No kidding!
Funny Story: This afternoon I was out running errands, and I went down to Target. As I pondered light bulbs in the back of the store there was this typical Villa Park/Orange Real Housewife; Late 30's and attractive but obviously Botoxed and coiffed, wearing yoga pants, simultaneously clutching an iPhone 11 and the hand of her tow-haired moppet who was staring at cartoons on his own Kiddy Screen to avoid the real world at such a young age, and she was becoming increasingly agitated at the 50-ish Target Lady she had flagged down in the small hardware section across from the light bulbs.
This Real Housewife began a tempered yet obnoxious rant about how they were out of face masks and she had already been to two Home Depot's and no one has any face masks left and how incompetent are the Target buyers who should be able to overnight in thousands of extra faces masks to protect the children?!?! (The only thing missing from this annoying woman's rant was the obligatory "I need to speak with your manager!" line.)
I was thisclose to stepping in, but the Target Lady calmly says "Well, we all die. But have you tried Amazon?"
The Real Housewife blinked twice and said "Oh, I didn't think of Amazon. Thanks." and she wanders away and doesn't even address the "We all die" comment. I had to stifle myself from laughing out loud.
I would have loved to have bought that Target Lady a drink and a face mask.