Why did I like Journey Into Imagination (figment) when I was young, but HATE it now?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I went to disney around 1990 then again last year.. and every ride that I enjoyed back in 1990 I still loved when I returned last year... except for Journey Into Imagination.

I went on the ride telling my wife.. I remember this was an interesting ride and that figment was cute..

But its nothing like I remember and figment seemed different than I remember.

So, is this the one ride that I outgrew or did they totally change the character/ride?

Also.. I thought I remembered a cool interactive area after the ride.. is that gone?



Oh this is about to open up a can of worms.

But yes, they did redo the ride (twice, actually), and in most people's opinions it was much better before, so you're not alone.


New Member
They changed the ride. The original version was a LOT better. Notice how the line for it is now non-existant. In the olden days you used to have to wait around 30 minutes to ride it because it was the most popular attraction in the park. Kodak wanted to make a cheaper ride to operate so they tore out the old one...and put in a new version which delt with people's senses instead of imagination. sob! I love Disney, but I think this was the biggest mistake they have made in any of the parks.


Well-Known Member
Yes. This is a huge topic often discussed (just do a search on Figment to find topics ad nauseum during the 2 switches. I tactually changed twice since 1990). You might also try www.figmentsimagination.com for more information.

As for the "interactive area" that was shut down for code violations and access, so the small area afterwards is all that is left.

General Grizz

New Member
Can of worms, indeed!

Ssidious, you are not alone. Millions of people were enchanted by Epcot's original Journey into Imagination pavilion.

The ride closed in October 1998: there is no known reason why. Every person I have asked has given me a different answer. I've heard that the turntable structure was so heavy, it was sinking and cost too much to maintain. Others have said Kodak signed an agreement saying the ride should be changed. But the real reason as to why Figment and The Dreamfinder were stripped from one of the most classic Disney pavilions is pretty unknown.

The ride was cut down. An "Institute" took over, featuring Eric Idle, host for Honey, I Shrunk the Audience. The building's color tones changed from more innocent blue and purple to contrasting red, blue, and orange. The upstairs level was closed down; Disney didn't want to pay the insurance to allow guests to experience the original creations up in the Image Works. The area music changed from fanciful original music to the score of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids/Audience. In short, the new pavilion was bordering on the obnoxious.

The new ride - Journey into YOUR Imagination - set guests spinning into the Imagination Institute's variety of lab experiments. After guests found out their imaginations weren't at their optimum levels ("There isn't much upstairs imagination-wise! But that's just right for our experiments..") Guests were shown several illusions; an intense train simulation, a "fish swimming out of water," a series of walls with blinking lights "making noise," an upside down house, a room of forming constellations...

And, in short, guests were outraged. Not only was the attraction cheap and dull - unlike the original, not an animatronic or artistically detailled scene was in sight - but the ride was too intense for children (in terms of loud noises/annoyance).

The charm was gone. This made Journey into Your Imagination, which opened in September 1999, the most complained about attraction in Walt Disney World History (although I'm not sure if Stitch's Great Escape has taken that spot on record). Disney's Imagineers had to act to give Figment a larger role.

Of course! Pumping in seven million dollars and slapping Figment would solve the problem. Right?


The version of the attraction you rode, Ssidious, still does not capture that Disney magic that we saw in the original show. Sure, a purple dragon is back. But study his character; instead of being filled with childish delight, Figment annoys, examines his fingernails, and acts extremely hyperactive (this can especially be seen in the Kodak camera demonstration in the post-show What-If? Labs). Heck he even farts on us. (Okay, it's not "technical" farting, but that would not make a difference). Wikipedia.com summarizes this: "The current ride has received mixed opinions, some saying Figment has become obnoxious and annoying and hoping for a future rehab working Dreamfinder back in, while others are just glad he’s back."

Whereas the original ride featured the world's largest hollogram as only a detail as part of a set, the new attraction features random treadmills, watercoolers, boxes, and lab materials for its 'attention to detail.' Also, the show is no longer an interaction between you and the imagination. Rather, it is a dialog between Figment and Dr. Nigel Channing. Channing learns the lesson - we do not.

The experience is no longer real. The absence of a Dreamfinder walkaround makes the pavilion merely a ride without the true Disney magic. Remember that the Dreamfinder helped improve the vacations and lives of hundreds of thousands of Disney visitors. A 6'9 "Figzilla" cannot do such. If Dreamfinder can be brought back to the Imagination pavilion, at least he can inspire children to dream, create, and think. There was even a story posted on the Internet of how the Dreamfinder helped extend the life of a boy dying of a very serious disease. That is dedication and Disney magic, and it's a true shame he was let go of. It's very easy to make this change, and I hope Disney can understand that.

As for the Image Works post show, the upper level is closed off to guests. The Image Works used to feature a giant Rainbow Corridor, an area where guests could conduct their own orchestra, act in a drama starring Dreamfinder, and even paint a picture of ride scenes - - through the air. Although most of these inventions were created in the early 1980s, they are unparalleled.

It's almost hilarious to go to the new Disney-MGM Studios Animation Tour to find what is essentially Microsoft Paint replacing original animators. In fact, in a recent Disney Magazine, a giant photo covering the latest "update" of the tour features a child using a touch screen to color Timon. The regression is tremendous. That kind of technology was already outdated almost twenty five years ago with the original Image Works. Has Disney forgotten how to create unique experiences? Or is it the budget?

The current Image Works features about 8 to 10 screens where guests can wave their arms in between sensory bars that magically pick up their motion. This triggers Figment to play his instrument. Of course, the computer materials are in plain guest view... the experience - for what it's worth - is ruined. Most of the area resembles a McDonalds Playplace with multi-color circular tube decor - tackier than the Wonders of Life decor (which at least has purpose and inspiration behind it) - and is essentially a line of computers where guests can email home photos of themselves. Nothing new - this has been available in Innoventions for years. Magic lost.

And don't forget the massive gift shop, where guests can spend plenty of money on the Figment merchandise. (Also remember that when Figment was removed from the ride, there was plenty of merchandise on sale for the character. How ironic.)

The problems continue. Speakers, vents -- all visible. Art is secondhand to budget... as was story. Imagineers should be congratulated for their efforts to make the Imagination ride better... but Disney's accountants are stretching the creative team so thin.

It's unfortunate that the one Disney pavilion dedicated to the themes of inspiration and creativity that define Disney magic has been left to suffer so much. And poor guest attendance reflects that abandoned magic.

Perhaps one day, Disney can catch its sparks of inspiration once again, so that children young and old can truly appreciate the 21st century technologies that deliver art, meaning, and delight that we have expected out of such a company.

Information on the original attraction:

Photos of the new ride: http://www.allearsnet.com/tp/ep/mil_img.htm


ssidiouss@mac.c said:
I went to disney around 1990 then again last year.. and every ride that I enjoyed back in 1990 I still loved when I returned last year... except for Journey Into Imagination.

I went on the ride telling my wife.. I remember this was an interesting ride and that figment was cute..

But its nothing like I remember and figment seemed different than I remember.

So, is this the one ride that I outgrew or did they totally change the character/ride?

Also.. I thought I remembered a cool interactive area after the ride.. is that gone?


YAY! An excuse to rant! Yes, Disney completely destroyed the ride. It used to be the most imerssive, imaginative ride on the property, and they turned it into one of the worst rides i have ever ridden. The original's sets were amazing and colorful, the new one has black curtains as back drops...Yup, curtains. The original has awsome dialog and score. now the score is diminished. And if 1000 monkeys could write Shakespeare, you'd figure the people at WDI could write a decent script once in a while *cough* SGE *cough*. They took out Dreamfinder, which was the perfect compliment to Figment, and replaced him with Nigel Channing*shudders*. Don't get me wrong, Eric Idle is awsome, but his character shouldn't be in JII.


Well-Known Member
I Love these things...


So... last time I visited Epcot (which, btw off subject I'm getting a tattoo of the old logo on my arm Sunday...) was back in 1988 and 1989. I Remember the old ride. I loved it. I recently revisited a few days ago. I wanted to stab Figment in the eye with my character-autograph pen. The sence when the roof blow off and all those Figment come out to torturer you... yeah... I'm haveing nightmares and the kid behind me on the ride cried (I kid ye not) "Mommy, make it stop." Yes. I acctually heard this line spoken. I didn't think kids really say this. The ride is lame, and needs an Ole Yeller treatment and Dreamfinder needs a come back.



Well-Known Member
To This day I still Think the DEAN FINDER Door Will somehow be Replaced With Nigel Channing. That Way they Can Introduce him and creativly change the attraction with what they have...Now I know that we won't be seeing HISTA to be "shrinking" out of exsistance (Sorry for the pun there) But if they were able to use the same mechinisims from the show and have it with Dean Finder & Figment..Who knows what could happen?


Park History nut
Premium Member
I know what you mean, Captain. As an attraction the sum of its parts it is very good - if we had never had the original. Its what it replaced that I hate so much, and the half a**ed way it was done.


The new JII isn't the one that opened in 1982. That one's gone now and there isn't anything we can do about it, and this fanboy ranting and raving isn't going to bring it back. That being said I have to say that I too enjoy seeing Figment again. Sure it isn't the same as it used to be, but it's better than that thing they opened in 2000. Having this Figment is better than having no Figment at all. In fact my girlfriend is looking forward to riding 'the Figment ride' the most when we go in September. You know why she's looking forward to it? She's never been to Disney. I've explained to her that it isn't the same attraction that I grew up with, but she doesn't care because it has that 'cute, little purple dragon.' The moral of the story is if you never experienced the original you won't notice the difference. We focus too much on what used to be and aren't thankful enough for the great Disney experiences we have now. Sure they're different, but they're still wonderful because it is Disney.
They changed the whole ride, made that weird scientist guy kinda "take over" figment and... that little area is still there, but not all of it. just a little... :cry:



New Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
I went to disney around 1990 then again last year.. and every ride that I enjoyed back in 1990 I still loved when I returned last year... except for Journey Into Imagination.

I went on the ride telling my wife.. I remember this was an interesting ride and that figment was cute..

But its nothing like I remember and figment seemed different than I remember.

So, is this the one ride that I outgrew or did they totally change the character/ride?

Also.. I thought I remembered a cool interactive area after the ride.. is that gone?

So...um...are you sorry you asked yet? :brick:
As you can tell, a lot of people feel very strongly about this change. Include me in that lot. The old ride had 'imagination', excitment, fun. It had something for all the senses. The new ride is, well, just a ride. I do love Eric Idol, but he just isn't Dreamfinder.


Well-Known Member
Boy do I miss the original...and of course Horizons.

Figment isnt a bad ride now just not that great when compared to the original.


Well-Known Member
blackride said:
Boy do I miss the original...and of course Horizons.

Figment isnt a bad ride now just not that great when compared to the original.

Horizons ROCKED! You could choose your ending. Could you get better?

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