August 3rd
According to my phone, this was the day we went to the Geology museum. I remember driving around with E, trying to find where to get a campus parking permit, because there were a couple things on campus we wanted to do. When I was a student, there was a lot where you could park that was just up the block from Campus Police, where you could get parking permits. If you parked in that lot, you could get a permit in about 10 minutes and be back and they wouldn't ticket your car. LAST time we visited, they had moved campus police, so I parked, walked to the old location and discovered it was no longer there. In the time it took me to walk there and back, they had already ticketed my car. Once I found the new location, I went in and contested the ticket, explaining that I was parked there to get a permit, which was how it worked when I had been a student. They denied my request and I had to pay 50 bucks for the parking ticket. I guess that's how they make their money. But I didn't know how it worked now, and I didn't want to get another ticket. I drove to campus police and went in and was informed they no longer issue permits, and I would need to go to this other location across town, and they have a lot where you can park and take a shuttle to campus, or get a permit to park on campus. You used to pay 10 bucks for a week-long permit. Now, it was $7 per DAY. Boy how times have changed. I expected a higher price for inflation, but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT much. I bought 2 days of permits. By the time we had gotten all of this accomplished, it was getting pretty late. I don't remember what time the Geology museum closed, but we didn't have a lot of time. The up side is they don't charge after a certain time. So we got in for free.
E is a scientist....she loves like...ALL the sciences. She's having trouble narrowing down what she wants to major in, because she loves Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. She also loves Geology, though she has no classes in that, and it's not something she's considering for her University studies. But she loves rocks and is really interested in them. The Geology museum seemed perfect for her. A was museumed out and had no interest in going and my husband decided to stay with him in the hotel.
One thing I remembered from the Geology museum was that they had a section of glowy rocks. I thought E would love it, and that was my major motivation to want to bring her here. I was right. She thought it was awesome and wanted to look everything up and see why they all glowed, and was telling me all about the ones she already knew.
Most of the museum consists of these displays of rocks and fossils. There's a section with dinosaurs and large fossils, and then there are these rocks. Several rooms of just rocks. She was in her element.
A large amount of the collection was donated by Bridger Walker. He is a boy in Wyoming who is really into rocks. One day, he and his little sister were visiting some friends when their dog looked like he was going to attack his little sister. He saw it as his responsibility to protect her, so he jumped in between the dog and her. He was nearly killed, but she was saved. When word got out about his heroic act, people asked how they could help, and along with monetary donations, people sent him lots of rocks for his collection. There were even some from celebrities...I want to say maybe Paul Rudd? And maybe Chris Evans? I don't remember, but he had some letters from celebrities, and one of them wanted to give him their superhero suit from some movie, because he was a real hero. When the kid got better, he donated the rocks to the geology museum and they have a station where you can donate money to help other kids who have been attacked by dogs. He wanted to help other kids, so he has a donation bucket, and they have a cardboard cut out and you can take a selfie with Bridger and donate money.
According to my phone, this was the day we went to the Geology museum. I remember driving around with E, trying to find where to get a campus parking permit, because there were a couple things on campus we wanted to do. When I was a student, there was a lot where you could park that was just up the block from Campus Police, where you could get parking permits. If you parked in that lot, you could get a permit in about 10 minutes and be back and they wouldn't ticket your car. LAST time we visited, they had moved campus police, so I parked, walked to the old location and discovered it was no longer there. In the time it took me to walk there and back, they had already ticketed my car. Once I found the new location, I went in and contested the ticket, explaining that I was parked there to get a permit, which was how it worked when I had been a student. They denied my request and I had to pay 50 bucks for the parking ticket. I guess that's how they make their money. But I didn't know how it worked now, and I didn't want to get another ticket. I drove to campus police and went in and was informed they no longer issue permits, and I would need to go to this other location across town, and they have a lot where you can park and take a shuttle to campus, or get a permit to park on campus. You used to pay 10 bucks for a week-long permit. Now, it was $7 per DAY. Boy how times have changed. I expected a higher price for inflation, but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT much. I bought 2 days of permits. By the time we had gotten all of this accomplished, it was getting pretty late. I don't remember what time the Geology museum closed, but we didn't have a lot of time. The up side is they don't charge after a certain time. So we got in for free.
E is a scientist....she loves like...ALL the sciences. She's having trouble narrowing down what she wants to major in, because she loves Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. She also loves Geology, though she has no classes in that, and it's not something she's considering for her University studies. But she loves rocks and is really interested in them. The Geology museum seemed perfect for her. A was museumed out and had no interest in going and my husband decided to stay with him in the hotel.
One thing I remembered from the Geology museum was that they had a section of glowy rocks. I thought E would love it, and that was my major motivation to want to bring her here. I was right. She thought it was awesome and wanted to look everything up and see why they all glowed, and was telling me all about the ones she already knew.
Most of the museum consists of these displays of rocks and fossils. There's a section with dinosaurs and large fossils, and then there are these rocks. Several rooms of just rocks. She was in her element.
A large amount of the collection was donated by Bridger Walker. He is a boy in Wyoming who is really into rocks. One day, he and his little sister were visiting some friends when their dog looked like he was going to attack his little sister. He saw it as his responsibility to protect her, so he jumped in between the dog and her. He was nearly killed, but she was saved. When word got out about his heroic act, people asked how they could help, and along with monetary donations, people sent him lots of rocks for his collection. There were even some from celebrities...I want to say maybe Paul Rudd? And maybe Chris Evans? I don't remember, but he had some letters from celebrities, and one of them wanted to give him their superhero suit from some movie, because he was a real hero. When the kid got better, he donated the rocks to the geology museum and they have a station where you can donate money to help other kids who have been attacked by dogs. He wanted to help other kids, so he has a donation bucket, and they have a cardboard cut out and you can take a selfie with Bridger and donate money.