Wild animals at Walt Disney World


Back in March, the Liberty Bell Riverboat had some mechnical issue on board that caused lots of black smoke to billow out the top


which seemed to scare an alligator that lived in the Rivers of America causing him to swim to the bridge near the wooden walkway heading from the Riverboat towards Pecos Bill/Splash Mountain



Premium Member
Saw some wild black pigs (hogs?) off the road leaving Disney joining the I4 near the Mickey electrical pylon the other year, a whole gang of them looking moody.

I was on the bus tour at Kennedy Space Center a few months ago, and I saw a couple of police cars on the right as we drove by....suddenly the bus driver doing the announcements of what to look out for said "Look, there's some pigs on the right".

I freaked out for a moment thinking he meant the cops!! Then a few seconds later I saw them, REAL pigs were there also :lol:

Brer Mickey

Well-Known Member
There was a picture on these boards some time ago of an alligator in a bathroom stall in Adventureland. I rode a boat from Port Orleans Riverside to DTD a couple of years ago and the driver told me she saw a small bear digging in some garbage a few days before.


Well-Known Member
When I saw about 8 years old, I encountered what looked like a terrifically deadly Eastern Coral snake (but which certainly could have been one of the many other types of snakes that have similar black, red and yellow stripes) in the Fort Wilderness campground where my family was camping. I'd learned about them in school and knew enough to stay the heck away from it.

After that, I was very vigilant about watching the ground, and walking only on clear pathways!


Well-Known Member
All seen on my last trip (two weeks ago, POR):



Lizards - the kind that is all over the place, plus one super-green kind of anole


Duck with tiny baby ducklings

Egrets, ibises


Well-Known Member
I've seen deer in MK's parking lot, bunnies in Epcot's grassy fields (just last month right outside the butterfly garden tent actually) and in the "hillside" area around the Castle in MK, and an Egyptian Goose in MK by Casey's. I didn't know what it was but a CM overheard us talking about the GIANT bird hanging out with the Mallards and he clued us in. Like the name implies, they're from Northern Africa. Not sure how he got to Disney but there is apparently a small population known in Florida. They also have a lot of hawks and other birds of prey on property because of how many smaller birds and small rodents live around there.

I was actually talking about this with Love on Saturday as we saw this tiny little finch not even move as people were less than a foot away from him. I realized that entire generations of birds, bunnies and other creatures have lived their entire lives in WDW! That's just kinda funny to think.


We've seen deer leaving the parking lot late after the Christmas party one year. Just last Thursday we saw bunnies and a duck by the Castle in MK. Several months ago at Epcot walking toward TT several rats ran in front of us at dusk earlier in the day we had seen bunnies and ducks.
So, I'm not the only one who saw a rat at POR-FQ for me...saw it in January. I was sitting poolside and heard a rustling in a bag at my feet...looked down, a rat ran out of it. It then headed to the lamp post by the laundry area and circled it a few times, checking me out. I then watched it go back to the pool deck and check out under all the tables. I snapped a picture of it by a trash can. It surprised me, but it didn't freak me out at all. I didn't report it because I didn't want them to shut down the pool area! :ROFLOL: I'm sure it's not the only rat on property and it's no indication of cleanliness....tons of food, waste, trash, people. Surprised it's the first rat I've seen there.


Well-Known Member
Saw some wild black pigs (hogs?) off the road leaving Disney joining the I4 near the Mickey electrical pylon the other year, a whole gang of them looking moody.

There's still quite a large population of these on World Dr., but they seem to have moved away from I-4 back almost to 192. I usually see a big black sow with 10 - 12 piglets during the later evening hours, and they do tear up the real estate.


New Member
Girlfriend wanted to ride the train on our trip last February. On our way around MK we got to the scene with all the fake deer. One of them was moving, but I thought maybe they added an animatronic deer. Low and behold it started walking. It was a real deer among all the fake ones. I just thought how confused it must be trying to figure out why none of the other deer are moving.

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