My Mother and I were at Magic Kingdom yesterday ( 5/7/08) and as we were coming off the Winnie the Pooh ride, the Dream Squad was there giving out YOMD Special Event Lanyards to several people coming off the ride ( us included). We were told to gather in Tomorrowland after the park closed for a Special Park Dream Time Event. A while later, we were leaving the Character spot in Toontown, when we were met again by the Dream Squad giving out these same prizes to a few people. We respectfully thanked the squad, but showed them we had already won the event pass, and so as an ADDED Dream Prize, they let us become the Dream Squad and give away two of these passes to 2 people of our choice. Needless to say, I think I was more excited to actually be able to give a YOMD prize to someone else! I must say, it's hard trying to pick two people who you think are "deserving" of the prizes, but we chose 2 people at the HM who were on a Hidden Mickey hunt with their Hidden Mickey book. It turns out this was their first trip without their kids, and it was just a trip for themselves, and it happened to be their last night in the parks. I think I was more happy to give away those prizes than actually winning them myself.:lol: We gave them their passes in the Stretching Portrait room, and as we were going toward the Doom Buggy boarding area, one of the Haunted Mansion maids actually pulled me aside and said "that was a nice thing you guys just did". I guess she saw us give them away!
We were told this was the first time these prizes were offered, and it was very cool. We got an extra hour in the park after it had closed. There was a special "dance party" for everyone, and then we had an hour to ride almost any ride in the park. Even though it may not seem much for just an hour extra, it was so much better than EMH, in that there were maybe at most a couple hundred people who had won these prizes, so we got to walk around MK almost completely deserted. It was so strange to be in Liberty Square and Frontierland, and not have anyone else around us!
Sorry for the long post, but I had to give Disney props for letting us have two prizes in one day! I wish they would let other guests be Dream Squad members, and give prizes away, it was so much fun!:sohappy:
We were told this was the first time these prizes were offered, and it was very cool. We got an extra hour in the park after it had closed. There was a special "dance party" for everyone, and then we had an hour to ride almost any ride in the park. Even though it may not seem much for just an hour extra, it was so much better than EMH, in that there were maybe at most a couple hundred people who had won these prizes, so we got to walk around MK almost completely deserted. It was so strange to be in Liberty Square and Frontierland, and not have anyone else around us!
Sorry for the long post, but I had to give Disney props for letting us have two prizes in one day! I wish they would let other guests be Dream Squad members, and give prizes away, it was so much fun!:sohappy: