Good Morning Loves!
The interview went well. I will be Guest Speaking Nov 4 at the College and teaching every Monday at 2:30 there after. I am grateful!
Where is @
MR FERRET ? We miss you!!!
figmentfan423 gladd I could assist! I sat for 20 today and have been working out kinks in a sequence I am really enjoying. It's focusing on the core a bit more and boy it builds up heat.
real mad hatter We replaced ours last night to!! Glowing coals and flames included. How crazy is that!..That's Spooky...You got a satellite camera on my house.
epcotisbest At least you would remember underwear!
93boomer The excitement level must be thru the roof!
For breakfast I had a kale smoothie with raspberrys and mango. Lunch is a quineoa salad with peppers, onions, and black beans. Dinner is a small salad. Practicing tonight so I want to keep it light.