Why does Disney still have this?


Active Member
I think that the pay phones, although perhaps seemingly out of place, can still serve a purpose as a backup for lost/broken phones when multiple family members may not always be together let alone in the same park. I can imagine that guest services or other stores like to be able to refer guests to these when they ask to use a phone (if this happens).


Well-Known Member
Wow did I punture a vein? I didn't realize my post could be so offensive to someone and taken so out of context! I was simply stating that the majority of travelers these days do have cell phones maybe that is a generalization but look around you, everywhere I look I see the drone like public with some sort of device in hand! Sorry to burst your bubble but I am not one of your "enlightened" people that cannot spend time without being on my phone. On the contrary when I am in the World on vacation it is the last thing I care about, typically I turn off my ringer and only use it when and if my party and I get separated and need to find each other so we can move on.
So instead of attempting to single me out and bash me and my opinion, maybe reconsider your tone and not take your frustration out on someone you neither know or who's piont of view is different than your own!
Oh no worries figmentfan423 :)
I was simply responding to Goofyernmost post that seemed to have a personal issue with my views!
I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. He's a nice guy.
Thanks Figment...you are correct in your assumption. But to be honest I don't even know who NiarrNDisney is much less do I have a personal issue with his/her views. The first sentence was a generic sentence. The word "you" in this case was a blanket calling. This was primarily because the statement that everyone has a cell phone so what do we need pay phones for...is just plain incorrect. But even if I was singling you out specifically, (I wasn't) what would be so terrible about that. It is a new age and a rapidly growing technology. I don't personally see or understand why people want to be connected to the outside world 24/7, but for some reason they do. I have to wonder how I grew up, had a family, ran a business, traveled the world and took many vacations, all without having a phone in my pocket and now the almost laughable "bluetooth". We're to damn lazy to even hold up a phone anymore. That is probably why some of us old codgers like to poke fun at it once in awhile.

So rest your mind...I have no issue with you at all. Perhaps the topic...but not you!


Well-Known Member
Ok let's go point by point for my esteemed and useless opinions:

  1. Camera Stores - yes they are still called camera stores and while the film sales are likely minimal they still sell media cards, iPhone cases (the "new" go to camera for many), underwater cameras because the kids want something for the waterpark tomorrow and photo albums and frames. The store is still within it's theme - of course most of these items you can get in other places but it makes it easy for when you wonder, "Where can I get a frame for that photo? Oh, hey, maybe the Camera Centre!"
  2. Pay Phones - you want to know who uses them...ME! You have a problem with that, I don't care. I don't use my phone as a camera, I don't want it glued to my ear and since I am not from the US and don't want to pay extra charges for the minimal amount I may need it I use Wi-fi only if I take my phone to the parks and pay phones to call home or my local friends to arrange meet ups.
  3. Electrical Water Pageant - it's a shame Disney almost pretends it doesn't exist. I like it better than the MSEP and enjoy the location wayyyyy more. No elbow to elbow with people, I can lounge on a beach. It's almost one of those hidden things that only those "in the know" see. Personally I would be a little upset if it went away but I also think most people wouldn't miss it...because they don't even know it's there.
  4. DisneyQuest - I walked in once, tried a few games, was not impressed, have never been back and will never go back. Seems like a big waste of space for me.
  5. Pop Gallery - I have bought things from here before but I belong to a family and community full of musicians and artists so eccentric and non-Disney themed gifts work well for them. One of my relatives who just built a music studio in his garage is getting a piece of metal wall art from there for Christmas, my sister is getting some jewelry from here for her birthday. Last Christmas I got my BF some metal art from here as well. If I don't buy I at least look and frankly at the price the store can probably sell 1 or 2 items a day and it would pay off for them.
  6. Postcards - I get my mother between 20 and 50 postcards from here every time I go. She likes to enter contests now that she's in her retirement years and many of them have mail only entries which she figures gives her better odds since more people would skip that in favour of online contests. Before you make fun, here are her stats for 2012 - 45-60 minutes per day spent entering contests = $34,960 in prizes won including a cruise and $25,000 cash - the cash prize was won from a postcard entry. My whole family are travelers (not just to Disney) and we always have and likely always will send a postcard to each other from each of our trips. We enjoy writing, mailing, seeing the foreign stamps and getting then in the mail...even if it's after the person got home.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Figment...you are correct in your assumption. But to be honest I don't even know who NiarrNDisney is much less do I have a personal issue with his/her views. The first sentence was a generic sentence. The word "you" in this case was a blanket calling. This was primarily because the statement that everyone has a cell phone so what do we need pay phones for...is just plain incorrect. But even if I was singling you out specifically, (I wasn't) what would be so terrible about that. It is a new age and a rapidly growing technology. I don't personally see or understand why people want to be connected to the outside world 24/7, but for some reason they do. I have to wonder how I grew up, had a family, ran a business, traveled the world and took many vacations, all without having a phone in my pocket and now the almost laughable "bluetooth". We're to damn lazy to even hold up a phone anymore. That is probably why some of us old codgers like to poke fun at it once in awhile.

So rest your mind...I have no issue with you at all. Perhaps the topic...but not you!

My original post: I do however agree with the Pay Phones honestly what family doesnt have at least one cell phone these days?

I totally agree with you on how people tend to spend far to much time on their phones and other tech devices! However comma I don't agree that as an "old codger" you were not exactly "poking fun" with me it seems more like you were wanting to point fingures. I in no way mentioned "you" in any way, that may have been the blogger who wrote the articile so your retort to the other poster makes no sense! I will except your explanation as an apology if that is how you meant it but do realize that your original post did come across as if you meant to attack and be condescending.


Well-Known Member
Just because you might be one of the many "enlightened" people that cannot spend a minute without a phone hanging from their ear, doesn't mean that everyone has that addiction.

I in no way mentioned "you" in any way, that may have been the blogger who wrote the articile so your retort to the other poster makes no sense! I will except your explanation as an apology if that is how you meant it but do realize that your original post did come across as if you meant to attack and be conesending.

I believe the bolded "You" was the one he was referring to, the one he, himself used as a blanket statement - not meaning you personally but meaning people who do this. I could be wrong, but that's how I took it, anyway.


Well-Known Member
I still send postcards and some I buy just to put the picture in my scrapbook!

We buy postcards every trip! We don't mail them, but we keep them or give them to my grandparents when we get back or just put them in the scrapbook.

Yup. Scrapbooking is pretty big. Just go to any arts & crafts store and look at the multiple isles of overpriced products dedicated to this activity. I'm surprised that Disney doesn't offer more scrapbooking items for sale on-property.


Well-Known Member
I think that the pay phones, although perhaps seemingly out of place, can still serve a purpose as a backup for lost/broken phones when multiple family members may not always be together let alone in the same park. I can imagine that guest services or other stores like to be able to refer guests to these when they ask to use a phone (if this happens).
Great teaching tool...many kids have never seen a payphone. You ought to see the reaction of my 2nd graders when I take in an album and tell them that's how we used to listen to music.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Outstanding article and I could not have said any of the points better myself. I do have some critiques..

While pay telephones are a thing of the past - I have seen people (albeit a small crowd) use them at the parks the last 2 years. I think many of them may be international guests using calling cards possibly. I do not forsee pay phones being completely phased out anytime soon but the numbers being reduced over the next 5 years to eventually none at some point.

Postcards.. WOW!!! I remember as late as 2007. On check in day I would go to the resort store and buy like 50 post cards. Then eat lunch and sit by the pool and write all my post cards out. I have not sent a post card seriously since 2009. I have an app that can take a photo of whatever I want then email and text a post card to anyone for free, lol. I do not even purcahse postcards anymore because they end up as junk.

But in both of these cases - this is the downfall on the rise of technology.


Premium Member
I thought the article was written by someone 25 years old.. not nearly 40. I had to look the guy up.. sounds like someone trying to be 'too cool for school'.

Camera stores? He is aware they sell more than cameras right? And part of the answer can be seen if you ask yourself questions like... 'Why is there a Verizon wireless store at the airport.. or at the beach? Did no one bring their phone with them on their vacation?' - Consider... how many people LOSE or damage their phone while on vacation. Does anyone say 'nah, that phone is too expensive, I'll wait till I get home!' - no, it's a captive audience in immediate need. So its easy money to offer services to those in time sensitive need away from home. Now apply this to camera stores... missing bags, straps, batteries, media cards, devices, etc, etc etc

Payphones - they are an alternative for that situation everyone complains about their phones dying no?? And it's not like it costs Disney... those are probably carrier owned phones placed for advertising/branding.

Postcards are usualy admired, not mailed..

How about some modern whinings....

Why do they sell magnets??? We all buy stainless fridges now where magnets no longer work :)


Well-Known Member
My husband still has a set of post cards from his one and only childhood vacation which was WDW. They are from around 1978ish. Parents did feel the need to document every waking moment of our lives back then so other than a very few photos and these post cards there are no physical reminders of the trip he took.

Btw...not a criticism of today's parents in the digital world of photography. I am just as guilty of taking hundreds of pictures or every event.


Well-Known Member
My husband still has a set of post cards from his one and only childhood vacation which was WDW. They are from around 1978ish. Parents did feel the need to document every waking moment of our lives back then so other than a very few photos and these post cards there are no physical reminders of the trip he took.

Btw...not a criticism of today's parents in the digital world of photography. I am just as guilty of taking hundreds of pictures or every event.

My early albums from Disney vacations include about 25-30 postcards that my mom would buy. She was a fantastic photographer but always got them, "Just in case none of the pictures turn out". Oh the days of film :D

I have postcards from WDW as far back as 1972 (the year I was born and experienced the parks from inside my mom) and from Disneyland from my parents first trip in 1968.


Well-Known Member
Since my niece was born (she's now 14) we have bought a postcard and then do a M&G with Mickey and have him sign "To (niece), Your friend, Mickey Mouse" and make sure it is mailed fom the resort. Sometimes Mickey will take it upon himself to add a one line message. (This year he wrote "Stay warm!" because we told him we had 6" of snow.)

As to the pay phones, there's plenty of times I've seen WDW's foreign guests using them at the resorts.

If they even thought about doing away with the EWP, :devilish: . "Grab your torch and pitchfork!"

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