and did three rounds of hamstring/glutes/adductor/abductor work, some abs with the exercise ball, and a mini power walk at the end. I'm just feeling so drained! I think some of it is these darn brownies I made. They are dairy free and gluten free, but still packed with sugar. I've been very good with portion control on them, but sugar is sugar. It's making my stomach feel weighed down, it's zapping my energy and messing with my sleep. I'm a fudgy middle (vs crispy edge) brownie person, and the middle pieces are gone, so hopefully I can resist. Hubby's bday is on Monday and I think I'm just going to buy something I can't eat so I can detox a bit from sweets. I think my allergies are also messing with me too. While we're still in heavy oak pollen season (even though we're past the everything is neon yellow phase), I think it's the grass pollen that's setting me off.

I'm also getting a bit anxious for race registration. Sign up for all of the January 2020 Marathon week races opens on Tuesday. It's sort of like the anxiety and excitement I used to get over booking Disney dining at the 180 mark, but more like my first time playing the whole 180 game...since I've never booked a Disney race before. Part of my brain wants to move on to thinking about lodging, but I feel like I might jinx myself and wind up getting shut out of the races I want. I'm so mental sometimes! I'm seriously debating about going into work late that morning just so I can sign up in peace from my home computer. Fingers crossed we have no home internet issues! Our provider can be downright awful at times.

I've always wanted to do a Disney race, but I am not the best runner. One of my friends did a half-marathon at WDW and a few months later ran a half at Disneyland. She did this during grad school and she was doing crazy things like waking up 2:30 AM to eat a bowl of cereal and going back to sleep, so she could run at 5 AM. Maybe you should book a room, so you're not scrambling to get one when you aren't shut out? I heard those marathon weekends get crazy busy. Waiting at a computer to check in makes me crazy, you should see before I need to check in for a Southwest flight.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Yesterday I did one hour of yoga and today I wrapped up my four week lower body strength training program. Not sure what I am going to do now. I liked not having to do the guesswork of which workout to do. I am going for a walk with my husband in a bit.

I went to lunch with my husband at an Indian buffet. I ate way too much and took a nap when I got home. I have no idea what's wrong with me. I never nap (unless I am ill) and the past two weeks I've fallen asleep around 10 AM. One day, I took two naps! It's embarrassing.

I am making chicken shawarma with lemon couscous. I'll put out pita, tahini, olives, hummus etc. It's kind of like a DIY thing.

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