Why does Disney still have this?


Well-Known Member
Minimal if any cost to WDW for most of the things they point out. Pay phones are usually the responsibility of the phone company, not the company who has them onsite. Postcards, at 75 cents+ per, they make a ton of money. Plenty of people still send them home to family who isn't there, or hold onto them for souvenirs. And if they actually went in the camera stores, they would see that most of the stuff in there is now Photopass, or other assorted items, and very little space is dedicated to film and cameras.


Well-Known Member
Postcards are something that I always buy and mean to send to people while I am in WDW, but time slips away from me, which is easy to do in WDW.
Pay phones come in handy when the battery in your cell phone is low or has died because your phone is an appendage of your arm (personally speaking).


Well-Known Member
I do however agree with the Pay Phones honestly what family doesnt have at least one cell phone these days?
Just because you might be one of the many "enlightened" people that cannot spend a minute without a phone hanging from their ear, doesn't mean that everyone has that addiction. Even if you were to be correct that everyone in this country has a cell phone, how about those foreign guests whose cell phone (if they have one) doesn't work over here?

I think we are the only people on the planet under 60 that don't have a cell phone. So a pay phone or two is still a useful thing.
On my last trip this past June (2-9th 2013) I sent a post card. Little kids that don't have cell phones or email addresses love getting mail. It was fun! We had dinner reservations at 'Ohana so after I checked in I went over to the gift shop and got a postcard. I wrote it while we waited and then put it in the little mailbox downstairs.

As for the Electric Water Pageant...I saw it for the first time on our June trip and I LOVED it!!! I had very low expectations because of everything I had read and heard about it. It greatly exceeded my expectations.

Since I didn't even notice the phone booths or camera stores...I am totally neutral about their presence in the parks. :)


Well-Known Member
The water pagent is a great little piece of WDW history, and it would be sad to see it go. We always look forward to seeing it after dinner or wishes. When you have to stand in line at night for the MK buses, it gives you something to watch. Plus it can not cost that much to operate. It's one boat with two people. Post cards, like everyone has said, are still popular. I am just surprised the BAH is still around.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Camera stores, Pay phones, & Pop art...I don't have much use for either of these.

EWP - I still like to watch this...every trip.

Postcards - I send them to my students; kids still love to receive 'snail' mail

DisneyQuest - We went once. By the time late afternoon rolled around, the locals had taken over and the CMs were not adhering to the time limits...


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt this: "Nobody is booking a stay at the Contemporary because of [the Electrical Water Pageant]."

I thought this was very funny in the part about DisneyQuest: "Mighty Ducks Pinball (what’s the Mighty Ducks? Also, what’s Pinball?)"


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt this: "Nobody is booking a stay at the Contemporary because of [the Electrical Water Pageant]."

I thought this was very funny in the part about DisneyQuest: "Mighty Ducks Pinball (what’s the Mighty Ducks? Also, what’s Pinball?)"


Well-Known Member
Well, I buy and send postcards every trip. My girls bring the addresses w/them of friends they want to send a postcard to and I bring the stamps. We also pick up extras to be included with notes written on them when we send military gift boxes overseas w/scouts, school or church groups.

Payphones: haven't used them, but its nice to know they are there for those who do need them.

Camera stores - while we do have our 35 mm camera and lenses - I don't bring those to WDW. I have on occasion bought a new strap or camera bag. One trip I arrived at WDW with what I thought was the correct memory card only to find out when we went to use it that it wasn't what I needed...so once I did pay the over priced cost of a new memory card to get all the pictures I wanted. It was totally worth it to me to pay the WDW price and have what I needed to get all the pictures I wanted.


Well-Known Member
Just because you might be one of the many "enlightened" people that cannot spend a minute without a phone hanging from their ear, doesn't mean that everyone has that addiction. Even if you were to be correct that everyone in this country has a cell phone, how about those foreign guests whose cell phone (if they have one) doesn't work over here?

Wow did I punture a vein? I didn't realize my post could be so offensive to someone and taken so out of context! I was simply stating that the majority of travelers these days do have cell phones maybe that is a generalization but look around you, everywhere I look I see the drone like public with some sort of device in hand! Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not one of your "enlightened" people that cannot spend time without being on my phone. On the contrary when I am in the World on vacation it is the last thing I care about, typically I turn off my ringer and only use it when and if my party and I get separated and need to find each other so we can move on.
So instead of attempting to single me out and bash me and my opinion, maybe reconsider your tone and not take your frustration out on someone you neither know or who's piont of view is different than your own!


Well-Known Member
Wow did I punture a vein? I didn't realize my post could be so offensive to someone and taken so out of context! I was simply stating that the majority of travelers these days do have cell phones maybe that is a generalization but look around you, everywhere I look I see the drone like public with some sort of device in hand! Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not one of your "enlightened" people that cannot spend time without being on my phone. On the contrary when I am in the World on vacation it is the last thing I care about, typically I turn off my ringer and only use it when and if my party and I get separated and need to find each other so we can move on.
So instead of attempting to single me out and bash me and my opinion, maybe reconsider your tone and not take your frustration out on someone you neither know or who's piont of view is different than your own!
I'm sorry I didn't mean to bash you. So sorry if you took it that way!


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt this: "Nobody is booking a stay at the Contemporary because of [the Electrical Water Pageant]."

I thought this was very funny in the part about DisneyQuest: "Mighty Ducks Pinball (what’s the Mighty Ducks? Also, what’s Pinball?)"


If it helps, everything within the quotation marks is from the blog piece.

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