There's been not much pyro in the HEA Videos on DPB. Granted it's only about a second of footage. I think we all are concerned about pyro. I'm glad TDO is taking this seriously! They can't go backwards form Wishes! It still doesn't change the fact that there's no night parade!Personally I'm frustrated I couldn't hear the other 6 minutes to hear the total flow. But I personally like the style, even if it is a bit of a departure, as it isn't a jumbled, clashing mess like some show soundtracks.
In some ways, I would compare it to some of DL's shows and Fantasmic.
Tech will be top notch. My concern remains pyro coverage.
As I understand it, folks in charge know how much is riding on on this. Heaven forbid the 738 people watching on DPB make nasty comments.