Why Do You Love Walt Disney World?


New Member
Its amazing how we all have similar feelings. I could just quote everyone above me and those are pretty much my feelings. From the day my parents first took the family here in '77 I have never had such a desire to visit anyplace like WDW . To be free of the worries and cares, to have fun and be a kid ,to be entertained and amused is priceless.


I love it because of my son's reaction the first time we took him there. Our fiirst trip with kids was in '04. My son had just turned 5. We decided to go because he was a huge Winnie the Pooh fan, and wanted to meet Pooh more than anything in life.

We booked out trip for September of '04, and scheduled breakfast at Crystal Palace as our first meal on our first full day there. We arrived at MK and took a slow stroll down Main Street. My daughter was amazed by the castle. My son, simply wanted to get to see Pooh.

When we got to the Crystal Palace, Tigger was waiting by our table when we were seated. My son grinned from ear to ear during that first picture. We then spotted Pooh by the buffet line and he and I walked up to wait in line to get a picture taken with him. As we waited, my son clutched my hand and started jumping up and down. He looked at me and exclaimed, "He's real. he's really real. I thought it was just going to be a guy in a mask, but it is really Pooh!"

At that momet, I knew that every penny we spend on the trip was worth it. I knew that if the hurricane that was forming in the Atlantic (Jeanne, I think) sped up and wiped out the rest of our trip that the money and travel would have been worth it just for that one moment. I will never forget it as long as I live.

The picture that we took with Pooh that morning is on the cover of our photo album for that trip. His smile in that picture makes me smile (and then gets me a bit choked up) everytime I see it.

He is now 8. He knows that Pooh is a man in a costume, but we still start every trip with a breakfast at the Crystal Palace. It is still my favorite place to eat while at DW because of that memory.


Active Member
A world were you incorporate education, fun, culture and passion.


For example, Epcot..

Place where you can take your time to take in the music and the reflections of the countries. The sight of SSE luminates the area as you are eager to discover what is behind the doors. Talking to people from the countries making you feel you are really there. Along with going back out of the stores and seeing Rafiki walk by and wave.

OR 1 answer

What you make of it..



Well-Known Member
What a hard to question to answer... I don't even know the exact reason(s) why I love WDW. It must be the "feeling" or the atmosphere that is there. Nobody else can create that. I've visited many places in my life, some of them have been amazing and I've seen things I've never seen before. When I think about those places I don't get that "lonely feeling" (like I need to go back right now) or goosebumps when I see pictures but I do with Disney. Only Disney captures you and immerses you in their "world". Just thinking about our next vacation gives me those little excited butterflies in your stomach.

And after you take your own children to WDW theres no hope for you! After seeing my son skip (yes, literally skip) through the parks I knew that this would be the start of a love affair with WDW.

I love that Disney is timeless and never grows old. My children are enjoying the same Winnie the Pooh cartoons that I enjoyed as a child and that brings a smile to my face.

I love how you can escape the real world and live in pretend. I also love the alone time I get with my family. I've spent more quality time with husband in WDW than I do most months at home. In Disney we're a family, everything is focused around US! It's the memories, the good times we've shared as a family that are so important. Someone asked my husband and I why we took our last trip to WDW (it was a really hectic time in our lives) and we responed "Life's too short not to go!"

So to make a long story short, I love WDW b/c it truly is the "Happiest Place on Earth"!!!

(Now I need to go look at some vacation photos - I'm getting that lonely feeling again...)

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