Why did WOL close?


Well-Known Member
then they built up the landscaping around the pavillion to hide it from guests while it was not in use. It used to have a big walkway towards it... but now is an obscure walking path.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed WoL. And, speaking for myself, I kind of like having a few attractions with no lines. After having to stand in line and get fastpasses, it's kind of nice having a few attractions here and there (like El Rio and WoL) that are unpopular enough that those who DO enjoy them can just walk right on in and relax and see the show.

But if they're gonna close it permanately, then I don't see why they don't either refurbish it, or put a new attraction in. I don't understand the logic that says you should close an attraction just because not enough people visit it, yet leave an empty, closed attraction just sitting there taking up space.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed WoL. And, speaking for myself, I kind of like having a few attractions with no lines. After having to stand in line and get fastpasses, it's kind of nice having a few attractions here and there (like El Rio and WoL) that are unpopular enough that those who DO enjoy them can just walk right on in and relax and see the show.

But if they're gonna close it permanately, then I don't see why they don't either refurbish it, or put a new attraction in. I don't understand the logic that says you should close an attraction just because not enough people visit it, yet leave an empty, closed attraction just sitting there taking up space.

I agree.

Scar Junior

Active Member
I enjoyed WoL. And, speaking for myself, I kind of like having a few attractions with no lines. After having to stand in line and get fastpasses, it's kind of nice having a few attractions here and there (like El Rio and WoL) that are unpopular enough that those who DO enjoy them can just walk right on in and relax and see the show.

But if they're gonna close it permanately, then I don't see why they don't either refurbish it, or put a new attraction in. I don't understand the logic that says you should close an attraction just because not enough people visit it, yet leave an empty, closed attraction just sitting there taking up space.

I respect your opinion... but you are forgetting that it costs a lot of money to keep WoL open. When no one visits or spends money there, then there is a problem. When there are a total of 30 people or so (as has been the case the last 3 times i was there), then Disney has no reason to pay the operating costs.

I hate empty buildings as much as the next guy, but where we often fault is that we look at Disney's moves through the eyes of stakeholders... not business people.


New Member
Perhaps another reason so few visited it in December 06 was because they didn't list it in the guidebook. I was there for the first week of December, and collected guidebooks each of the four days I was there - in English and various other languages. In all of them, the building is shown, but no name is written on it, nor are any of the attractions noted. Wonders of Life was mentioned as being open from 9-7 every day on the showtimes leaflet, but if you're a first time visitor, you probably aren't looking for Wonders of Life, because Disney didn't care enough about it to put it on the Park's map. It's kind of a self-fulfilling propecy here - if you don't say much about it, very few are going to know it's there and open, so no one will go. Then you can cite low attendance as an excuse for keeping it shut the rest of the year. Tax write-off.
Also, hokielutz brings up another great point, which is that it is the most hidden pavilion in all Epcot. It is buried behind foliage, again obscuring it from those that aren't actively looking for it. True, there is a sign that says Wonders of Life near the main path, but again, if I was an Epcot virgin, and I was judging things by the map, I'd think the place must be closed and I probably wouldn't bother. Maybe if they'd had a CM standing near the sign to explain to passersby that yes, Virginia, there is a great pavilion OPEN just up that there path then they might have increased guest flow a little.
Personally, while the attractions are 20 years old, I still enjoy them every bit as much as I did when I first visited them in 1996. I spent more time in that pavilion in December than I did in any other. Okay, maybe that was partly due to knowing that I'd probably never get the opportunity to experience Cranium Command, Making of Me, Goofy About Health, and Body Wars live again, but I did each at least three times, and probably could have done them a few dozen more if I'd had the time.
Finally, I don't think it looks that dated. I still feel it has a sort-of futuristic look about it. A small investment by Disney I believe could make this pavilion great again. But Disney seems to have gotten to a point now where if some sponsor isn't paying, they just don't seem to care. Metlife is gone, so Wonders of Life must die.


Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion... but you are forgetting that it costs a lot of money to keep WoL open. When no one visits or spends money there, then there is a problem. When there are a total of 30 people or so (as has been the case the last 3 times i was there), then Disney has no reason to pay the operating costs.

That was one of my other thoughts last night, but I had trouble putting it into the correct words. I know you don't have to pay to go on the attractions, so, as far as Cranium Command and Body Wars are concerned, Disney wasn't making any money off of those whether people visit or not. I can't remember if they sold merchandise in there, but I think that would be the only way they would make money off of the place, since you don't have to pay to see the shows or ride the attractions.


Well-Known Member
Epcot lives on the sponsorship of its attractions. Of the parks, Epcot is one of the most costly to actually keep running. The large pavillions all have sponsors to help defer costs. Without a sponsor, WoL had to close or risk not being able to keep up with the mainenance that would be necessary for such a place to keep running. If Disney can secure a new sponsor, you will see WoL re-open, probably with some new concepts to reflect the new representation.


Well-Known Member
You may want to let the science world know this, because the Brontosaurus is now known as the Apatosaurus in just about any modern text.

Perhaps a text that is just treating the subject offhand will make no distinction, as the difference lies only in the skull (and they once were synonymous; but do a search of brontosaurus on Academic Search Premier, and you'll find plenty of scholarly articles about the difference).

Not that this really matters in the whole WoL discussion...

It sounds like no one really likes the current attractions in WoL (I can't comment on it, since I haven't been there since I was 12--10 years ago), why not talk about bringing in a new sponsor and gutting the pavilion and getting something totally new? I understand this would be a 'back burner' project with far-off start/completion dates, but is that realistic option?


Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion... but you are forgetting that it costs a lot of money to keep WoL open.

5 - 10 hourly ride operators during the day and a handful of techs at night. WoL has no food and beverage, merchandise, or games operations, or at least Disney chooses not to use them when the building is open. The building got decent enough counts last Christmas for an attraction that was not on the map. It should definitely be replaced, but there is no reason for it to be closed either. Guests pay to see all of Epcot when they visit the park, not most of it.

where we often fault is that we look at Disney's moves through the eyes of stakeholders... not business people

And a true business person would want to grow Epcot by putting a popular pavillion in there so they could put all those revenue generating facilities to use again. Disney will not put money into that building until they get a sponsor. It has been that way for Epcot ever since Eisner issued the order in the 80's. It was a short sighted horrible idea then, and it still is now. WoL is in this condition because of abject greed, and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
WoL will be gone very soon - if Horizons and WoM had to be replaced WoL doesn't stand a chance of re-opening permanently in its current form.

Why is it just sitting there taking up space? Because it will cost a lot of money to tear it down and build a new attraction in its place. Horizons sat there for a long time before being replaced.

WoL is on it's last toe of its last leg, and I for one am looking forward to the day when they announce its demolition.


Active Member
When WoL was open for a little while this past year the place was dead. Epcot would be completely packed and you would only see about 10 people walking around in WoL.


New Member
Original Poster
Epcot lives on the sponsorship of its attractions. Of the parks, Epcot is one of the most costly to actually keep running. The large pavillions all have sponsors to help defer costs. Without a sponsor, WoL had to close or risk not being able to keep up with the mainenance that would be necessary for such a place to keep running. If Disney can secure a new sponsor, you will see WoL re-open, probably with some new concepts to reflect the new representation.

I know I've brought this point up already, but if lack of a sponsor forced WoL to close, shouldn't UoE be headed the same way now that ExxonMobil is gone? I understand that it's a more popular pavilion, but surely it costs a similar amount to maintain? It may not be as dated as WoL, but it's been over 10 years since it was last updated, and that's a pretty long time. I just can't see the significant factor that determines that WoL should stand unused and decaying, while UoE remains open.:confused:

One more thing, does The Seas With Nemo & Friends currently have a sponsor? I know United Technologies pulled out years ago, and the pavilion doesn't display any obvious sponsor as far as I am aware. Can anyone fill me in?


New Member
What a shame future world has become. Disney has really dropped the ball on maintaining them. I wish they would work on all three dated pavillions. Universe of Energy, Journey into Imagination, and Wonders of Life. You should be able to spend a whole day just walking around the pavillions.


Well-Known Member
One more thing, does The Seas With Nemo & Friends currently have a sponsor? I know United Technologies pulled out years ago, and the pavilion doesn't display any obvious sponsor as far as I am aware. Can anyone fill me in?

No sponsor that I know of, and look at all that has been done, gives hope for Uof E not to go the way of WOL, but I guess we will have to see!


Active Member
I enjoyed WoL. And, speaking for myself, I kind of like having a few attractions with no lines. After having to stand in line and get fastpasses, it's kind of nice having a few attractions here and there (like El Rio and WoL) that are unpopular enough that those who DO enjoy them can just walk right on in and relax and see the show.

But if they're gonna close it permanately, then I don't see why they don't either refurbish it, or put a new attraction in. I don't understand the logic that says you should close an attraction just because not enough people visit it, yet leave an empty, closed attraction just sitting there taking up space.

I agree. If it were still open I would most likely go and enjoy the attractions. Was it outdated? Yes it was, and until I read all the comments, I forgot all about Hans and Frans in Cranium Command (which was one of my favorite attractions). :lol: I do think it is sinful to leave that huge space sitting there neglected. They really need to get something new in there and I do seriously hope it is not another thrill ride. I always loved the dark rides at Epcot and would love to see something new like that.


While the show side of WoL might not be in use right now. The backside certanily is with both offices as well as training areas for the staff of epcot.

Thus until something comes along to replace it, it will sit there "unused".


New Member
First of all when i read the main article it said Wol closed, but i was like, it cant be closed they just opened it up because it was open when i was there in the end of Nov into early Dec. Now i understand why, crowds and everything. But anyway i decided to go into it becauce that is an attraction i have not been on since my first time to Disney, maybe 7 years ago? I liked it then, but when i went into it this time, it was a poor showing. Some of the things were worn down, torn up, just not a good Disney showing. If your going to open up a ride, at least make it look presentable, i mean its disney. And can i say, body wars was not what it used to be, much rougher.

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