Why was the Noodle Terrace closed?


Well-Known Member
MKCustodial said:
Yesterday's All Ears letter said the Noodle Station is now seasonal. I guess if it ain't a shop or a greet, Disney seasons it. :lol:

If it is seasonal, why would it be closed now? It is still peak season.


Original Poster
MKCustodial said:
Yesterday's All Ears letter said the Noodle Station is now seasonal. I guess if it ain't a shop or a greet, Disney seasons it. :lol:

*sigh* oh fudge....
No new info about the current or future status of the Noodle Station to add but I did want to say that the tofu noodle bowl at Seasons is no where near as good as the tofu noodle bowl at the Noodle Station. They don't even compare. :(

Oh, and since we're on the subject of Seasons, I noticed that the pre-packaged items in the coolers at Seasons are produced elsewhere. The little bar code tags say something like "1220 Blvd of the Stars" or something. Does anyone know where this is?


Well-Known Member
MiRi said:
Something my boyfriend and I were discussing...

Disney really needs to have more variety when it comes to food at the Magic Kingdom. Sure, we like burgers and fries but sometimes you just want something different. This is why we love having a meal at The Land at Epcot. Just a thought...
Did you catch the rumors a little while back of Pinnochio's becoming an Italian fast-food eatery? Hopefully that will indeed happen so it will add a bit more variety. But then, of course, it will become seasonal just like everything else that's not burger/fries or a meet-n-greet. :rolleyes:


Original Poster
Dizknee_Phreek said:
Did you catch the rumors a little while back of Pinnochio's becoming an Italian fast-food eatery? Hopefully that will indeed happen so it will add a bit more variety. But then, of course, it will become seasonal just like everything else that's not burger/fries or a meet-n-greet. :rolleyes:

Yes I did. I agree, it would be cool, but only as long as they keep the cheese sauce and fries. :slurp:

Magic Maker

New Member
That would be cool, I mean it would fit with the theme of being a place run by Stromboli. Although Figaro's Fries would be missed, but that can easily be transfered to Cosmic Ray's.
kiawahman said:
I wonder if it closed due to bad response by the public.
I had great hopes for the Noodle Terrace. We ate there in May. We disliked it -Very bland. We tried a variety of items because we love most of the items on the menu. I had hoped they closed to rework the food as I loved the idea.


Well-Known Member
MiRi said:
Something my boyfriend and I were discussing...

Disney really needs to have more variety when it comes to food at the Magic Kingdom. Sure, we like burgers and fries but sometimes you just want something different. This is why we love having a meal at The Land at Epcot. Just a thought...
I went mid-June all excited for the Noodle Station, then it was closed....but I got an awesome noodle bowl at seasons. It really is a great place to eat (minus the lack of seating) but its one of my new favorite counter service places. I've been craving the noodle bowl from there since June.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
MiRi said:
I don't know if it just closes early or what, but we had passed by to get dinner at the Noodle Terrace on July 16, but it was closed. I have the worse luck with that place. It's always closed when I go. :confused:
They closed it for me while I was around...

I HATE Noodles...

I'm gone now... so tomorrow everything will be as usual...


New Member
MiRi said:
Pirata y el Perico was open when I was there.

I was sad when Pirata wasn't open in May, but at least I had my fix of Colonial Harbour House. It's probably my favorite counter service place at MK.


New Member
Hi everyone!! My family has been home from WDW since July 10, and I'm still depressed!! We always have such a magical time (a big THANK YOU to the CM's) and hate coming home!! Anyway, in my Magic Kingdom Guidemap, it listed pizza available at Pinocchio's place- I was so excited- we DEFINITELY get tired of burgers and fries. But when we got there, NO PIZZA!! I was so disappointed. Hopefully, it is coming soon.

Oh, and I LOVE all of these "discussions"- thanks everyone, for making me feel part of the magic- even at home!!



New Member
Oh- the whole reason for my initial post was that we ate at the Noodle Terrace and really enjoyed it. Sorry for the digression- I guess I got excited!! I believe we ate there on July 2.


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