"Woooooo!!" .. "Where's Adam?" - A Spring 2012 Trip Report

"Wooooooooooo!!" .. "Where's Adam?" - A Spring 2012 Trip Report

Ladies and gentleman.... Boys and girls... Welcome to my wonderful trip report!! From April 26th - May 7th, my sister, my mother and I went on a grand adventure to Walt Disney World. We laughed.. we cried.. we argued.. we ate lots of food, rode lots of rides and even met a character or two. It was the longest trip we have been on but felt like it went by in the blink of an eye. Always seems that way, right?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my story tonight; "Wooooooooo!!" .. "Where's Adam?" - A Spring 2012 Trip Report! :)

This trip carries the same cast of characters as all my previous trip reports: Ashley (sister - 26) Terryn (Mom - 21 again..) and me (Darolyn - 29)


Me, Marie and Ashley - November 2011


Mama Dukes! - November 2011

If you have read my PTR, you know most of what I'm about to review. So you can skip to Thursday if you want. If not, here's a little bit of info:

This trip, we decided to drive to save more money so we could attend the Tower of Terror 10 Miler in September. While driving wasn't that bad, I'd definitely rather fly. Unfortunately flights were all $300+ per person with terrible times and I think we ended up driving for about $500 total! We left Thursday evening April 26 and left the world on Sunday May 6th. Our timeshare is located off property and since its within 30 miles of WDW, we cannot exchange it for DVC! :( Such a bummer. And since we didn't book our resort until January, our home resort was booked. Sooooo we ended up at Orange Lake Resort on 192. It was on the AK side of 192 and we could see the top of Expedition Everest and fireworks from Epcot outside our room. More on how we liked the property at the end of the report!

We were staying at the timeshare Friday 4/27-Friday 5/4. We weren't leaving to head home until Sunday so we needed a room for the last 2 nights. There was no question that we would stay on property. We had originally decided to stay in a regular room at the Wilderness Lodge. After a bit of researching though, I figured out we could rent DVC points at get a studio room at the Wilderness Lodge villas for $140 less. WOOT WOOT!!! So we changed over and rented the points. I'll review how well we liked this process vs dealing with Disney direct at the end. (All of my reviews will be done at the end including resorts, dining and just general things)

So now that the recap is out of the way.... My friend is dropping off a copy of Photoshop for me so I can edit my photos! I will hopefully post some more tonight or tomorrow. I have a busy weekend planned so I can't promise anything!! I just wanted to get it started! :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no BC or YC for me. Actually, I take that back, possibly BC but not YC. YC feels too stuffy for me and I've seen the rooms and they seem to plain for me. Too white. BC rooms look nice though. I think we're going to try and do Boardwalk villas for my cousins first trip next November. I looked into renting points and it's less to rent points for a studio for 5 nights than it is to book a moderate room at POFQ or POR!

Wow nice!!!!!!! :) I've always wondered how that renting points worked.


Well-Known Member
Back at MK it was about 7pm or so, so we had some time before Wishes.


We knew there was one thing we had to do and since we hadn’t planned on being in MK that day, this was bonus time so we went right to Liberty Square to get our silhouettes done. Mom has the silhouettes from when we were small on her wall at home. I think I was maybe 4 or 5 and Ash was just a toddler. The guy who did them was awesome. He worked quickly and did a great job. Now Mom has another frame to hang on her wall of us, 20+ years later.

After that we hit HM (which was a walk on) Pirates and then grabbed FP for Peter Pans Flight. We headed over to Tomorrowland and the speedway had a short line so we hopped on those. Good thing those bad boys are on the track cause I was all over the place and I think Ashley could have possibly gotten a DUI after all that beer at Hoop Dee Doo!! Lol


We took a spin on Buzz and then redeemed our FP for PPF. I love this ride but it could definitely use some TLC. After that we staked out a spot on Main Street for MM&Y and Wishes. I love MM&Y and I hope the new show is just as good. I get all teary eyed when they show Walt on the castle. “For all who come to this happy place, welcome!” Gets me every time. As does Wishes. Mom took about 100 pictures of the fireworks and 95% of them are blurry and off center. I will post the only two good ones. The scrim was up at the bakery so it’s kind of in the way. Grrrrr….



We hightailed it out of MK afterwards to beat the crowds. It was back to the car and back to the timeshare. We had another early morning on Thursday to prepare for!

Catching up on your report...Nice Blackhawks shirt, there Darolyn!(hope I spelled that right)... I was at WDW when my Hawks won in 2010. Too bad we may not have hockey this year..cross your fingers


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You can do it!!!

I'll do my best!! :)

Catching up on your report...Nice Blackhawks shirt, there Darolyn!(hope I spelled that right)... I was at WDW when my Hawks won in 2010. Too bad we may not have hockey this year..cross your fingers

haha, thanks! Kane is my favorite player!! Fingers are crossed!!! I don't know what I'd do without hockey! :( Well, at least we have half season tickets to the AHL team here in Portland so we will have SOME hockey to watch. I heard a rumor that guys with 2 way contracts will come down to the minors, which would be cool to watch some NHL guys play. We'll see if that happens though.

I don't think it's kosher to post silly pics in somebody's TR. Images from the Waterboy or Bela Karolyi pop in my head when I see this phrase. :D

You can do it!

haha, I totally thought of Waterboy, too!


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Thursday May 3

We were up and out the door by 7:30. We headed to Animal Kingdom as we had breakfast ADR’s at Tusker House @ 8:25am. We had never dined here before so we were anxious to try it out. This would actually be our day with 2 new dining experiences.

There were some hot air balloons floating around the area near the resort. I’ve never been in one of those and I think it would be kinda cool, but a little scary. (I HATE heights where you have nothing around you. I can do airplanes and tall buildings as long as I’m not near the edge. A few years back we went up the Eiffel Tower replica at Kings Dominion in Richmond, VA and I almost died. I was so scared I wouldn’t leave the edge of the wall. Drop towers also scare me. Eeeekkkk!!)


AK really is such a beautiful park. There is so much to see. Every land in that park is rich with little details.




We walked back to Tusker House and checked in. There was a small line out back to meet Donald. Since we had already bought our kangaroo photo package at BG and the Hoop Dee Doo photo, we opted not to buy the picture with Donald. Right after our photo, we headed inside and were seated right away. I liked the atmosphere of the place and I liked how the buffet area was kind of like an open air market type feel.

We got up and headed to the buffet as there were no characters near our table.




Like I could pass up a glazed chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles? Especially if they are Krispy Kreme! Would’ve loved a jelly one better though but it was still yummy!!


And they had the super delicious juice similar to the POG juice at the Poly!


We got out our autograph book as Mickey, Goofy and Daisy came around to the table. There was a cute family next to us with a little girl who liked the characters from afar but as soon as they got near her she screamed. Lol

I went back up and helped myself to some more food. Couldn’t skip the chocolate croissant!! :)


We finished up breakfast and headed into the park. Mom’s former co-worker was going to meet up with us. He’s a CM at one of the restaurants at one of the Epcot resorts and it was his day off. And thank goodness he came to see us cause we did a couple things we probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t suggested them!!

While we were waiting to find out where he wanted to meet, Dug and Russell came out for their meet and greet next to It’s Tough To Be A Bug. Since we had never met them, we hopped in line! Dug reminds us all of my aunt and cousins dog Rufus. He was a golden and his personality was just like Dug’s. He passed away a couple years ago and so we bought my aunt the stuffed talking Dug when we were at DHS last November. She always used to say “I have just met you and I love you” which we were happy to find that the stuffed dog saas well. Because that’s how Rufus was. Such a lovebug. We gave it to her when we saw her at Thanksgiving and she loved it. She got a little teary eyed as well cause I know she missed Rufus and he was her companion so to speak through a really rough time in her life. The stuffed Dug sits now right next to her bed.

The line was short so we were through quickly. We decided since we were right there that we would see if Pooh and the gang were doing meet and greets. We already got our picture with them at Crystal Palace but we ahd gotten an autograph book after that and we wanted to get them to sign it. There was no wait so we headed down and saw Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore.



Ashley and I then headed over to EE to get some Fastpasses and Mom waited for Tony. We ended up running into them just after getting the FPs and the line for EE was very short so me, Ashley and Tony hopped in line. We ended up having the back two rows. Back is definitely the best!!


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I'm also a AK lover. I find that the more time you take to go through the park the more you enjoy it.

Nice story about Dug/Rufus.

I appreciate AK more and more each time I visit. It's a bummer though that it's the hottest park (or so it seems!!) cause I'd love to take more time in the afternoon to just walk around and photograph stuff. I'd also love to see the park at night! Hopefully with some expansion they will keep it open later! (one can hope right? :rolleyes:)


Well-Known Member
I appreciate AK more and more each time I visit. It's a bummer though that it's the hottest park (or so it seems!!) cause I'd love to take more time in the afternoon to just walk around and photograph stuff. I'd also love to see the park at night! Hopefully with some expansion they will keep it open later! (one can hope right? :rolleyes:)

Yes, one can hope! I was lucky enough to experience EMH at AK one evening in 2007. The character of the park is much diffent at night. The darkness makes the themeing even more realistic - you really feel that you are in another country. Alex, Sterg and I rode EE about 5 times that night, with the Yeti in A-mode. It was awesome. Hopefully they add more evening hours.

When are you getting to Sanna...or did I miss it?


Active Member
OMG Darolyn, I LOVE your Trip Report. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures.
First I must say that I'm sorry about your friend.
I do have a few questions. My DH's birthday is while we will be at Disney. We have ADR's at Whispering Canyon on the night of his Birthday. Did you take your own confetti for the table and how did you arrange the cake to be there?
We also have ADR's at Ohana's and enjoyed your photos so much. Thanks
The No Way Jose looked absolutely delicious. I am a big peanut butter and chocolate fan.
Thanks again for a great report. Now you are still going the end of this month right?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OMG Darolyn, I LOVE your Trip Report. LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pictures.
First I must say that I'm sorry about your friend.
I do have a few questions. My DH's birthday is while we will be at Disney. We have ADR's at Whispering Canyon on the night of his Birthday. Did you take your own confetti for the table and how did you arrange the cake to be there?
We also have ADR's at Ohana's and enjoyed your photos so much. Thanks
The No Way Jose looked absolutely delicious. I am a big peanut butter and chocolate fan.
Thanks again for a great report. Now you are still going the end of this month right?

Thank you! I'm just glad people are actually reading it! :)

They put the confetti on the table for us at Crystal Palace and Cali Grill. I don't know if they do it at every restaurant or not. (Actually, I dont think they do cause we noted my Mom's birthday on every ADR and we only had a couple do the confetti) as for the cake, we called the Contemporary cake hotline and told them what we wanted and they quoted us a price and brought it right to dinner for us. It was an 8 inch cake (I think!) and it was $35. Which isn't too bad. They have smaller ones you can order and not have them customized but we wanted a customized one.

Ohana is one of our favs and will be eating there the 30th! And yes, we are going again in just 12 days!! I am so jealous you are staying at WL. That's my "home" :)


Active Member
Thank you! I'm just glad people are actually reading it! :)

They put the confetti on the table for us at Crystal Palace and Cali Grill. I don't know if they do it at every restaurant or not. (Actually, I dont think they do cause we noted my Mom's birthday on every ADR and we only had a couple do the confetti) as for the cake, we called the Contemporary cake hotline and told them what we wanted and they quoted us a price and brought it right to dinner for us. It was an 8 inch cake (I think!) and it was $35. Which isn't too bad. They have smaller ones you can order and not have them customized but we wanted a customized one.

Ohana is one of our favs and will be eating there the 30th! And yes, we are going again in just 12 days!! I am so jealous you are staying at WL. That's my "home" :)
How do you note the Birthday on the ADR's?


Active Member
Yes, one can hope! I was lucky enough to experience EMH at AK one evening in 2007. The character of the park is much diffent at night. The darkness makes the themeing even more realistic - you really feel that you are in another country. Alex, Sterg and I rode EE about 5 times that night, with the Yeti in A-mode. It was awesome. Hopefully they add more evening hours.

When are you getting to Sanna...or did I miss it?
You are so right. My daughter and I were rushing one evening 2 years ago in November and made it to the park about 15 minutes before it closed. Since it was November, it was dark. We rushed to the back to ride Everest and it is such a different look and feel inside the park when it is dark. Everest to me is spectacular and completely different.
Great TR! The breakfast food at Disney looks so good! I'm not a big breakfast fan, but I'll have to try it.
Your pictures are great! I just bought the Nikon D3100 a few weeks ago for our vacation in 8 days :) I've only used it around the house, but I love it! How was the battery life on the camera? I was thinking about buying an extra battery, but I'm not sure if I'll need it.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great TR! The breakfast food at Disney looks so good! I'm not a big breakfast fan, but I'll have to try it.
Your pictures are great! I just bought the Nikon D3100 a few weeks ago for our vacation in 8 days :) I've only used it around the house, but I love it! How was the battery life on the camera? I was thinking about buying an extra battery, but I'm not sure if I'll need it.

Breakfast is my favorite! While I don't enjoy getting up early to eat it, I still love it! We have breakfast for dinner at least a few times a month at my house :)

The battery on mine seems fine. I don't think I charged it every night either (not on purpose, I just forgot!) I think if you charge it every night it should be fine :) I really love my camera and just got some new filters for it for my trip in 11 days!

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