working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
This is absolutely ridiculous. I am sorry this job has driven you to see a doctor and a therapist. I had no idea you were a contracted worker. Your boss sounds like a piece of work--she wasn't going to renew your contract, but she's happy to use you in the interim. I can't believe she spams you with texts on your days off. Maybe you could block her on the days you're off, so can't even see bits of her texts. That's madness. Does she have a lot of employee turnover? I hope you get this resolved soon. I hope you're feeling better soon, too. This whole thing is
Well, when I was hired, she and the coworker who is out with a burnout both said they were really happy to have 2 new people who were reliable. Apparently they haven't had that for the last 3 years. They had a large turnover and the people they had weren't good. I don't know if no one made it through the 2 month probationary period or that people just quit, but they hadn't had a steady team. Chantal (burnout coworker) had been a store manager at a different chain store for years and didn't want to be a manager anymore, so she applied at this chain as just a regular worker. She was hired and was doing well, when the assisstant manager handed her the keys one evening and walked out. The store manager and the regional manager then pressured Chantal to please take the assisstant manager position over, at least temporarily. She didn't want to, but they pressured her and she caved, but with concessions. She said she could only work 1 Saturday a month, for example....usually the store manager and assisstant would take turns, but she has a kid and her husband is a truck driver and is usually not home on the weekends, so she could only arrange 1 Saturday a month. They agreed to that and a few other things. But it was not ideal and Chantal still didn't want to be assisstant, but she was stuck until they found someone else. I was hired a couple of weeks after this other gal, Ramona. As soon as it appeared that we were both reliable, good workers, Chantal stepped down and Ramona and I were both asked if we'd like to be assisstant. I said no, for several reasons. One, I had a 20 hour a week contract and didn't really want to work more than that. I still have my home and family to take care of and I do pretty much ALL the housework, cooking, grocery shopping, etc....I can't be working anywhere near fulltime in the store and also fulltime at home. Also, I don't want that responsibility. I don't want to have to call around trying to find someone to fill in if someone is sick, or give up my vacation to come in because there's no one else. I don't want to have to dictate to everyone else what tasks to do and how to do them. I don't want to be the one responsible for things going wrong. I have too much in my private life to worry about that at work....If I wanted to do that, I'd start my own business. So I said no, but Ramona said yes. But since she was also new, she had SOOOOOO much to learn in a short period of time, so her training was obviously prioritized, and rightly so, but now they are denying that I haven't had as much training. I should know this and that and the next thing that I've never even been shown how to do. Mostly I'm a scapegoat....something doesn't get done, they blame it on me. I was working too slowly, or I should have prioritized this other thing, even though I didn't KNOW that. But I'm a handy excuse for them, well, mostly for the store manager, if she doesn't get the to do list done. That's why she's mad that I quit, I think. Because who will she blame now? But because I'm super flexible with my schedule, I was ideal for her, especially when Chantal went out with a burnout. All Chantal's hours had to be redistributed, and I had the fewest hours scheduled and I'm the most flexible because my kids are pretty much grown. Ramona has a 9 year old that she still has to be home for sometimes. So when the boss had a severe allergy attack and had to go to urgent care, I was the one who came in so she could go. And when Ramona forgot that her daughter had a day off of school, I was the one who took her shift so she could be home with her daughter. And these things were happening several times a week that I'd be called and asked if I could come in on my day off. I was working around 30 hours a week instead of 20, but I only get paid for 20 because at some point, I'm supposed to have fewer hours scheduled so it averages out. But I was never getting scheduled for fewer....always more more more. And instead of scheduling me for a full day a couple times a week, she was scheduling me for 4-6 hours 5 days a week. Sometimes I wasn't even getting 2 days off in a row....I'd be scheduled 3 days on, one day off. So I never had a "weekend" where I could go somewhere or do something, and I was having to use my few hours off each week to try to keep up with laundry and cleaning the house. And she might have me scheduled starting at noon, and then call me and ask if I could start at opening, because she was expecting a large shipment, or because we hadn't gotten everything done the night before. One time in the summer, before Chantal was sick, I was working with Chantal and Bissan (who didn't make it through her probationary period because she would just not show up when she was scheduled, and when she DID show up, she didn't work) and there was a markdown list we had to do I think? And it was pretty busy that day and we were working really hard. Well, Chantal and I were. The boss had told Chantal that if we didn't get everything done, we'd have to come in the next day to finish (which I've since found out she can not make you do) I was supposed to cleanup in the kids and womens sections and Bissan was supposed to empty the fitting room rack, which was overflowing. She was also supposed to sweep the floor and vacuum the mat by the door. I was almost done with my work when Bissan came and asked me if I was good at doing the fitting room rack. I said no, because I could see what she was trying to do...I was almost done, so if I switched with her, she'd be done and I'd have to do the entire fitting room rack which she had barely touched. So Chantal and I both continued what were were doing and at the end of the day, we were walking to the back to get our stuff and Chantal looked and gasped. All the clothing from the fitting room rack was just in a big pile on the floor. Rather than put the stuff away, Bissan had just dumped it. Of course she wouldn't own to it, but there's no other explanation. But it was too late to fix it, and the sweeping and vacuuming hadn't been done either. So Chantal told us we could expect a phonecall in the morning to come in on our day off. And sure enough, it was made clear that it was "unacceptable" how "WE" left the store, and we were expected at the store to finish up. Bissan didn't answer her phone, so it was just me, cleaning up the mess SHE made on MY day off, and my boss kept me there not just until those things were done, but for SIX HOURS of my day off, so that SHE could do other things she wanted to get done but hadn't had time for. And it was made clear that if I DIDN'T come in and do this, I would not keep my job. They finally got ahold of Bissan and she came in a few hours late. But really, I should never have had to come in to do HER job, and if I had done it anyway, I should have been allowed to go home as soon as the pile was cleaned up and the sweeping and vacuuming was done. She just completely USED me for whatever she didn't want to do herself, and because I was trying so hard to prove myself, I was easy to take advantage of, and she just never stopped. She continued to manipulate me with the threat that if I didn't do all this, my contract might not be renewed. So every time she needed someone, I said yes, hoping my work ethic would make her see the value. In the end, I pretty much got burned out myself, never getting enough time off, never being able to trust my schedule because it was CONSTANTLY changing, and yet I was still constantly being criticized because I didn't work fast enough and people "didn't like working with me because they feel like they have to do three times the work." And that doesn't even make sense. I'm ALWAYS on the register and whoever I work with is on floor. I CAN'T do a bunch on the floor if I'm always working the register. They only work the register while I'm on break, but I'm expected to do the register then for 7 hours out of the day and still do half the work on the floor, while the OTHER person does register for ONE hour of the day and does the other half on the floor...but they feel like THEY are doing three times the work? I think they've just gotten used to me busting my rear to do everything, so when I'm stuck at the register and can't do half the floor, they notice what I haven't been able to do. But I think they don't realize how much I'm actually doing. Anyway, it's just become untenable. And since the boss is very confrontational, it's kind of toxic. She doesn't just say "Oh, hey, I noticed this was done like this and it needs to be done like that." OR 'let me show you how to do this" she says "Do you ALWAYS only do half the work??" or "This needs to be done over before your break". Or "This is unacceptable! Why did you do this like this?" And then when I have a day off, I come in the next day to the store being a mess that -I- have to clean up because they "didn't have time to do it" the night before because they prioritized something else. If -I- leave the store like that, I get a message saying they were "shocked" at the state of the store and telling me I need to come in early, or on my day off, to do what I didn't get done the night before. But THEY never have to come back in when THEY don't get it's just "Oh, Susan can do that tomorrow morning." And when I call them out on that because it's unfair, they deny it ever happened, or have some excuse for why it's ok that THEY didn't get it done. No excuse was good enough when -I- couldn't get it done, but of course it's no big deal if they don't. So I'm tired of cleaning up their messes and fixing their scheduling issues, and not getting anything in return, running myself into the ground and still being told it's not enough. It's not a healthy situation...there's already one person out with a burnout and when I said I was starting to get symptoms of a burnout too, rather than empathy, the boss asked whether she "could count on me"? She was ticked that I wanted to call the work doctor about my symptoms. That was the last straw. She obviously doesn't value my contribution and she's just taking advantage of me. So I quit. And that made her even more mad. She doesn't even CARE that I said I was quitting for health reasons. She's not concerned at ALL that my health isn't good. She's mad that she won't be able to take advantage of me. I've already started ignoring her texts on my days off, and then she sends increasingly angry texts demanding that I respond before the workday is over, series of question marks to imply her anger that I'm not responding, etc. But what can she do? Fire me? I already quit, and the contract says I'm not required to communicate on my days off. So she can throw her little temper tantrums all she's not working anymore.


Well-Known Member
My husband and I have never had an issue with passports or visas, so I guess I was overdue for a hiccup. lol We got married here, then I went back to England to live with him. When we moved here, he did all the visa stuff at the US Embassy. It sounds like I've been lucky in that regard. Even my replacement US passport got here sooner than expected. They told me 3 weeks when I applied at the Post Office and I applied on December 20. It was here two weeks later. I was impressed, actually.

Can you get married by phone? That seems like something that could be abused.

I am not so much in a hurry, but I wanted an escape hatch in case of civil unrest, state of emergency, job loss, etc. An Irish passport means I can live and work in the UK without waiting for a spouse visa from the UK. My husband and my son have UK passports. There is an agreement between the UK and Ireland, you can move, work and live freely between them. My MIL has offered us a place to stay until we got situated.
Oh wow, you HAVE been lucky if you've never had an issue before. I don't think we ever DIDN'T have an issue. My passport name change after we got married took longer than it was supposed to, his work permit took longer, his residency never did go through.

I doubt you can get married by phone, but we were legitimately worried that we weren't going to be able to get married because he wasn't going to BE there yet. We met online, so we joked that we were going to have to get married that way, too. In the end, he made it just in time, and then September 11th happened and half our guest list didn't dare to fly, and his family was stuck here until international flights opened. His parents were very flights opened the day they were flying out, so they made it over, but some family had wanted to surprise us by coming to the wedding, and they had planned to go siteseeing for a week or so before, and so their flight was canceled and they were on a waiting list, but didn't make it over. And his brother's girlfriend was mentally ill and refused to come because she said it would cause her to break down, and said he couldn't come either because she'd end up in a mental facility if he did. So in the end, it was just his parents who came over. But our pastor had given us some brilliant advice in our pre-marital counseling, that we could expect things to go wrong. Nothing is perfect. Something WILL go wrong, whether it's the cake, or the dress, or the food, etc....but to remember we'd still be just as married if the cake fell over as if it didn't. (It didn't) And we'd still be just as married if the bridesmaid refused to wear the dress. (in the end, she just didn't come) And that so many people focus on the wedding instead of the marriage, so when something goes wrong, they think the whole marriage is ruined. But we'd still be just as married, no matter what happened. Not that that would have made a difference if he couldn't have even been there to get married in the first place, but at least with all the things that went wrong because of September 11th, it helped to put it into perspective.

I thought that Ireland was separate from the UK. I have a friend from the UK who lives in Ireland, but I know she was nervous with Brexit that she wouldn't be allowed to live there anymore. And now they are apparently starting a visa waiver program like the US has, where people from other European countries will have to get a visa or pay for a waiver to enter the UK. It was on the news either yesterday or the day before. But I thought Northern Ireland considered itself part of the UK, but the rest of Ireland has the Euro, etc and considers itself to be its own country.


Well-Known Member
I looked at that hotel It looks like a very charming courtyard. I've never been to NO, but I'd like to go some time. I have always wanted to go on a Marie Laveau tour and check out the voodoo shops. My husband went in August for a team building thing and said he didn't care for it. I'd still like to check it out for myself. He was only there for two nights and the water was under a boiling order, so he had to buy bottled water. I think that might have colored his perception a bit. lol
I feel like you have to kind of make your own judgements about travel destinations anyway. I LOVE Disneyworld, but my husband would be happy to never set foot there again. And I think he'd also be happy never to go to Wyoming again, because he's been there, so why go again? He doesn't seem to see the need for me to go "home" once in a while. He wants to see someplace new, and I do too, but I ALSO want to see friends and family back home. He doesn't really have those, we've lived here for over 20 years and he hasn't felt the need to look up his friends from college, even though they are less than an hour away...he hung out with these people for his entire college experience and he's just....lost touch and it doesn't bother him. I can't do that. I MISS people. But if I left traveling up to him, we might not go anywhere. He's not a planner, and he's just not too bothered if it doesn't happen.

Do you have someone you could travel with? Or do you think he'd be willing to go again if you really wanted to go there?


Well-Known Member
I looked at that hotel It looks like a very charming courtyard. I've never been to NO, but I'd like to go some time. I have always wanted to go on a Marie Laveau tour and check out the voodoo shops. My husband went in August for a team building thing and said he didn't care for it. I'd still like to check it out for myself. He was only there for two nights and the water was under a boiling order, so he had to buy bottled water. I think that might have colored his perception a bit. lol

We haven't been on the tour, but we've been to Marie Laveau's voodoo shop a number of times. It's possible that the water issue tainted your husband's experience, but summer can also feel oppressively hot and humid. NOLA is also one of those places that people seem to either absolutely love or hate. I know a lot of people who were one and done, saying it felt dirty and dangerous. Some also can't get past the revelry and drinking in and around Bourbon/the French Quarter. There's so much more to do, but all of that is certain part of the history and culture. That's not to say you have to drink all night on Bourbon to enjoy, but we do like a stroll (or three) down Bourbon to take it all in before retreating to a more subdued environment just on the edge of the party. Even where you stay (not just the hotel but the district location) can make or break a trip.

If you do ever get to go, David stayed at the Monteleone (on Royal St, one block off of Bourbon) on one of his business trips and their Carousel Bar is one of the more fun but refined places to stop for a drink.



Well-Known Member
Checking in...I believe this is the start of week 5 of getting back on track.

We had a cold snap hit us last week, so my cardio has been primarily biking. I've been pushing myself to a 17 mile minimum of late. I've also started to add in a few more things afterwards to start working on other areas like squats and kettlebells. I still feel a bit off because I had to take Saturday as my break day instead of Sunday. Kendall needed to get back to school and we were trying to time things around the ice/snow (since this region doesn't handle winter weather very well). I drove her to Norman on Saturday and made it back to Houston before things refroze but was just too fried from the drive to work out. So, I did Saturday's workout on Sunday. I actually tried walking yesterday to start off my day, but it started to rain after I was about .25 miles in and the last thing I wanted was a walk in cold rain. So, it was on the bike. Still low 40s this morning with a wind chill in the 30s, but I got out for 1.5 miles before logging in to work. I still haven't started using the walking pad at my new desk, but I'm routinely raising the desk several times a day so I can stand and move around for a bit. I had only been holding myself to a 10 mile biking minimum on days when I get in a morning walk, but I'm thinking about upping that to at least 15. We'll see how I feel tonight.

Getting a bit anxious for this weekend. Sam and I are flying to Connecticut on Friday. I don't know why, but I used to be so good with air travel. Now, I just become a bundle of nerves. Maybe it's because I am nervous about her gear not getting lost during travel or getting stuck and missing things, but the anxiety is real. Hopefully all will go well.


Well-Known Member
Checking in...I believe this is the start of week 5 of getting back on track.

We had a cold snap hit us last week, so my cardio has been primarily biking. I've been pushing myself to a 17 mile minimum of late. I've also started to add in a few more things afterwards to start working on other areas like squats and kettlebells. I still feel a bit off because I had to take Saturday as my break day instead of Sunday. Kendall needed to get back to school and we were trying to time things around the ice/snow (since this region doesn't handle winter weather very well). I drove her to Norman on Saturday and made it back to Houston before things refroze but was just too fried from the drive to work out. So, I did Saturday's workout on Sunday. I actually tried walking yesterday to start off my day, but it started to rain after I was about .25 miles in and the last thing I wanted was a walk in cold rain. So, it was on the bike. Still low 40s this morning with a wind chill in the 30s, but I got out for 1.5 miles before logging in to work. I still haven't started using the walking pad at my new desk, but I'm routinely raising the desk several times a day so I can stand and move around for a bit. I had only been holding myself to a 10 mile biking minimum on days when I get in a morning walk, but I'm thinking about upping that to at least 15. We'll see how I feel tonight.

Getting a bit anxious for this weekend. Sam and I are flying to Connecticut on Friday. I don't know why, but I used to be so good with air travel. Now, I just become a bundle of nerves. Maybe it's because I am nervous about her gear not getting lost during travel or getting stuck and missing things, but the anxiety is real. Hopefully all will go well.
Good luck with your travel! I'm always a bundle of nerves with travel until we get to where we're going and are all checked in. Up until then, I worry that something's going to go wrong. I worry about missing my flight, or not having the paperwork I need, or the flight being canceled. And then I worry that the hotel will lose my reservation, or whatever. I'm terrible. I'm such a planner, and I always have it all organized, but I convince myself that I missed something or did something wrong, or forgot something important. So while I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine, I totally understand being a bundle of nerves. Crossing fingers and toes for you!!


Well-Known Member
I am so so glad I am getting out of this job!!! One of the things that has been bothering me is that my boss keeps scheduling me for all the Friday evening shifts. We're only open in the evening on Fridays, and we're supposed to have students who work on the Friday evenings and in the weekends. But since she never replaced the one student, and the other one has an internship and can't work on the Friday evenings, I've been scheduled for 75% of the Friday evenings. We're open until 9pm and of course Friday is the start of the weekend when everyone goes out drinking and partying. I work in a store that's kind of on the outskirts of the main shopping area, but we're in between 2 grocery stores and 2 drug stores and a junior college and a giant parking lot. There are a lot of homeless people who hang around in that parking lot. So Friday night, this guy who we are pretty sure is homeless came in at the beginning of my shift, (I only worked 3 hours that night) and apparently he had also been in once that day. He talks to himself the whole time he's walking around and if someone gets within a meter or so of him, he starts directing his conversation at that person. But he talks really fast and he's drunk, so he's really hard to understand, so all I caught was something about an earring, 9 carats, something about White, at which point he grabbed his jacket...he wasn't wearing a shirt, so his chest was bare under the jacket, which was only zipped about 1/4 of the way. So he's just looking around and talking to himself or to me as I came into his vicinity, and I can't understand him, so I just nod a lot. He's come in several times and I never had a problem. I figured he's probably mentally ill, and he needs someone to just be kind and not treat him like dirt. He left, and I kept sweeping the floor. Towards the end of the night, he came back in. We had everything done in the store. We had put all the clothes away from the fitting room rack, made sure everything was put in the right place, all the clothes were hanging correctly, the floor was swept, the mat in front of the door was vacuumed....everything looked nice. So we had gotten out the last cart from our shipment on Tuesday to hang the rest of the clothing that had come in. So we're busy doing that, and it's just me and the newer coworker who replaced the one out with a burnout. She's only been working there since November, so not that long. So the guy comes back in carrying a bouquet of tulips from the Jumbo (a supermarket), and he comes up and starts talking and he's holding up the flowers, but neither of us can understand what he's saying. Finally he shoves the tulips in our faces and we don't know what he wants. He tosses them into our cart and walks away towards the men's clothing. We keep hanging clothes, and then he comes back and he holds up a pair of 20 euro sweatpants and says something about them only costing 1 euro. My coworker says, no, they are 20 euros. He says he'll give us the tulips and take the pants. She tells him no, we can't accept the tulips as payment. He says the tulips are worth 20 euros. She points to the 3.50 price tag and says no, but we can't take them as payment anyway. He throws the sweatpants down. She picks them up and starts folding them back up. He walks down an aisle and comes back with some of those paper doiley plate liners, if you know what I'm talking look like lace, but they are paper, and you line a round tray with them to make it look fancy? Anyway, he has 2 packages of those, throws them on the floor, and sets down an easter decoration, like a vase or a candle or something? And he says "That's for in bed tonight." And he walks down another aisle, and my coworker picks up the stuff and is putting it back on the shelves, and he comes with a lacey lingerie cover up, and a blanket, and he sets them down on the table with the easter display. So my coworker says "Sir, can you please not keep picking stuff up and leaving it everywhere?" And he takes his keys and shoves them in her face and I couldn't understand what he was saying to her, but she said "No, sir, we don't need your keys." And then he tosses his keys on the display table. He picks up the blanket and coverup and walks to the counter and sets them down next to a register, than starts walking around again. She picks up his keys and hands them back to him....I think it was maybe at this point that he threw them on the floor near me, so I picked them up and went to hand them back to him. He went over by the door, and we have these sale bins that we normally put out front every day, and one has blankets, but it had rained, so we kept the blankets inside on Friday. So he goes over, grabs a blanket, and we're like "Sir, you have to pay for that." and he throws it out the door onto the sidewalk. Then he throws his keys outside as well. So my coworker goes and grabs the blanket and puts it away and says to him that maybe it's a good time to go home for the night. He starts talking about a bag...he needs a plastic bag. "We don't have plastic bags, Sir." and he's saying something about a "swerver" which is like...a derogatory name, like hobo or migrant, but it's definitely got the connotation of being an unsavory individual. He says something about this swerver, and I THINK he maybe said the guy was Turkish, and something about a bag, but it was dirty and he wanted a clean one. We've been handing him the tulips back and he keeps laying them down all over the store, and we give them back. So at this point they were on a box next to the cart where we were hanging clothes, and he walks off to go get this bag down the street. I asked my coworker if we should maybe call the police. This whole time, the keys he threw out the door are still on the ground, it's dark, and it's like -2 degrees Celsius outside, and he's walking around with a bare chest, drunk. So we don't really know what the protocol one ever told us what to do in a case like this, and he's not really being aggressive, but he IS tossing stuff around and won't leave, and he's probably mentally ill and definitely been drinking. He's unpredictable and if he gets agressive, this is WAY above our paygrade to deal with. So I suggest she call the assistant manager, because the manager was working in a different store that needed help. So she's trying to call Ramona, but Ramona isn't picking up. The guy comes back in with his bag, saying it's dirty, and something about the "Swerver" and he shows me the inside of the bag, in which there's a beer can, which he pulls out and holds upside down so it's dripping on the floor, and he's saying "Blech! Blech!" and I'm like "Sir, that needs to go outside." so he takes the bag and tosses it out the door. I'm like "Sir, your keys are still on the ground there." so he grabs his keys. My coworker managed to get Ramona on the phone, and she mouths to me over his shoulder that she's on her way, which she had said Ramona wasn't picking up so I was hoping she had called the police and THEY were on the way. But the guy is still talking about a bag. Oh, and when he was outside, we have racks with umbrellas over them full of winter coats, and he grabs one and hangs it on the door and says "This needs to go inside." So I grab it, and when he's not looking, I put it back. So now he's talking about a bag, he needs a bag, and repeats the stuff about the earring and 9 carats. My coworker grabs the tulips and hands them to him, he says he'll trade them for a bag. He needs a plastic bag. She repeats that we don't have plastic bags. We have these more sturdy totes that are kind of plastic-y looking, but they aren't disposable. They are meant to be reused, and we have Disney ones that cost 2 euros. So he grabs one and says he'll take that, and she says he has to pay for it, so he throws it on the floor. She picks it up and asks him to stop throwing stuff. He tries to shove the tulips at her to trade for the bag. We keep telling him that the tulips are not payment, we can't take them as payment. He grabs the bag again and sets the tulips down on a sale bin, and says he'll just take the bag. "Sir, you have to pay for the bag." He says that's what the tulips are for. No, we can't accept that as payment. When he finally walked out the door, he stopped at the sale bins and says "I can just take this stuff, right?" and we said no, you have to pay for it, and he grumbled "Can't even take THIS stuff!" I think it took us about half an hour to finally get rid of him, and we had been picking up all the stuff he was throwing on the floor and putting it all away, and I don't know how many times he threw his keys on the floor and I picked them up and handed them back to him, or he put them on the counter, or wherever...I think I must have handed them back at least 5 times, and I'm pretty sure SHE handed them back at least twice, plus the time he threw them out the door and I told him they were still there on the ground where he threw them. It was exhausting and pretty scary, because we didn't know if he was going to get aggressive, and it was right at the end of the night, so if we couldn't get him to leave before we closed, we wouldn't be able to close and go home. And if we got him to leave, would he be waiting outside when we locked up? I was SOOOOOO glad it was cold and I had asked my husband to drop me off and pick me up so I didn't have to ride my bike on the ice in the dark, because I would have been TERRIFIED to ride my bike home alone in the dark after that encounter. By the time Ramona got there, he had literally just walked off....I wasn't even sure he was actually gone yet, because he had only walked out and started walking through the parking lot, and it's's hard to see. And there were a couple of men down a little further, just beyond one of the drug stores, and I couldn't see if he was one of them. And in any case this was the 3rd time he had been in the store that day, so he could easily come back again. It was just....scary. Ramona said he came back Saturday, wearing different clothes, but he was barefoot, and he asked if he could have a shopping basket. But it didn't sound like he caused any problems that time. She said no, we couldn't give baskets away, and he left. Anyway, I'm glad to be getting out of there in a couple of weeks!!!

Anyway, I've been trying to get outside to walk on days that I don't work, to get some exercise and fresh air. There's a place I particularly like to walk. It's on the outskirts of town, really near my street, but it's pretty isolated because it's behind a wooded area. They've been saying on the news that the conditions are good for "hair ice" so get out and walk in a wooded area and you might see this uncommon phenomenon. So I did!

This is hair ice. Here it's actually nicknamed "Father Winter's beard" or only grows on dead wood under certain conditions, so it's a pretty rare thing. I found a couple patches of it, but this one I could actually get up to to get a decent picture of.

Some other things I took pictures of because they just looked spider webs that are iced over, so it's like strings of ice in the bushes/trees:

And there are some trees that have berries and of course now there are no berries on them, but they look really cool all iced over.

And there were these little small like....bushes I guess? but very sparse now, and covered with like....strings of ice. They were all over.


So basically, this is a street....there are a few houses, but not many, and they have really large yards....some where people keep sheep, or horses, or highland cows. One has a pig. But the houses are all on the one side, and on the other side is trees. There are some walking paths between the trees, but the paths were really muddy, and you can't really walk off the paths because of ditches, fallen trees, steep inclines/declines, etc, so I stay on the street, but it's a rather secluded area. It's very quiet there and only every once in a while a car will go by, and if I stay on that road, it eventually circles back around to my neighborhood, so it has this feeling of being completely isolated without it actually being isolated. I love it there. I can get my exercise and fresh air without it being peopley.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Oh wow, you HAVE been lucky if you've never had an issue before. I don't think we ever DIDN'T have an issue. My passport name change after we got married took longer than it was supposed to, his work permit took longer, his residency never did go through.

I doubt you can get married by phone, but we were legitimately worried that we weren't going to be able to get married because he wasn't going to BE there yet. We met online, so we joked that we were going to have to get married that way, too. In the end, he made it just in time, and then September 11th happened and half our guest list didn't dare to fly, and his family was stuck here until international flights opened. His parents were very flights opened the day they were flying out, so they made it over, but some family had wanted to surprise us by coming to the wedding, and they had planned to go siteseeing for a week or so before, and so their flight was canceled and they were on a waiting list, but didn't make it over. And his brother's girlfriend was mentally ill and refused to come because she said it would cause her to break down, and said he couldn't come either because she'd end up in a mental facility if he did. So in the end, it was just his parents who came over. But our pastor had given us some brilliant advice in our pre-marital counseling, that we could expect things to go wrong. Nothing is perfect. Something WILL go wrong, whether it's the cake, or the dress, or the food, etc....but to remember we'd still be just as married if the cake fell over as if it didn't. (It didn't) And we'd still be just as married if the bridesmaid refused to wear the dress. (in the end, she just didn't come) And that so many people focus on the wedding instead of the marriage, so when something goes wrong, they think the whole marriage is ruined. But we'd still be just as married, no matter what happened. Not that that would have made a difference if he couldn't have even been there to get married in the first place, but at least with all the things that went wrong because of September 11th, it helped to put it into perspective.

I thought that Ireland was separate from the UK. I have a friend from the UK who lives in Ireland, but I know she was nervous with Brexit that she wouldn't be allowed to live there anymore. And now they are apparently starting a visa waiver program like the US has, where people from other European countries will have to get a visa or pay for a waiver to enter the UK. It was on the news either yesterday or the day before. But I thought Northern Ireland considered itself part of the UK, but the rest of Ireland has the Euro, etc and considers itself to be its own country.

I didn't have a crazy elaborate wedding. It was very small and it was cobbled together at the last minute because of one of my mother's drama, temper-tantrum episodes. I totally agree with you about not stressing about things being perfect, at the end of the day, you're married and that's what you should focus on. You see these people who are hyper-fixated on their wedding and go into serious debt, but it's like they're lost after they're married because the wedding was the center of their world for so long.

Your friend shouldn't need a visa. There is a long-standing, bilateral agreement between the two counties. You can move freely, work, live, access health care and social programs in both countries. I think the visa waiver is for British citizens who are married and or have children with someone who is from a non-EU country. Is your friend married to someone who is not British and not from an EU country?

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I feel like you have to kind of make your own judgements about travel destinations anyway. I LOVE Disneyworld, but my husband would be happy to never set foot there again. And I think he'd also be happy never to go to Wyoming again, because he's been there, so why go again? He doesn't seem to see the need for me to go "home" once in a while. He wants to see someplace new, and I do too, but I ALSO want to see friends and family back home. He doesn't really have those, we've lived here for over 20 years and he hasn't felt the need to look up his friends from college, even though they are less than an hour away...he hung out with these people for his entire college experience and he's just....lost touch and it doesn't bother him. I can't do that. I MISS people. But if I left traveling up to him, we might not go anywhere. He's not a planner, and he's just not too bothered if it doesn't happen.

Do you have someone you could travel with? Or do you think he'd be willing to go again if you really wanted to go there?

I think he would come with me if I really wanted to. He only went for two nights. He said a woman on his team was getting sauced and she was staying at a different hotel. So he and a few other co-workers waited around for her so they could walk her back to her hotel. He also said this team-building trip made their bonus pool smaller this year. It was a trip nobody asked for and was panned when they returned, so I think that might've colored his perception.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I am so so glad I am getting out of this job!!! One of the things that has been bothering me is that my boss keeps scheduling me for all the Friday evening shifts. We're only open in the evening on Fridays, and we're supposed to have students who work on the Friday evenings and in the weekends. But since she never replaced the one student, and the other one has an internship and can't work on the Friday evenings, I've been scheduled for 75% of the Friday evenings. We're open until 9pm and of course Friday is the start of the weekend when everyone goes out drinking and partying. I work in a store that's kind of on the outskirts of the main shopping area, but we're in between 2 grocery stores and 2 drug stores and a junior college and a giant parking lot. There are a lot of homeless people who hang around in that parking lot. So Friday night, this guy who we are pretty sure is homeless came in at the beginning of my shift, (I only worked 3 hours that night) and apparently he had also been in once that day. He talks to himself the whole time he's walking around and if someone gets within a meter or so of him, he starts directing his conversation at that person. But he talks really fast and he's drunk, so he's really hard to understand, so all I caught was something about an earring, 9 carats, something about White, at which point he grabbed his jacket...he wasn't wearing a shirt, so his chest was bare under the jacket, which was only zipped about 1/4 of the way. So he's just looking around and talking to himself or to me as I came into his vicinity, and I can't understand him, so I just nod a lot. He's come in several times and I never had a problem. I figured he's probably mentally ill, and he needs someone to just be kind and not treat him like dirt. He left, and I kept sweeping the floor. Towards the end of the night, he came back in. We had everything done in the store. We had put all the clothes away from the fitting room rack, made sure everything was put in the right place, all the clothes were hanging correctly, the floor was swept, the mat in front of the door was vacuumed....everything looked nice. So we had gotten out the last cart from our shipment on Tuesday to hang the rest of the clothing that had come in. So we're busy doing that, and it's just me and the newer coworker who replaced the one out with a burnout. She's only been working there since November, so not that long. So the guy comes back in carrying a bouquet of tulips from the Jumbo (a supermarket), and he comes up and starts talking and he's holding up the flowers, but neither of us can understand what he's saying. Finally he shoves the tulips in our faces and we don't know what he wants. He tosses them into our cart and walks away towards the men's clothing. We keep hanging clothes, and then he comes back and he holds up a pair of 20 euro sweatpants and says something about them only costing 1 euro. My coworker says, no, they are 20 euros. He says he'll give us the tulips and take the pants. She tells him no, we can't accept the tulips as payment. He says the tulips are worth 20 euros. She points to the 3.50 price tag and says no, but we can't take them as payment anyway. He throws the sweatpants down. She picks them up and starts folding them back up. He walks down an aisle and comes back with some of those paper doiley plate liners, if you know what I'm talking look like lace, but they are paper, and you line a round tray with them to make it look fancy? Anyway, he has 2 packages of those, throws them on the floor, and sets down an easter decoration, like a vase or a candle or something? And he says "That's for in bed tonight." And he walks down another aisle, and my coworker picks up the stuff and is putting it back on the shelves, and he comes with a lacey lingerie cover up, and a blanket, and he sets them down on the table with the easter display. So my coworker says "Sir, can you please not keep picking stuff up and leaving it everywhere?" And he takes his keys and shoves them in her face and I couldn't understand what he was saying to her, but she said "No, sir, we don't need your keys." And then he tosses his keys on the display table. He picks up the blanket and coverup and walks to the counter and sets them down next to a register, than starts walking around again. She picks up his keys and hands them back to him....I think it was maybe at this point that he threw them on the floor near me, so I picked them up and went to hand them back to him. He went over by the door, and we have these sale bins that we normally put out front every day, and one has blankets, but it had rained, so we kept the blankets inside on Friday. So he goes over, grabs a blanket, and we're like "Sir, you have to pay for that." and he throws it out the door onto the sidewalk. Then he throws his keys outside as well. So my coworker goes and grabs the blanket and puts it away and says to him that maybe it's a good time to go home for the night. He starts talking about a bag...he needs a plastic bag. "We don't have plastic bags, Sir." and he's saying something about a "swerver" which is like...a derogatory name, like hobo or migrant, but it's definitely got the connotation of being an unsavory individual. He says something about this swerver, and I THINK he maybe said the guy was Turkish, and something about a bag, but it was dirty and he wanted a clean one. We've been handing him the tulips back and he keeps laying them down all over the store, and we give them back. So at this point they were on a box next to the cart where we were hanging clothes, and he walks off to go get this bag down the street. I asked my coworker if we should maybe call the police. This whole time, the keys he threw out the door are still on the ground, it's dark, and it's like -2 degrees Celsius outside, and he's walking around with a bare chest, drunk. So we don't really know what the protocol one ever told us what to do in a case like this, and he's not really being aggressive, but he IS tossing stuff around and won't leave, and he's probably mentally ill and definitely been drinking. He's unpredictable and if he gets agressive, this is WAY above our paygrade to deal with. So I suggest she call the assistant manager, because the manager was working in a different store that needed help. So she's trying to call Ramona, but Ramona isn't picking up. The guy comes back in with his bag, saying it's dirty, and something about the "Swerver" and he shows me the inside of the bag, in which there's a beer can, which he pulls out and holds upside down so it's dripping on the floor, and he's saying "Blech! Blech!" and I'm like "Sir, that needs to go outside." so he takes the bag and tosses it out the door. I'm like "Sir, your keys are still on the ground there." so he grabs his keys. My coworker managed to get Ramona on the phone, and she mouths to me over his shoulder that she's on her way, which she had said Ramona wasn't picking up so I was hoping she had called the police and THEY were on the way. But the guy is still talking about a bag. Oh, and when he was outside, we have racks with umbrellas over them full of winter coats, and he grabs one and hangs it on the door and says "This needs to go inside." So I grab it, and when he's not looking, I put it back. So now he's talking about a bag, he needs a bag, and repeats the stuff about the earring and 9 carats. My coworker grabs the tulips and hands them to him, he says he'll trade them for a bag. He needs a plastic bag. She repeats that we don't have plastic bags. We have these more sturdy totes that are kind of plastic-y looking, but they aren't disposable. They are meant to be reused, and we have Disney ones that cost 2 euros. So he grabs one and says he'll take that, and she says he has to pay for it, so he throws it on the floor. She picks it up and asks him to stop throwing stuff. He tries to shove the tulips at her to trade for the bag. We keep telling him that the tulips are not payment, we can't take them as payment. He grabs the bag again and sets the tulips down on a sale bin, and says he'll just take the bag. "Sir, you have to pay for the bag." He says that's what the tulips are for. No, we can't accept that as payment. When he finally walked out the door, he stopped at the sale bins and says "I can just take this stuff, right?" and we said no, you have to pay for it, and he grumbled "Can't even take THIS stuff!" I think it took us about half an hour to finally get rid of him, and we had been picking up all the stuff he was throwing on the floor and putting it all away, and I don't know how many times he threw his keys on the floor and I picked them up and handed them back to him, or he put them on the counter, or wherever...I think I must have handed them back at least 5 times, and I'm pretty sure SHE handed them back at least twice, plus the time he threw them out the door and I told him they were still there on the ground where he threw them. It was exhausting and pretty scary, because we didn't know if he was going to get aggressive, and it was right at the end of the night, so if we couldn't get him to leave before we closed, we wouldn't be able to close and go home. And if we got him to leave, would he be waiting outside when we locked up? I was SOOOOOO glad it was cold and I had asked my husband to drop me off and pick me up so I didn't have to ride my bike on the ice in the dark, because I would have been TERRIFIED to ride my bike home alone in the dark after that encounter. By the time Ramona got there, he had literally just walked off....I wasn't even sure he was actually gone yet, because he had only walked out and started walking through the parking lot, and it's's hard to see. And there were a couple of men down a little further, just beyond one of the drug stores, and I couldn't see if he was one of them. And in any case this was the 3rd time he had been in the store that day, so he could easily come back again. It was just....scary. Ramona said he came back Saturday, wearing different clothes, but he was barefoot, and he asked if he could have a shopping basket. But it didn't sound like he caused any problems that time. She said no, we couldn't give baskets away, and he left. Anyway, I'm glad to be getting out of there in a couple of weeks!!!

Anyway, I've been trying to get outside to walk on days that I don't work, to get some exercise and fresh air. There's a place I particularly like to walk. It's on the outskirts of town, really near my street, but it's pretty isolated because it's behind a wooded area. They've been saying on the news that the conditions are good for "hair ice" so get out and walk in a wooded area and you might see this uncommon phenomenon. So I did!

This is hair ice. Here it's actually nicknamed "Father Winter's beard" or only grows on dead wood under certain conditions, so it's a pretty rare thing. I found a couple patches of it, but this one I could actually get up to to get a decent picture of.
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Some other things I took pictures of because they just looked spider webs that are iced over, so it's like strings of ice in the bushes/trees:
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And there are some trees that have berries and of course now there are no berries on them, but they look really cool all iced over.
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And there were these little small like....bushes I guess? but very sparse now, and covered with like....strings of ice. They were all over.

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So basically, this is a street....there are a few houses, but not many, and they have really large yards....some where people keep sheep, or horses, or highland cows. One has a pig. But the houses are all on the one side, and on the other side is trees. There are some walking paths between the trees, but the paths were really muddy, and you can't really walk off the paths because of ditches, fallen trees, steep inclines/declines, etc, so I stay on the street, but it's a rather secluded area. It's very quiet there and only every once in a while a car will go by, and if I stay on that road, it eventually circles back around to my neighborhood, so it has this feeling of being completely isolated without it actually being isolated. I love it there. I can get my exercise and fresh air without it being peopley.

That's crazy about the guy coming in as you were closing...and trying to barter with tulips. You and your co-worker were very patient with him, though. He probably is mentally ill, you shouldn't have to feel unsafe at your job. Good grief, I'll bet you'll be happy dancing when you finish your last shift.

The frost photos are very pretty. I especially like the spider web and hairy frost.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Checking in...I believe this is the start of week 5 of getting back on track.

We had a cold snap hit us last week, so my cardio has been primarily biking. I've been pushing myself to a 17 mile minimum of late. I've also started to add in a few more things afterwards to start working on other areas like squats and kettlebells. I still feel a bit off because I had to take Saturday as my break day instead of Sunday. Kendall needed to get back to school and we were trying to time things around the ice/snow (since this region doesn't handle winter weather very well). I drove her to Norman on Saturday and made it back to Houston before things refroze but was just too fried from the drive to work out. So, I did Saturday's workout on Sunday. I actually tried walking yesterday to start off my day, but it started to rain after I was about .25 miles in and the last thing I wanted was a walk in cold rain. So, it was on the bike. Still low 40s this morning with a wind chill in the 30s, but I got out for 1.5 miles before logging in to work. I still haven't started using the walking pad at my new desk, but I'm routinely raising the desk several times a day so I can stand and move around for a bit. I had only been holding myself to a 10 mile biking minimum on days when I get in a morning walk, but I'm thinking about upping that to at least 15. We'll see how I feel tonight.

Getting a bit anxious for this weekend. Sam and I are flying to Connecticut on Friday. I don't know why, but I used to be so good with air travel. Now, I just become a bundle of nerves. Maybe it's because I am nervous about her gear not getting lost during travel or getting stuck and missing things, but the anxiety is real. Hopefully all will go well.
Flying never used to bother me. I don't know what happened to me, but I get so anxious nowadays. It starts the night before. It's don't know if it's the whole rigamarole of TSA, the boarding, or feeling like every time I fly the seats are smaller and there are more rows. It's not the flight itself, it's all the hurdles you need to jump over to get onto the plane.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Checking in with a kettlebell workout. I went on a hiking trip last week. I was hiking about 5-7 miles/day. It was kind of tiring. It was sandy and there was elevation gains. I stupidly took my boots out of my luggage at the last minute because they made my suitcase overweight. So I went in my running shoes and trashed them. lol Also, the soles were too thin for rocky terrain, so my feet were sore. We got lost once and didn't see a single soul for over an hour. But it was fun. I did workout the first two days before my hike, then I was like, the hiking is enough. Hopefully, I can go back next winter with my hiking boots and try some of the more difficult trails.



Premium Member

Checking in with a kettlebell workout. I went on a hiking trip last week. I was hiking about 5-7 miles/day. It was kind of tiring. It was sandy and there was elevation gains. I stupidly took my boots out of my luggage at the last minute because they made my suitcase overweight. So I went in my running shoes and trashed them. lol Also, the soles were too thin for rocky terrain, so my feet were sore. We got lost once and didn't see a single soul for over an hour. But it was fun. I did workout the first two days before my hike, then I was like, the hiking is enough. Hopefully, I can go back next winter with my hiking boots and try some of the more difficult trails.

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Looks like fun, with some very interesting terrain! (But yes, please remember your hiking boots next time. ;) )

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did a quick and sweaty workout to rev up my metabolism and keep me warm today. It was a mix of cardio, jump rope and kettlebells. My Irish passport has been issued and was put in the mail yesterday, even though I canceled my US passport. Maybe they saw when I posted my documents and when I cancelled it. I don't know, but I'm just glad that my documents weren't intercepted and my identity stolen. I could have done without spending $235 for a new US passport, though.

Callie came in last night to warm up and suddenly she ran over to the sliding door. I opened it for her and she was watching something intently, all of the sudden, I heard these soft and sad-sounding little meows. There was an orange cat walking towards the house. I said, "Hi, there, little guy." He looked at me and ran away. She went outside, but then sat under her house and I could not get her to come back in. This is the second time I have seen this cat. Just after Christmas, he came up to the door and Callie was inside. She started growling and scratching at the door to get out. It took me aback, because I've never seen or heard any aggression from her. Again, he saw me and ran away. She ran outside, but didn't chase him. My son said this cat has been hanging around the yard here and there for a year. I only saw him for the first time a few weeks ago. I think he wants in on the food action here, but I also think Callie is not letting that happen. It got down into the single digits last night. I hope he found somewhere warm, since we're under a cold weather advisory until tomorrow. We bought Callie a new house last month. It is easier for us to clean and it's heated with insulation. She has zero interest in it. My husband is going to put it out later to see if this orange guy is interested. I don't want to alienate Callie, but if we can help another cat, why not?


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your travel! I'm always a bundle of nerves with travel until we get to where we're going and are all checked in. Up until then, I worry that something's going to go wrong. I worry about missing my flight, or not having the paperwork I need, or the flight being canceled. And then I worry that the hotel will lose my reservation, or whatever. I'm terrible. I'm such a planner, and I always have it all organized, but I convince myself that I missed something or did something wrong, or forgot something important. So while I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine, I totally understand being a bundle of nerves. Crossing fingers and toes for you!!

Thank you! I'm kind of the same way. Unfortunately, with this trip, there was zero time to unwind. Still, we made it through.


Well-Known Member
Flying never used to bother me. I don't know what happened to me, but I get so anxious nowadays. It starts the night before. It's don't know if it's the whole rigamarole of TSA, the boarding, or feeling like every time I fly the seats are smaller and there are more rows. It's not the flight itself, it's all the hurdles you need to jump over to get onto the plane.

I feel all of this...although, sometimes there are issues on the flight itself as well. Still, it's why I'm really content to do road travel if the timing makes it possible.


Well-Known Member

I did a quick and sweaty workout to rev up my metabolism and keep me warm today. It was a mix of cardio, jump rope and kettlebells. My Irish passport has been issued and was put in the mail yesterday, even though I canceled my US passport. Maybe they saw when I posted my documents and when I cancelled it. I don't know, but I'm just glad that my documents weren't intercepted and my identity stolen. I could have done without spending $235 for a new US passport, though.

Callie came in last night to warm up and suddenly she ran over to the sliding door. I opened it for her and she was watching something intently, all of the sudden, I heard these soft and sad-sounding little meows. There was an orange cat walking towards the house. I said, "Hi, there, little guy." He looked at me and ran away. She went outside, but then sat under her house and I could not get her to come back in. This is the second time I have seen this cat. Just after Christmas, he came up to the door and Callie was inside. She started growling and scratching at the door to get out. It took me aback, because I've never seen or heard any aggression from her. Again, he saw me and ran away. She ran outside, but didn't chase him. My son said this cat has been hanging around the yard here and there for a year. I only saw him for the first time a few weeks ago. I think he wants in on the food action here, but I also think Callie is not letting that happen. It got down into the single digits last night. I hope he found somewhere warm, since we're under a cold weather advisory until tomorrow. We bought Callie a new house last month. It is easier for us to clean and it's heated with insulation. She has zero interest in it. My husband is going to put it out later to see if this orange guy is interested. I don't want to alienate Callie, but if we can help another cat, why not?

I wonder if she'd be more receptive to him being a part of things if provisions were left for him in a separate area. That way, maybe there would be less potential for whatever the feline version is of resource guarding.


Well-Known Member
We got back on Sunday...and boy do I have some stories.

For starters, I got back into my workout routine yesterday afternoon. So, that's a positive. The bulk of the last 4 days was more than my nerves really could handle.

Friday - Everything seemed normal at the start. We were flying Southwest, I'd done online check in the day before right at the 24 hour mark and got decent boarding groups. Hilton also sent me a 24 hour check in notice with arrival time and digital key options, so I was good there. I even got a reminder on my rental car. I was in a positive place. Everything in the Houston airport went like a breeze. I was still feeling good as we were getting ready to land for our connection in Chicago. We had a beautiful view of downtown and the lake... and that's when things took a turn.

  • I couldn't get things to connect on our first flight, but as soon as we landed, I had a text from a boss about some work stuff that threw me into a panic. I texted back, but never heard back, which weighed on my mind all weekend.
  • We had a 4 hour layover and were approaching things casually when I started getting alerts from Southwest about a pending winter storm. I knew about the one that was going to be hitting the gulf coast, but I was blissfully unaware of approaching Winter Storm Demi. The alerts were advising me to cancel or rebook our return flights to avoid storm related delays and strandings.
    • The first time I rebooked, they booked us onto a much earlier flight going through BWI. I felt good for about 20-30 minutes until I realized that BWI was also an airport under this warning. So, I called back again and they rebooked us through Orlando. So, return was now Hartford to Orlando to Houston. At least we'd below any freezing precip.
  • We sat down at a place in the terminal for dinner just to be informed Sam couldn't be there because they considered it a bar and she was under 21. It was one of a handful of places that looked like this and they were all serving food, but nope. So, now we had to hunt a place that would let her took a bit.
  • In the middle of this, we found out our flight to Hartford was delayed by about 30 minutes. It wound up only being delayed 10-15, but we were already landing after 10pm and were looking at a late night with a really early morning.
  • Bradley is supposed to be an easy airport and getting from the gate to baggage wasn't bad, but the rental car area was so odd and not well labeled. We walked to the end of the terminal, outside, up a ramp towards a parking area, across several driveways, and through a maze of other places finally to come back inside to more twisting and turning. Once there, their card reader wouldn't read my credit card. Thankfully I had a backup that worked, but it's now after 11pm, I've been on the go since 9am and I was in no mood.
  • Getting to the hotel wasn't awful, but parking was pretty limited at the late hour and while the room was decent, the bedding was not. The blankets were flimsy and even when using all four pillows they squished so much that it was like having 1.5.
Saturday- This was a relatively good day.
  • We'd lost an hour flying east, so we were quite tired, but we were there and made it down to the hotel breakfast. Sam was hoping to sleep in a bit more but they decided to open up camp registration 30 minutes early because basketball was also being played that day and they wanted to get people in place. So, needless to say, we were grumpy.
  • As we were driving to the campus, I noticed the hood of the rental SUV start flapping around. Thankfully, it did not fly up while I was driving but it turns out that it had come unlatched! I managed to get it secured and it was good for the rest of the trip, but it's pretty scary to have that happen on a highway...especially in an unfamiliar area.
  • I was hoping to go walk the campus during the camp and maybe find Sam some decent lunch, but it was cold and rainy and nothing in walking distance was really her thing. So, I went to a local supermarket after she checked in, lost my good parking spot (which was good for getting in some extra steps), and spent the day milling around a cold covered football field area that they were using for the camp.
  • Around 3:45pm, I wave of horror came over me. In all of the panic and flight rebooking from the day before, I forgot to reset my Southwest check in reminder. If you're not on it exactly at the 24 hour mark, you are assured of being one of the last ones on the plane. I checked in, but got C35-C36 for flight one and C34-C35 for flight two. Not good. I had the option of buying our way into group A but that was an extra $220. We'd make it work.
  • Overall, the camp was OK, but there were some things towards the end that we didn't like. It was at least interesting to talk to some of these people and be around people from places where I grew up. Still, I never like leaving a camp wondering if the money could have been spent better.
  • With the rain and gloom, it got dark really early. There were also still crowds from basketball, so we decided to skip checking out the campus and headed back to the hotel. We were originally booked to fly out around 5pm on Sunday and had all kinds of plans to drive and explore both Saturday night and Sunday morning, but everything to our north and west was ice and snow. So we decided to skip exploration. Although, we did have a great dinner at an area diner.
Sunday- This is when things go totally off the wall.
  • We had a 7;40am flight and I'm one of those that likes to be there 2 hours early at the very least. The airport was only about 25 minutes away but all of that rain from the day before had frozen to ice on the roads. I figured the highways would be fine, but not the town or parking lot. So we left early and I drove ever so carefully and SLOWLY through the icy lot and local town roads.
  • When we got to the rental car return, a Jeep in front of me parked in the middle of the lane blocking everything off. Nobody was there from the rental car company. People started pulling in behind me, so now we were blocked in. Finally some guy came out...totally frantic. We helped him clear cones to open up a new lane. I left Sam with the bags off to the side (because we had been in the process of just leaving it where we were before he came running up). She accidentally left her door semi-open, but I just drove with it to the line the guy wanted us to form. I got out, went around the other side to try opening and re-shutting the door when PARK disengaged and the vehicle started rolling. The woman in front of me was screaming. I managed to use my body to stop the vehicle by bracing myself up against the door frame. I started screaming at the worker to help. It took him a minute but he ran over and engaged the emergency brake.
  • We had to go through that same silly winding mess to get back to the terminal and when we did, I was so flustered that I accidentally had mistaken the JetBlue kiosks for Southwest. I started to panic when it couldn't find our reservations. All was good once I realized my error, but just unnerving.
  • Security was also a mess. A lot of people flying with wheelchairs and poor line management. What should have been no more than 10 minutes took nearly 30 since they decided separating me and Sam to make way for all of these wheelchairs that showed up after us.
  • It's always cute being on flights into Orlando because there are tons of little kids excited to go to Disney. This was no exception. Sam and I even found decently placed aisle seats one row apart, so group C wasn't too bad. What was bad was my belt got twisted and we couldn't disengage the aisle armrest to fix things to buckle me. Even the stranger across the aisle was trying to help, which was kind and awkward all at once. We were all too packed in to readjust and they wanted to shut the cabin door, so I was given a belt extender to make it work. It was embarrassing, but I was secured.
  • This flight to Orlando ranks as one of my top 3 most turbulent flights that I can remember. The pilot actually told us that the first half would be fine but made an oddly sarcastic implication that the second half wasn't just going to be turbulent, but well...he left it as "well." It was awful. I was in tears several times. The only saving grace was that movies, tv, Facebook and text were all working.
  • After we landed in Orlando, I was so rattled that I joked to Sam about leaving and going to WDW. I even got a message from Life360 that saw my location and asked if I wanted it to book a Lyft or Uber. That's around when I saw that we were already delayed into Houston. I couldn't figure out why, but it was already about 45 off. Then we went under severe t-storm warning. They had a brief ground stop and whatever was going on outside was bad enough that most of the main lights went out in the terminal. What's sad...if we'd flown through BWI, even with the snow, we would have already been in the air on our final leg into Houston.
  • In the middle of this, I get a text from David asking about the heat at home and our thermostat. I asked him if it said heat...he of course hadn't put on his glasses. Still, when he checked, it was set on 70 but only 64 inside the house. We were expecting a winter storm with several days of below freezing temps and measurable snow, so we needed this fixed pronto. I fed him a few names of reputable HVAC companies and waited for the bad news. The furnace is old and the part we'd need couldn't be ordered until Tuesday due to the holiday. There was also no guarantee they'd have it because our furnace was old and past the standard lifetime of a furnace. Option 2 was to replace the furnace, but even that would have to wait a day to get a crew and we still ran the risk of no heat in the middle of an extended freeze (remember how bad things were here in 2021?) if anything went wrong.
  • Oh well, in all of my worries about the furnace, I wasn't paying attention to our delays as much. I think we were originally supposed to land in Houston around 2:45 but wound up landing right around 4pm because of the delays. The flight was also so bumpy that they couldn't have beverage service. What's funny...while it was turbulent, it wasn't nearly as bad as the flight from Hartford to Orlando.
  • Our bags (while they made it) were the very last ones off. I hate when that happens. I really hate it.
  • A friend lent us four of their space heaters to help for the night and next day. We were running one on a circuit where we often run a small one (theirs was even smaller) and it tripped the circuit. I couldn't figure out how to get it flipped back and it was dark and cold, so we had to reconfigure a few things and put in a call into an electrician in the morning. Thankfully, the electrician was able to help me fix it by phone and saved me the service fee (it was something fairly simple that I couldn't see in the dark), but it was one more headache.
I had plans to work out on Sunday night after getting in early, but it was so cold in the house that there was zero desire. I also never got to use the gym in the hotel, but we walked a ton in the airports on Friday and Sunday, and I put in over 3 miles of walking during the camp on Saturday...some of which was up hill. So, it wasn't a sedentary patch by any means.

As of about 4:30pm yesterday, the new furnace was in place and we have heat. We also have snow. We're just west of the areas getting the worst. It was crazy to see a blizzard warning show up for Beamont, TX to Baton Rouge, LA. It's also unnerving any time Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel shows up where you live. I know this would be nothing for northern states, but there are no snowplows (they shipped in a few, but more for the airports), stores here do not sell shovels, most people use an old credit card for an ice scraper, and unless you have hunting or ski gear...most people don't own anything warm enough for real winter. At least the dog loves it and I still have proper gear.



Well-Known Member
I didn't have a crazy elaborate wedding. It was very small and it was cobbled together at the last minute because of one of my mother's drama, temper-tantrum episodes. I totally agree with you about not stressing about things being perfect, at the end of the day, you're married and that's what you should focus on. You see these people who are hyper-fixated on their wedding and go into serious debt, but it's like they're lost after they're married because the wedding was the center of their world for so long.

Your friend shouldn't need a visa. There is a long-standing, bilateral agreement between the two counties. You can move freely, work, live, access health care and social programs in both countries. I think the visa waiver is for British citizens who are married and or have children with someone who is from a non-EU country. Is your friend married to someone who is not British and not from an EU country?
No, she's actually single now. She was kind of common law married to a Brit, but they recently broke up after I don't know how many years. I just know they were worried when Brexit happened, because no one was quite sure what was going to happen.

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