Why does Rip Ride Rockit' get such a hard time?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Before I rode it I had only heard bad things about it so I wasn't expecting much.
I got to ride it last week and OMG I LOVE IT.

It's awesome really exciting and I love the music on board. It's a shame the music isn;t edited to synch up with certain parts of the ride because some songs really don't work but others are awesome.

The ride definitely gets a thumbs up from me... I can't believe it has gotten so much bad press.


Active Member
It's a steel monstrosity with no theming. Coaster enthusiasts might like it, but it's generally a lazy effort that would fit in much better at Cedar Point or Six Flags.

Edit: Especially when compared to Harry Potter and WDW, which are triumphs of both engineering AND art.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
I enjoyed it, but found the ride very rough and the hard plastic headrests made it very uncomfortable. But the overall ride experience was certainly fun.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As a ride I thought it was great except for the non edited music.... and the music just stops it could fade or end with a bit of echo or something.

I agree the theming is a but poor... I suppose it's next to the concert stage so makes a bit of sense.... but not a huge amount.


Well-Known Member
It's one of the roughest coasters I've been on. Which is typical for an attraction that has to be shoehorned into an existing/landlocked area - either it's going to give you a headache for hours or it will be a lackluster experience.


Well-Known Member
I read this whole thread thinking the OP meant Ripsaw Falls. :brick:

Now that I know what you're talking about, I think Rip Ride Rockit is great! I seriously get no greater joy than flying on this coaster, listening to some of my favorite songs and I think it only adds to the assortment of rides at USF.

And I've never understood the talk of it being rough. If you think it's rough, then please, never ride a wooden coaster. You'll feel like the change left in your pocket in the dryer.


Well-Known Member
Its actually pretty awesome and really smooth if you get the front row. The last row is pretty jarring, which is unusual for such a new steel coaster.

I don't mind a little bit of roughness on roller coasters, and I actually enjoy Rip Ride Rockit, but they could have done so much better. Coming to almost a complete stop 5 times is not fun. The lift, the first drop, the non-inverting loop, and "treble clef" elements are awesome, but theres not much to it after that.

Also I think the official song choice list is poor and limited. For me, the most fun I have with this coaster is trying out all the hidden songs and seeing how well they go with the coaster. (The best one is Moving Right Along by Kermit and Fozzie - number 901! it actually syncs up with the coaster perfectly too)


New Member
So I love universal! But Rip is of my least favorite rides. Now I love roller coasters ( steel or wooden) but, Rip is rough for a steel coaster. It beaks down and half the times I have been on it the music doesn't work or just stops playing in the middle of the ride. The theme is terrible! I still go on it tho.... LOL:ROFLOL:


Premium Member
HRRR definitely gets a bad rap, and it's sad. It's a blast! I've never had a single rough ride on the thing either. The theming is zero once the ride begins, but I love the area around it. Everything looks great. It would be nice to start getting some new songs on it, though!


Active Member
So I love universal! But Rip is of my least favorite rides. Now I love roller coasters ( steel or wooden) but, Rip is rough for a steel coaster. It beaks down and half the times I have been on it the music doesn't work or just stops playing in the middle of the ride. The theme is terrible! I still go on it tho.... LOL:ROFLOL:

I totally agree! I've spent 17 days in Universal over the past three years and only managed to ride it three times (twice in one day). I found it to be a most uncomfortable ride, especially the restraint system they use. I think the only thing that salvages this ride is that it is uncommonly long for for a roller coaster.


New Member
O and the absolute worst thing dealing with this ride is the music in the line. Due to they play all the main song list but in about 15 seconds. So you start singing a song you like or know and 2 seconds later it changes to the next. lol:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed it, but found the ride very rough and the hard plastic headrests made it very uncomfortable. But the overall ride experience was certainly fun.
Our family agree entirely. The ride would be so much better if you didn't leave it with a sore head from the buffeting.

We got to the point where my wife and I sat on the area in front of the stage and left the kids to ride alone.

My view: Nice idea, executed poorly.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Its a fun ride. Its a roller coaster, a concept that is fine by me.It gets a bad rap because of the ________ poor reliability it had at opening.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed it, would love to do it at night it looked excellent when I was leaving the park following the TNA tapings.


Well-Known Member
Great. Was gonna do this for the 1st time this weekend. I hate roller coasters that give you a headache though. May have to rethink this one.


Well-Known Member
This thread has left me perplexed, to say the least. Rockit isn't "very rough" by any stretch of the imagination. It may not be glass smooth, but it's not that rough. Space Mountain? That's rough. Want REALLY rough? Try Gwazi on for size. Rockit is fine.

(Don't ride Gwazi. Seriously. I think it might actually kill some of you, if Rockit bothers you that much.)

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