Why Do You Love Walt Disney World?


New Member
I love Disney World because no matter how many times I go, I never get bored with it. I'm at the point in my visits where I can just relax and hang out, not be rushing to this show or hurry to that attraction. I've seen almost everything, but still love seeing it again and again. And if I miss something, I know there is always next time!

I almost feel like a different person when I arrive on property. It's like all the daily stress and routine dissappears and has no meaning whatsoever when I'm there...even if I am having to work while being there! (I'm a nanny.)


New Member
More Importantly Why Do People Not Love Disney World

I don't know, but those people sure do start alot of threads here.

Thanks for this thread though OP. Most of us are here because we really do love the parks. The architecture, the music and that feeling of being a kid again. I can listen to music all year, look at pictures and video but nothing is the same as seeing the castle from the deck of the ferry boat for the first time each trip.



Well-Known Member
I have been going to WDW since it opened in 71.

I can honestly not put into words why I love WDW.

I Just do.

To me it is not a place or thing it is a state of mind.


I love Walt Disney World for a number of reasons.

1. It's unlike any other place on Earth, it's just so...carefree.
2. It's childhood nostalgia, it makes you feel like a kid again.
3. You check reality at the door and anything is possible once that happens.
4. Being around this "world" and seeing everyone young and old so happy and carefree, it's hard to ignore. You can't help but just be a part of it as well.

There's probably many more, but that's all I can think of right now. That's why me, a 20 year old, is returning in September. It's my favorite vacation destination in the world, and feels honestly like my second home. I feel especially emotional (in a happy way) about Walt Disney World too at this moment, I just watched the 2008 vacation planning DVD. Disney and Walt Disney World especially will be a part of my life forever.


New Member
I guess i'm like many others and not sure how to describe it. It's combining alot of what others said, but I guess like my Screen name suggests it's a lot of happy Disney Memories of going with my family when I was younger. It's the one place that my grandparents took us to and later my parents took us on vacation where they all agree apon. Now when I visit I still see places and attractions I saw as a kid with family that are no longer with us but in God's Kingdom and it brings a tear and at the same time a smile to my face each time to relive those memories from so long ago. :cry::):animwink:


New Member
Its a place where you can step out of real life and the stress that brings. The only stress when you're there is will you make it onto a ride before you need to get to a parade! You actually have family time and you are all together which I admit can be both good and bad!

Best thing is it leaves you with memories that take you through the next year until you can get there again.


I love everything, of course. But, if I had to pinpoint a few things, I would say I love the sheer size and scope of WDW. It's so expansive that you couldn't possibly see and do everything in one visit. This leads to a desire go again and again.

I love the how clean and detailed the grounds and parks are kept.

I love the Cast Members. I have seen posts detailing bad CM experiences but those are truly few and far between. The CMs that really get into character are truly exceptional people!

I could go on and on but I'll let others say what we all feel! :wave:

Edisto Pluto

New Member
Gosh, it is hard to put in words......................memories,fun,safe,happy,exciting,always changing,smiles,value,escape,good surprises,never disappointed.


Active Member
I love Walt Disney World because it makes me happy and when I stop to look around at all the adults many are having as much fun or even more fun than the children, it reminds me that there is still a little bit of "kid" in all of us. :) Plus, my kids absolutely LOVE it!
I love WDW because there is so much to do there... Its such a happy place...I love the attractions, the smells, the people....I can go on and on...Since I was a little girl I just adored the place. And going back every year still brings out the kid in me...I still remember all of my Disney memories since my first trip in 1992...I will cherish every WDW memory I have!!!


Active Member
For me it's as a couple others have said, it allows you to escape reality for a short time. While I'm at WDW I completely forget about all the stress back home. It allows you to become a kid again and not feel silly about it.


I love it because it's the one place in the world that I can have my face painted, have my hair made up with glitter and a tiara and walk around with an ice cream in one hand and a balloon in the other and NOBODY thinks I'm strange!!!

I love that feeling as you pass through the gates, that ultimate satisfaction of just being back! I just love the place!!!:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I love WDW because it gives every family a chance to bond and actually BE a family for the duration of their stay, however long that may be. With both parents working now days, there is not enough quality family time at home. It lets a family spend time together without all the interruptions of everyday life back home. It provides you with great memories that will last a lifetime. Also, like everyone else on here is saying, it lets you escape reality for that short time and allows the kid in everyone to come out. But most importantly, you can forget about the bills and the meetings and deadlines for a while and just ENJOY LIFE! :sohappy:


Easy question. I love the way I feel when I am there or thinking about it. It's magical. It's about pixie dust and fairies and pirates and cute characters, great food and company. I love feeling giddy and know that there is hope for the future. I love having no cares or worries, Disney music, thrill rides, calm rides, the CASTLE, parades...uh, the way I feel is like a little kid jumping out. I feel exactly like my 4 year old.

Anyone ever see that commercial where the Dad goes with his son and turns into a kid except for his reflection?? That sums it up for me!!:)

You took the words right out of my mouth!:sohappy:


I love the fact that I get to escape my busy life and have fun and be a kid with my kids. I love the fact that everytime I go I see something new so that I never get borred and always want to go back. I love the fact that my kids will have these memories for the rest of their lives and I hope they make their own with their kids. I love Disney because it makes me happy. End of story. :) Sheri


Well-Known Member
Just thought of one word actually that sums it up best - ATMOSPHERE! There is no place better for it and it creates one that I wish could stay with us in our day to day lives.

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