Wilderness Lodge or Animal Kingdom?


Just planning ahead for my vacation next year. Where would you stay at the Wilderness Lodge or the Animal Kingdom Lodge and why?

Kingdom Konsultant

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Premium Member
I have stayed at both resorts and love them both. Although I do lean more towards AKL. I have stayed at both 5 times, but I am definately hooked on AKL's concierge level. It's wonderful and I love the fact that I can do the sunrise safari or the sunset safari there.

I love being able to go out on my balcony and see girafe's feeding or zebra's wondering around. (depending on the savannah you choose) The same architect designed both resorts.

I love the smell of the wood smoke in the lobby from the fire pit also.

I say go with AKL.

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Well-Known Member
My choice would also be AKL.

My family and I stayed there last year and loved it! Seeing animals from your room is very unique and fun. It felt like we were in another world there. The architecture is beautiful and detailed.

The food is wonderful! Boma is amazing and the Mara is great. We didn't eat at Jiko, but I've hear good things about it.

Some people complain about how far away it is from everything else, but it didn't bother us. The most we waited for a bus was 5 minutes and the bus rides weren't that long.
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New Member
Wilderness Lodge

I work at Wilderness Lodge, so I am partial to that. However both have amazing, yet very different themeing. Both do a very good job of making you feel as though you are not in Florida or around theme parks. Feel free to ask any questions about Wilderness you would like to know!!
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Well-Known Member
Vote the for Wilderness Lodge here, even though it is older.

Just got to love the overall effect. Also like the restaurants better at WL!

Also like the location better, closer to MK!
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I work at Wilderness Lodge, so I am partial to that. However both have amazing, yet very different themeing. Both do a very good job of making you feel as though you are not in Florida or around theme parks. Feel free to ask any questions about Wilderness you would like to know!!
As much as we loved AKL last year, we were part of the group of people who have been moved to other resorts and we'll be experiencing WL in 8 days. Honestly, I never thought I'd stay at the WL, but DVC made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
After doing some research and reading on this site how much everyone loves WL, I'm anxious to spend some time there. Mr. RLMickey, we'll see you soon!
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Well-Known Member
Have stayed at both. My opinion would be to stay at AKL only if you have a Savannah View, which is more costly. The experience of seeing the animals from your balconey is unique, and what makes the stay worth it. If you don't want to pay the higher prices, go with WL, which has an amazing lobby, great theming, and a boat to the MK.
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Obviously both resorts are beautiful. While I haven't stayed at WL, I have stayed at AKL. Is being close to a certain park important to you? It did take on average > 20 mins to get to MK, but just a few to AK.

Staying at WL has been a wish of mine for years. Both have breathtaking lobbys. But, waking up one morning to see a giraffe eating it's breakfast right at our balcony was amazing!
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Well-Known Member
This is all a matter of personal preference on theming, but my vote would be for Wilderness Lodge. On our April trip, my wife and I stopped in and visited both of these resorts. Previously, I had always sayed that I would like to stay at either one of them. However, after visiting, I must confess that I wasn't too impressed with AKL. I guess that whole African theme isn't my cup of tea. I would much rather stay at Wilderness Lodge because I like their theming much better, in addition to being just a boat ride away from MK.

But I must admit, I found myself dissapointed a little with WL, also. I think it was because TV has a way of making things look bigger than they really are...at least for me. And after seeing both of these resorts on TV, I went down there thinking they were bigger than they were when I saw them in person.

And I must admit further that I think I actually prefer the layout of the moderates better. We stayed at POR, and we visited POFQ and Coronado Springs, and I think I prefer the layout of those resorts...where it is several buildings scattered over the grounds and you have to walk to the pool and the main building, as opposed WL, where it's all in one building and everything's right there. I know some might find that more convenient, but I kind of enjoyed having the resort more spread out and more pretty scenery to see as you walk from one place to the other.
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New Member
I have to say the WL only because I've never stayed at the AKL. I have stayed at the WL twice and had a wonderful time, no problems whatsoever. The rooms were clean and the CM's are very friendly and helpful. I also enjoyed the boat ride to the MK. If you do decide on the WL try to have at least one meal at the Whispering Canyon. Have fun planning :wave:
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Who else will be in your party? Where (what parks) do you think you'd want to spend more of your time? What kinds of amenities would you like to have right outside your resort door? AKL is beautiful, and has many traditional amenties, but WL has water boat rentals and quick access to Fort Wilderness and all of THEIR amenities as well (hay rides, campfires, outdoor movies), plus the ferry service to MK. The answers to those questions will probably best influence your decision...

Will be in WL for the first time shortly, and I've stayed in and loved Animal Kingdom Lodge. Will elaborate (or brag :D ) more when I'm back.
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New Member
They're my too favorite resorts, so it is hard to choose, but I'm certain you'll have a great time at either.

Themeing and decor aside, both resorts are very familiar in terms of design and layout because they were both designed by the same architect. Each has one huge lobby with lengthy wings on either side and something cool in the courtyard between the wings. (The creek, waterfall, pool at WL; Arusha rock and Savannah at AKL.) Each also has three types of restaurants -- quick, casual/family, fancy. (And Jiko at AKL and Artist Point at WL are two of my favorite restaurants anywhere.)

So it boils down to what theme you prefer (Both hotels do a beautiful job with their respective themes) and activities. While staying at WL, I tend to be more active. There's walking trails and boat rentals and a quick boat ride to the Magic Kingdom. At AKL, I relax more -- sipping drinks by the pool, reading in the lobby, watching animals from the balcony.

Personally, I lean toward AKL, but love WL almost as much. Whichever you choose, you'll love it.
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i think both resorts are absolutely breathtaking and offer great dining options right there. my vote though, would have to be for akl. we had a safari view room when we stayed and it was pretty amazing to see giraffes running right underneath your window. there's lots of little nature adventures that go on throughout the day and the late night safari. the firepit is great to sit by and relax with some beverages and/or a good book.
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New Member
If you're going to spend the money for the view, stay at AKL. I'd love to go concierge to take advantage of the sunrise safari! If location is more important to you, stay at WL. They are both beautiful resorts. Have a great trip!
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Original Poster
If I stay at a delux resort I can only afford a standard room so is the AKL worth going to or is the Wl a better bet due to its closeness to MK?
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New Member
It's really worth it to spring for the savanah view if you can, but if not there are savanah viewing areas with chairs on them that you can relax at and watch the animals.

I'd say the AKL is worth going to either way.

Make sure to take advantage of the night animal viewing using the night vision goggles.
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New Member
If I stay at a delux resort I can only afford a standard room so is the AKL worth going to or is the Wl a better bet due to its closeness to MK?

In that case, stay at WL. I love AKL, but part of the thrill of staying there definitely involves having a balcony that looks over the savannah.
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