Trip Report Whoa, Wait a Minute......Weren't You JUST There??!! *COMPLETED*

Hi, my name is Tuvalu and I am a Disneyholic.

(Go on, respond "Hi Tuvalu." I'll wait.)

My last trip to WDW was June 4-12, 2016. Before that May 3-8, 2016. Before that April 3-9, 2016. And my first trip of 2016 was February 18-22. If you are curious about those trip reports, they can be found here:

February ~ (Written by my DDD ~ Darling Disney Daughter :p)
April ~
May ~

In the interest of full disclosure, I have three more trips planned for 2016 ~ July, October and December.

Can't. Stop. Going.

It is never my intention to be boastful about my vacation frequency. I am very aware of how fortunate I am. If not for the good friends I have made on this site, I would not be posting trip reports at all. So a big thank you to all who have encouraged and supported me. Your kindness means a lot.

Now, on with our most recent adventure!

The deets:
Cast ~ Tuvalu, Woody and Em
Date ~ June 4-12, 2016
Resorts ~ Port Orleans French Quarter & Polynesian Village


Did we have fun? You betcha! Even Tropical Storm Colin couldn't dampen our joy :D.

Stay tuned....


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Original Poster
My day started out on a negative note, just some personal frustration. Seeing these happy smiles helped to "turn my frown around." Hope you two are having a wonderful time. Making the best of it is something I need to strive for. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thank you for your kind words. :happy: We had a great day yesterday!

Love it! - you look like u had so much fun
We did! And we rode BTMRR again....for you. ;)

NO :arghh: But that means another TR very soon right? ;)
Will be posting in August for sure!


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Original Poster
Well, OF COURSE, you missed the Welcome Show! Wouldn't have it any other way! :hilarious: But happy to say that the exquisite Minnie t-shirts put a smile on your faces, regardless of the (no surprise here . . . ) "missed" Welcome Show . . . AGAIN!! :p :D
You'll have to wait for the next TR to find out why we missed it and where the Minnie tees came from ;)

I'd suggest that you contact @Tuvalu for her opinion of the best time to arrive for the Welcome Show. (Then, after she tells you, add at least another 30 minutes and plan on more than one mode of transportation--in case one breaks down! ;) :p Oh, also, try to avoid a rainy morning, right Tuvalu?!!) :D
:joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull: :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for another great trip report! I especially loved your pics from BOG dinner. We will finally be experiencing it for the first time when we are back in November for 10 nights. Until then I'm living vicariously through everyone's trip reports! :happy:


Premium Member
Original Poster
Thanks for another great trip report! I especially loved your pics from BOG dinner. We will finally be experiencing it for the first time when we are back in November for 10 nights. Until then I'm living vicariously through everyone's trip reports! :happy:
Thank you for reading!


Well-Known Member
And then he said, "Look, there's a bunny." A bunny ??!! Em and I raced through the park with full bellies and bladders for a bunny??!!! I wish I was making this up....sadly, I am not!!

Was that meant to be a clever subtle reference to the Muppets show at HS?

Oh, and by the way (I'm only on like page 12 so if this has been answered on pages 13-21 I don't care. As far as I'm concerned I win and want the same alotment of points given to @lostpro9het ). I give you...the relaxation grotto


Well-Known Member
I believe you and my DW experienced the same Soarin', she cried at the end of it. I, on the other hand did not experience that, the CGI was strong with this

one :(. Maybe I'll feel different about it come October.

I cried DURING the movie! :joyfull:
Well I have you all beat. I cried 5 weeks before I even rode it.o_O

Man, I must be in a competitive mood this morning. That's the second post in a row where I've declared myself the winner of something.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Was that meant to be a clever subtle reference to the Muppets show at HS?

Oh, and by the way (I'm only on like page 12 so if this has been answered on pages 13-21 I don't care. As far as I'm concerned I win and want the same alotment of points given to @lostpro9het ). I give you...the relaxation grotto

Actually the bunny reference was for an actual bunny (the safari driver's word)! I wasn't trying to be clever...your comment was hilarious!!

150 points for relaxation grotto (I'm feeling generous!) :joyfull:

You WIN!

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