Will there ever be another Walt Disney?


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Original Poster
You know, looking at Disney, I got to thinking.

Walt Disney was simply a man with a dream. There was nothing extraordinary about him. He nearly went broke and had to be careful financially during the early days. There were many disappointments when it first started in Orlando on opening day.

I got to thinking. There are so many people like us out there with dreams and love for family entertainment and love for the magical experience.............will there ever be another Walt Disney who creates everything of his own, not of another. Who builds a magical place that even adults dream about?

What are your opinions?


New Member
Walt Disney was one man with one dream and believed in everything he did. He was one special American and believed in just making kids happy. This can never happen again due to the fact that this man had all the createvity that just can't be duplacated. Of course in a few years from now another "Walt" will reappear and make magic again. But he will just be stealing the ideas from the one and only Walt Disney.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully....................We can only hope that the next person that takes over Walt Disney Corporation is half the man Walt Disney was.


Well-Known Member
Doubtful. When Walt was around, things were simple. There wasn't so much to take our attention away. There were 7 or 8 TV channels if you were lucky and lived in the largest cities (and had a TV of course) and most of your visual entertainment came from the movies.

There was a whole generation that grew up with "Uncle Walt" and they in turn have turned their children on to Disney. We in turn will turn our children on to Disney but not in the same way. Sure there are always movies and things like that. But the time has evolved where watching a DVD of a cartoon created in the 40s,50s or the 90s is not entertainment enough for some kids. They have never seen a "real" Mickey cartoon (House of the Mouse doesn't count!) and are entertained in more hands on forms like video games and on the computer.

In order for there to be another Walt, they would have to find a whole new way of entertaining children of all ages in ways that the avg person could not even imagine, certainly with technologies beyond what we can comprehend today. There will be no theme parks or variations of classic fairy tales. There will be no Magical World of Disney on ABC on Saturday or Sunday nights.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Grizz will. And I'll be Roy.

And together, we're WILD STALLYNS!


New Member
I belive that there could be another Walt out there but we will never be able to find him becuse of law suits or money. I also belive that Roy is very simulare to his uncle. I belive that Walt disney is a better corporation with out Esner in place. ( BRING BACK ANIMATION CARTOONS) If Roy has his way Esner will be out in a hartbeat. But how will he do this I do not know expt take away his money he has.


Well-Known Member
I think Pixar's John Lassiter is a good contender for "the next Walt Disney." Anyone who has watched his insightful videos in the supplements of Pixar's DVDs can see that this guy truly loves what he does.

General Grizz

New Member
barnum42 said:
Can I be Frank or Ollie? :D
Yes. You may. But you have to pick one. Sorry. :p

There will NEVER be another Walt Disney. Walt Disney is one man. . . and it's not possible for anyone to be "the next Walt."

HOWEVER. . . I know there will be more people who have the same IDEALS and PERSISTENCE Mr. Disney did. And who knows, maybe there are a many making their way up the steps of the American dream as we speak. . . as there have been many creative geniuses since Walt's passing. But Walt was Walt just as Jim Henson was Jim Henson. :)

(*cough* Looking at Project Firefly *cough*)

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I take exception to the assertion there was nothing extraordinary about Walt Disney, that he was just a man with a dream. He had a rare artistic talent and totally dedicated himself to make something of it. By the time he was 22 years old, he had moved from a safely established practice in Kansas City drawing cartoon art for advertisements to Hollywood to start his own business in cartoon shorts.

He was never content to settle for what was successful, but always pushed himself to the next level. At age 27, He created Mickey Mouse whose cartoons took the country by storm. In doing so, he was the first to put his cartoons to a fully synchronized sound track (Steamboat Willie) When he could have made a small fortune simply cranking out Mickey Mouse cartoons, he staked his all on an unheard of venture of making a full length animated film -Snow White. All the while, people around him tried to talk him out of it, to take the safe route.

With the success of Snow White, he expanded his film business. Before age 40, he'd built the Disney Studios in Burbank, employing 1,000 people. From there, Disneyland. From there, the thousands of acres in Florida. Right up until the time of his death, he pushed himself.

Walt Disney was a very extraordinary man.

Here is a link to his bio. Walt Disney


Well-Known Member
If such a person still exists in this world that has the same dreams as Walt, they need to be President of the US. Things would be so much better. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
General Grizz said:
There will NEVER be another Walt Disney. Walt Disney is one man. . . and it's not possible for anyone to be "the next Walt."

i was about to say, i understand the question and the thought behind it, but if he was one man one dream, then there will never be another because it was one man one dream. with that said, i also think that walt came at a unique time in american history when the u.s. was looking for a person to step out and revolutionize the way society entertained itself. i think that at that particular time in technology, it was easier for walt to stand out then then it would be for someone to stand out now, because then you had to be a true genius and hands-on laborer while today anyone with a computer can do things that it took days for someone to think up and design. computers makes it easy for your average citizen to "think outside the box" so to speak. i mean look at apple computers, they make it easy for my father (uummm, buddy, can you show me where to turn it on) to take their home videos and make them into dvd's.

my point, even if there is or going to be someone as influential as walt, the technology/ entertainment market is so saturated, im not sure they would stand out like walt did.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I agree with Grizz, there will never be another Walt Disney. However, there will be others with the same drive and imagination as Walt. As mentioned, Jim Henson and John Lassiter fit this category. I have a feeling that Steve Jobs fits also, but in a different "world", so to speak. I know there are several others who are close to these people, and time will bring them to light.


New Member
As Jmaxwell said, the saturated market makes it tough to break through, especially on the massive scale that Disney did. There may be more mediums to crack as the virtual entertainment world goes through an innovation phase, but a lot is already out there.

Also, the hoops you have to jump through in today's venture capital and business world are even tougher than they were back then. I know Roy and Walt had it tough, but it's even harder for two farm boys from MO with a dream and an interesting product to get the money necessary, not to mention the competition that exists out there to try and squash you before you get off the ground.

But . . . as far as men and women with the great big ideas, determination and dedication to making their dream a reality -yes, there will be more. I think Lassiter is a good candidate and there are a few on less of an entertainment scale that came out of the internet days. That's how sucess is made in America, so there will be more.

I just think it's a different time in history with new rules and more competitors, so it's tough to find another Walt, at least on his scale. I think you can get the same answer when you ask if there will be another Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, etc. in their respective fields. Maybe, but it's tough . . .


Active Member
Since1976 said:
I think Pixar's John Lassiter is a good contender for "the next Walt Disney." Anyone who has watched his insightful videos in the supplements of Pixar's DVDs can see that this guy truly loves what he does.

You know I always thought the same thing. It just seems like his heart is in the right place.

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