Thanks for finding the way to twist everything that I said into what you felt I was saying instead of what I was saying. I didn't think that, proven by the fact that I said "most people" that my thoughts were any genius revelation. Not sure why you saw it that way. As for the three quotes, not even close to what they meant. It is the opposite of that. It says that it's the ones that will pay for the great Starbucks ripoff that are complaining that Disney shouldn't have such high prices because... well, because for some reason Disney should supplement your vacation expense as if they have some obligation to make your vacation cheaper. The "poories", as you put it, are not at the parks. They can't even afford to get there. It is the same group of people that if it serves their needs it is ok to be taken for a ride, but, if it isn't what they want then the seem to need to ask people why they serve their own needs by being willing to be taken by Disney. All the same my friend. And no one is spewing venom except the one that imply by asking that question that one is a fool to not be up in arms over the cost of snacks.
I'm sure since you seem to understand me so well, that you will also understand that no one should have to defend or explain their reason that they find the costs acceptable. No more then you should condescendingly be asked why you don't. That question is basically an intellectual insult that says very strongly.... Hey, why are you so dumb that you think that it is OK for Disney to charge that much. Sorry, but, why I do or do not do that is my personal business and none of yours. It isn't an interesting topic it is an effort to have a running argument expounding the outright ignorance of those that still recognize a theme park for what it is. An expensive place to have a vacation. However, to many it is worth the cost. If it's not to you then you shouldn't go there, again it really is that simple.
Also other then you, I have never heard anyone say "LET THEM MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS IS POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW! They shout from the rooftops. I LOVE PAYING huge premiums on food and beverages on vacation!!!!!" What I have read into the posts, at least mine, is that it is what it is. I am not forced to go there and spend money, I go willingly and pay what is asked if that's the experience I want. As individual "guest" we cannot universally be made to justify it. It's not up to us or you or anyone else that thinks that their fascination for the Parks translates into individual power to change things that are more societal then driven by one company.
The people you folks are questioning do not feel that the prices are anymore outrageous then what other entertainment venues charge and don't expect Sam's Club prices at a place like Disney. Why others do really makes it a more interesting question, doesn't it?