Wish (Walt Disney Animation - November 2023)

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I agree there is no woke messaging in Wish or at least it’s not very noticeable. It does have Woke optics though. I’ve shared my thoughts on the 7 friends. Also if you’re someone who perhaps is not a fan of them race swapping the Blue Fairy, Tinkerbell and Ariel in one short year then Asha might be enough to turn you off. It’s not racism. It’s a reminder of politics, DEI etc which = not an escape in the mind of the movie goer. This is why I say DEI at Disney sucked at their job. Not very savvy with their choices and the timing of their releases in the grand scheme of things. Wish also just plain suffered from the compounding loss of trust/ faith from the audience.

Wish also suffered from the movie being De-Woked mid production. Disney fans don’t have a problem with the messaging? And you re saying that after Bobs interview from a couple weeks ago where he said that messages need to take a back seat again? Ok obviously I’m speaking with people who can’t quite connect the dots or are just in denial.
You can try to dress it up any way you like, but if Asha’s race impacted your enjoyment of the film - its racism.


Well-Known Member

So let me get this straight. I asked you this: "But in this particular case, I can't see what being uneasy in the presence of other human beings (unless, of course, those humans are actively threatening you) actually buys you. You'd have to fill me in on that. What's the gain in wanting to keep children in the dark and/or feeling uneasy about homosexuality? And more to the point, what is so uneasy about seeing cartoon depictions of it? None of it's even kind of real."

You deflected by asking a question, which I answered, and then you preceded to never come back to the question at all. Sounds on brand. Your "Seriously?" also implies that I don't know anyone with children AND that their parents (my friends) haven't made sure that they know about gay people (which they have) AND that I can't see for myself that no one's been harmed by this revelation.


Well-Known Member
So my kids haven’t stopped listening to the Trolls album since we saw the movie. Makes sense they’re colorful little things that appeal to kids, it’s the third installment and that new N’sync song ( I refuse to say N’sync and Justin Timberlake - what an ego) is pretty damn catchy.

Today I put on the Wish soundtrack for the first time since we saw the movie. I think “At All Costs” is by far the best song of the soundtrack. Would have been a lot more powerful if it was between Asha and a love interest. Kind of wish they kept that Peter Pan looking humanoid star in the movie. I think it would have helped a lot. But Asha don’t need no man!


Well-Known Member
How fitting the first reply to your comment about using name calling as an attempt to silence opinions is more name calling in an attempt to silence your opinion.

Truth does sting sometimes. And not sure how what I posted was trying to silence anyone but I removed the “offensive” word and guess what…I’m still not trying to silence anyone. Great post otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
My 22 year old daughter saw Barbie with a friend on opening day and came home telling me it really wasn't "woke". I saw it with her the next week and loved it. And I didn't come out describing it as "woke" either.
That’s the problem, isn’t it? People are applying the term as and when it suits them. The eminently feminist Barbie isn’t woke, while the bland and apolitical Lightyear is. The deck is stacked, with Disney always emerging the “pandering” loser.

Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
Anything to silence opinions they don't agree with.. call em an ist and phobe.
If your enjoyment of a piece of media is effected by the identity of one of the characters - whether they are LGBTQ or Jewish or Irish or whatever - then yes, some self-examination is likely in order.

If you feel certain identity groups are “inappropriate” and should not be depicted in family entertainment - some self-examination is likely in order.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can have thoughts or hopes, but you're not partaking in it.

Regardless of what your thoughts or hopes are, you have no right to impose those thoughts or hopes onto other people's children.

That's that agenda thing again.
Some of us are educators, uncles and aunts, godparents, mentors, etc. We shape young people’s lives every day without being parents ourselves.

And I’ve never imposed my views on anyone. Having and expressing an opinion is not the same as forcing others to subscribe to it.


Well-Known Member
Now this whole thread is getting a bit way oiut of hand with all these woke nonsense! Lightyear and Strange World is one thing, but Wish is not really that woke! I promise! But, I can't seem to get you guys to snap out of it. I'm out of here!
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Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Truth does sting sometimes. And not sure how what I posted was trying to silence anyone but I removed the “offensive” word and guess what…I’m still not trying to silence anyone. Great post otherwise.
Without the offensive word I’d have agreed with what you posted, disparaging words are often a tactic used to end debate though so that’s how I interpreted it. Without it it’s a 👍🏻


Well-Known Member
Now this whole thread is getting a bit way oiut of hand with all these woke nonsense! Lightyear and Strange World is one thing, but Wish is not really that woke! I promise! But, I can't seem to get you people to snap out of it. I'm out of here!

Hey! Who you calling "you people"? ;)


Well-Known Member
It’s a bit rich taking offence when there are posters here claiming that they need to shield their children from knowing that people like me even exist!

The thing is that the posters in question don't seem to be brave enough to actually come out and say that, it's just heavily implied. Which is how, I suppose, one manages to keep one's account.

I am desperately trying to reach humans for conversation here, using Disney movies as a framework, and just keep running into what feels like talking point machines.

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