The main problem here is that all the stray electrons floating around from charging stations for this and that in the modern world induces a charge on the pans. Then, lightning strikes the metal roof and if the bottom of the roof becomes negatively charged and the pans are negatively charged then boom! they go flying through the ground. However, if the bottom of the roof is positively charged and the pans are negatively charged they will fly towards the ceiling, bang into it (by it I mean the ceiling) at high velocity and then bounce off of various noggins vis a vis the cabin occupants. This is if you're lucky. At high enough velocity the pans will simply fly through the roof and continue on their merry way until they have joined the storm cloud. At some unknown point, the storm will dissipate and the pans will rain from the heavens on the unsuspecting denizens of this plant. If these denizens happen to be **** sapiens they will, no doubt, hire the services of a storm tracker and lawyer, trace the pans back to Copper River Canyons of Beautiful Vistas DVCunits of Awesome Grandeur Vaguely Modeled after the National Park Lodges (CRCoBVDoAGVMatNPL) leading to a lawsuit that will increase the price of one day theme park passes by 13.5%. Thus, I concur. Metal roofs on cabins are bad. Now, some of you may wonder how charge separation occurs in a conductor. I tell you this - don't worry about it.