Who Knew Choking Each Other Would Earn Us Fastpasses? We were just kidding!

Hello there and welcome to my trip report.

I guess I'll start out with the introductions of the cast and crew.

My name is Lisa (a/k/aTinkerbell as my boss likes to call me) and I am a 44 year old paralegal, wife to John and mother to Hunter and Lacey (who didn't join us on this trip 'cause she's attending missionary college). My husband, John, also 44, owns and operates a cabinet shop which is good because I can always talk his boss into letting him off work to go to Disney.
John acts all nonchalant about going to Disney but when somebody asks him a question, he immediately starts chattering away.

Since I am still uploading pictures and can't seem to find a picture of John and I from this year's trip, I guess I'll just use a picture from last year's trip.


Hunter is our son and he turned 13 just 3 days before we arrived in Disney. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate becoming a teenager than by partying hard with Mickey and the gang. Hunter is a multi-talented little dude. He can play the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, keyboard and viola. Magical illusions and cup stacking are his newest tricks and he's pretty darn good at both. When he's not playing an instrument or trying to trick you, he's playing football or singing in the honor choir. See....I told you he was multi-talented.

Also along for the ride this year was my Mama, Edna. She's 76 years old and dotes on John and Hunter like they were her little babies. Mama has been to Disney with us once at Thanksgiving, 2000. That was back in the day when we stayed offsite 'cause we didn't know any better.
We were anxious to see how Mama would do with all the walking, heat, humidity, conveyor belts, etc.

Again, I don't have all of my pictures uploaded so I'll just use a picture of Hunter and Mama riding the clamshells into The Seas with Nemo and Friends. Not the best of pictures but a picture nevertheless:


We are a pretty silly fun loving family that always seems to attract.......hum.......let's just say,we always seem to have an "incident" happen during each of our trips. Over the years:

1) We got stuck on Test Track in the cold section and I almost tinkled myself;

2) My tooth (temporary crown) fell out while eating lunch at the Electric Umbrella and I had to super glue it in;

3) John got his toe broken after being run over in a drive-by scooter incident;

4) Hunter boogied with every character we ran into;

5) My wonderful, beautiful, loving family pedaled off on the surrey bike without me when my shoe hit the pedal and flew over my shoulder;

6) Lacey and Hunter jumped for joy in front of the Epcot ball;

7) We laughed so much during the trips that I caught myself saying "stop making me laugh or......" every 30 minutes.

And so forth and so on. We love spending time together and there's no better place than Walt Disney World to act silly and have a good time. Our goofiness paid off during the trip and that same goofiness inspired the title of this report.

This was our 15th trip to Disney in 13 years and our 5th stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort. We spent 9 1/2 glorious days at Walt Disney World and I could have stayed longer had my boss not insisted that I return to "the real world".

I have people ask me all the time why we go to Disney World year after year after year. I've tried to explain it to them but, unless you are a Disney fan like myself, you just can't understand. Remember those old Lay's potato chips commercials? You know, the ones that said something like "Lay's potato chips...so good you can't eat just one!" I liken Disney to a Lay's potato chip....."Walt Disney World is so fun you can't go just once!"

Now that the introductions have been made, I guess I'll get busy working on the next installment.

Oh....I hope that everybody feels free to post replies/comments 'cause I really like chatting.


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We really lucked up when we got to the pavilion as there was hardly anyone in the building. You know me, I had to take pictures:


And, then, we were seated in our vehicle and we were on our way to see Figment:


At least some of us saw Figment. John did this.......................................

.................................................. ...............................................:


I know ya'll had already guessed that it was either caught a little shuteye or got a phone call. You can tell it was hot outside 'cause John has a nice little "sheen" to his skin.

We let him sleep while we rode and I took pictures:





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Just as the vehicle came to a stop, John woke up. We were all amazed how he just barely moved when we were sprayed with skunk smell and when it went dark and the train roared by. But, when the ride stopped, he woke up.

As we excited, I noticed that Honey I Shrunk The Audience was closed. Then, I remembered that it had closed so that they could open up Captain CEO (Is that what it's called? I can't remember.) in it's place. Well, we had done just about everything in Future World. The only thing we hadn't done was Innoventions.


Problem was, we didn't have a whole lot of time on our hands. We had a 7:05 ADR for Coral Reef and it was getting pretty close to that time.

So, do we go to Innoventions for a little while? Or do we just go on over to Coral Reef a little early? As you can see in the above picture, it was getting a bit cloudy. There were even darker clouds to the left of us (not showni n picture) Wouldn't bother us one bit if it started raining 'cause we figured it would make the temps drop.

Ultimately, we decided to just go ahead and check in at the Coral Reef. Even though it was still about 30 minutes before our ADR, the checked us in and we waited. At least there was room for us to have a seat in the lobby area. I made a much needed potty spot. When I came back out, Hunter had an entire family watching him doing his cup stacking. They were amazed at how fast he could do it. Time seemed to pass quickly and soon our buzzer was going off.

We were seated on the top tier of the restaurant but not up by the wall. We were about 1/3 of the way down so we had a good view of the aquarium. Our waiter came to the table and we were happy to see that it was the same waiter that we had last year. He gave us our menus and took our drink order.

While he was gone, we looked over the menus. John was upset that the blackened catfish had been taken off the menu. That's one of the things that he had been talking to Mama about and how good it was and that she just had to try it. Now, he had to decide what he would order. Eventually, Mama, John and I decided to order the steak and Hunter, of course, wanted the kids' pizza with a side order of fries.

We placed our order and people watched. People watched? Why would we watch people when there are sharks and rays and sea turtles swimming right before our eyes? Because these people were entertaining to say the least. They were a large party and took up three booth/tables and a table for the kids. I couldn't see one of the booths' tables but I could see the kids and the other two. There were at least a half dozen empty wine bottles on the tables (no, not on the kids' table). There was one guy who had to be the grandfather/leader of the group. He'd walk back and forth between the tables and taste of everybody's food. He'd have grandkids following him around. He was a hoot!

Our food came and I was all set to take pictures when..............when..............when.......... .....nothing! My camera died! I couldn't believe it. Well, yes I could because I had taken quite a few pictures that day and I didn't charge the battery the night before. So, for those of you wanting pictures of the food and atmosphere at the Coral Reef, you're outta luck.

I've got to tell you, the food was awesome! We all raved at how good the steaks were and how good the side items were. Everything was so very tasty. After a few minutes, I turned the camera on to see if it would stay powered up. It did for just long enough to take this picture:


Our waiter had come by to make sure that everything was done to our satisfaction. That's who Mama is looking at in the picture. I'm getting hungry just thinking about that steak.

We people watched some more. The big family continued to entertain us as the wine continued to be brought out by their waiter. They weren't fall down drunk by any means but they were having a good time. I don't want ya'll to think that they were all over the place either or disruptive because they weren't.

Oh, we did watch the fish and rays and sharks too. I tried taking pictures but the camera didn't cooperate. It's power up and then power back down before I could click anything.

For desserts, Hunter got the chocolate wave. I ordered the creme brulee. Mama ordered the cheesecake and John ordered the almond gelatto. We had already planned to order different desserts so we could get a taste of it all. In no time at all, our desserts were brought out and it was all so yummy!

This was Mama's first table service meal on the dining plan and she said it certainly didn't disappoint. We wrote down (but I don't have my notes with me) how much the meal would have cost had we not been on the dining plan. While the dining plan may not be cost effective for everybody else, it is for our family. And, I like the convenience of having everything paid for prior to my arrival. We left a combined tip on the table and made our way out.

I can't remember the exact time but I think it was about 8:40 and we knew that there really was no way that we would get a decent place to view Illuminations since they were set to start at 9:00 p.m. We decided to just leave the park. We were scheduled to come back to Epcot again this trip so we'd have the opportunity to see Illuminations then.

We took our time walking to the front of the park. There were hardly any people leaving and we figured it was because everybody was staying for Illuminations. I made one last pit stop at the bathroom and then we continued on towards the bus stop. We were bus stop 10 and when we got there, there was only one family in front of us. About 10 minutes later, Illuminations began and we could see some of the fireworks from the bus stop.

The bus pulled up just a few minutes after that and we could tell that sucker was cold inside. How? Because there was condensation, literally, running down the windows. :eek: We boarded the bus along with about three other families. The driver got out and stood near the door. We all looked at each other and everybody was rubbing their arms and talking about how cold it was in the bus. I said something like "I sure hope the bus driver doesn't decide to wait on more people to come because I am freezing." Several other people agreed and I guess our driver heard us because he got on the bus and off we went.

It took us about 10 minutes to reach the resort. Thank goodness because I had goosebumps all over my arms and legs. It was sooooo cold on the bus! We walked from the Jamaica stop to our rooms. I dropped my bags in our room and walked over to Mama's to get Hunter's clothes out for our next day. Tomorrow would be my Mama's first visit to the Magic Kingdom in 10 years!

I hugged Hunter and have him strict instructions that he was to get up as soon as his Mamaw told him to in the morning. We had a kingdom to visit!


Well-Known Member
Just read the whole trip report. Its great so far. Wish there were pictures of coral reef food though:brick: Never ate there, but want to try it, and as they say, a picture says a thousand words. Also i noticed you said HISTA was closed for Captain CEO, I hope not, can you imagine him being CEo of disney:hammer: Cant wait fo r the rest of your tr.


Original Poster
Just read the whole trip report. Its great so far. Wish there were pictures of coral reef food though:brick: Never ate there, but want to try it, and as they say, a picture says a thousand words. Also i noticed you said HISTA was closed for Captain CEO, I hope not, can you imagine him being CEo of disney:hammer: Cant wait fo r the rest of your tr.

I wish I had some Coral Reef food pictures too but my dum camera died right after we got in the restaurant.

That's too funny! I didn't even notice my typo.


Well-Known Member
I love your trip report! I am so excited whenever I see that you have posted to this thread again.

I have a million things to comment on, so I'll just do the highlights.

Your family is lovely. I love your writing style!

I am a super dork. I was looking at your meet-up picture and I thought 'that guy looks really familiar'. That's because it was your husband and I saw his picture several times in the thread! :ROFLOL:

My camera died at Coral Reef last year too!

I am sad that you didn't see Captain EO. I love that movie.

I want to use the sentence 'John is not the average Joe' in my regular life. Too funny.

I can't wait to read the rest!!


Original Poster
Day two of our Walt Disney World Vacation started out with me getting up first and the poking and prodding to wake John. I called over to Mama's room and told her we were awake and to get Hunter up. Today was to be our first day at the Magic Kingdom!

A little while later, I was knocking on Mama's door to see if they were ready. Mama opened the door and taaa-daaa, Hunter was out of bed and all he had to do was slip on his shoes! I was so happy that we didn't have a repeat of the morning before.

We grabbed our bags and we were out the door and on our way to the bus stop. You all will recall that one of our concerns was whether or not Mama would be able to step onto the bus. We already knew that she could but another concern was whether or not we would have to stand on a bus. On our first day, the bus had a lot of empty seats. Would today be the same? In less than 10 minutes, we saw a Magic Kingdom bus pull up but we really couldn't tell if it was full or not. As we stepped on, we could see that there were empty seats. Hallelujah!

We made two more stops around the resort and off we went to the Magic Kingdom! We didn't make it there early enough to see the opening ceremonies but we were there just a little after opening.

Our plan for this day was to go to the right and start with Tomorrowland. Hunter was ready to show his Mamaw all that Tomorrowland had to offer. But, I had something to do first. You'll recall that I had found a camera memory card the day before at Epcot. Well, I forgot to turn it in. I told John that I would go to City Hall and see about turning it in there. I wanted to make sure that the Magic Kingdom Lost & Found knew that the card came from Epcot and the day I had found it.

Mama and I had to go through bag check while John and Hunter waited on the other side. I wanted to see if I could find a PhotoPass photographer to take our picture but they were all busy. We'd just get one done inside the park. We walked underneath the train station and I told the rest of my gang that I'd be back. Mama decided to walk with me so she could make a potty stop. I gave John and Hunter my bag and the camera.

Here are pictures they took while we were gone:





I lucked up and there was only one other person in line at City Hall. The castmember that called me up was really nice. I told her that I had found the memory card at Epcot and asked if they would make sure to notate when it was found and where. She assured me that they would. I sure hope that the owner was able to get their card back. I know how sad I would have been had I lost my memory card. Heck, I remember a couple of trips ago when my camera died and I lost ALL, yes I said ALL of my vacation pictures. I cried like a little baby. Thankfully, our local camera shop was able to retrieve most of them.

Anyway, I turned the memory card in at City Hall and Mama and I walked back over to where John and Hunter were waiting. I guess I had been too busy trying to get over to City Hall to think to look down Main Street at Cinderella's Castle but I didn't. Now, as we turned to walk down Main Street, I caught my first glimpse of the castle. It's one of the best sites ever!



We had to step aside and let the horsedrawn trolly pass and I snapped a picture:


I didn't bring my Photopass CD with me to work to upload those pictures onto photobucket. We did stop and have our picture made while we were all still fresh and ready for the day. I'd hate to see what we'd look like at the end of the day. Hot, sweaty, hair flying all over the place, etc. etc. etc.


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Once we had our picture taken, we continued on down Main Street. I took another picture before turning on the pathway towards Tomorrowland:


And, then one walking down that pathway:


Our intention was to go to The Laugh Floor first but Hunter saw Stitch's Great Escape and there was a super short line so we went there instead. Pictures, of course:



Everybody knows that Stitch is one of those "either you love 'em or you hate 'em" characters. In our case, John is on the "hate 'em" list. Mama said she wasn't a big Stitch fan but there was no way that she was going to tell Hunter that she didn't want to go. Soon, we were shown into the first preshow area where we watched the little screen presentation. Then, we went on through to the next preshow presentation.

You'll notice that I don't have pictures of those two preshows. Why? 'Cause I am not that dumb bunny that the castmember had to keep yelling "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY PLEASE!" to. Seriously, she had to yell it three or four times. Clean your ears out people, there's no flash photography allowed! Sorry for that slight bout of venting but that always ticks me off when people continue to use flash when they have been told not to. Repeatedly.:mad:

I told Hunter that we didn't want to sit in the very front because I knew that it would be loud and Mama is not a loud noise fan. And, I didn't want to be spit on by an alien that early in the day. When we went into the theater, Hunter led us to an aisle in the center and we sat down. I told Mama about sitting up really straight so that the bars wouldn't push down too hard on your shoulders. Soon, Stitch was bouncing on our shoulder bar, whispering in our ears and burping in our face. Call me weird, call me crazy, call me whatever but I kinda like the show. But, I like Stitch. Mama said it was okay. John, of course, said Stitch was stupid.:rolleyes:

We looked around in the store a little but didn't find anything that caught our eye. Hunter's at the age where the majority of the toys are too kiddie for him. I remember when he was younger though. We had to buy a ball from every store we went in. I'm glad those days are over.

A few pictures I took in the store:




***Well, shoot, I guess I'm going to have to stop here 'cause it's time to shut the office for the week! Up next: The Laugh Floor! Would Hunter's joke be chosen again this year?


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John was all too ready to leave the "Stitch store" and go see his favorite Monster......Roz! He just loves her. Ummm, he doesn't like a little furry alien but he does like yellowish green monster wearing cateye glasses and a 24/7 frown?

We crossed over to The Laugh Floor and were happy to see that there was about a dozen people in front of us. Apparently, we were one of the first shows of the day. I took pictures while waiting.

John's Sexy Dream Woman:


And I guess this would be somebody's Sexy Dream Man?


The text in your joke rules:


Hunter texted in his joke while we were waiting.

More pictures:



In no time at all, the doors opened and we were shown into the theater. I always try to sit near one of the little lamps because I've been told that you have a better chance of being "that guy" or being called upon during the presentation. Well, this time, there would be no sitting by a little lamp because we were the first people in our row. We moved all the way down like good little Disney guests.

The show was hilarious as always. The part of the show where they tell jokes that were texted in came and we were happy to hear "this one is from Hunter from Louisiana.....Why did the chicken cross the park? To get to the other slide!". We were all watching Hunter grin when his joke was told.

Every now and then Roz would come on the screen. Each time, we would say "John there's your woman." To which he would reply "That's my kinda woman!" Maybe he's secretly hoping I turn into a yellow/green blob with bright lipstick and cateye glasses?
At least I don't think I'll have to worry much when as I age because I think I'll at least look slightly better than Roz.


Original Poster
Once we left The Laugh Floor, I suggested that I run over to Space Mountain and pick up Fastpasses for John, Hunter and I. But, before I did that, I wanted to ride Buzz Lightyear. We all got in line since the wait time was short. Mama and Hunter rode together and John and I rode together. Just like at Epcot, Mama did fine getting on the conveyor belt and into our spaceship! I took a few pics:





I can't remember who beat who but, just for the sake of this trip report, I'm going to say I smoked 'em all.

Now I don't know about ya'll but I love the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. Don't know what it is about it but I love it. The last time we went to Disney, it was under rehab so we didn't get to ride it.

I forewarned Mama about the steep conveyor belt on this one. It can make even the most agile of people weeble wobble. We were prepared. I got on first. Hunter got on at the same time as Mama and stood beside her and John stood behind her. After the initial "oopsy" moment, Mama did fine. We also warned her about the rotating floor that we would have to step onto when we got to the top. I told her it was like Spaceship Earth and she said could handle that. And, she did.

Soon, we were high above the Magic Kingdom and looking down and around the park:



Wouldn't you know it................................................ ........

.................................................. ................................................

John got a call:


I don't remember who it was but whoever it was, John told them that he couldn't talk right then and he'd call them back when we got off the ride.


After our tour on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority (by the way, am I the only one who misses "paging Mr. Morrow....Mr. Tom Morrow"?), we exited and got on the "going down" conveyor belt. This time, John stood in front of Mama, I stood behind and Hunter stood to the side. Mama did just fine again.

I still hadn't gone over to get Space Mountain Fastpasses yet. Mama said she needed so we all walked over towards Space Mountain and the bathrooms. Along the way, we saw Chip and Dale in their space gear which was something we had never seen. We got in line and John's phone rang:



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Instead of interrupting everyone else while waiting in line, he found a bench and talked. Mama and I decided we didn't want out picture made with Chip and Dale and let Hunter meet them.





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We were starting to get hungry and Hunter wanted pizza. But, before we went in search of food, we decided to see the Carousel of Progress. It had been at least a couple of years since we had seen it. In 2000, when Mama went with us, it was only open seasonally and she didn't get to see it. The castmember at the door said we would only have to wait about 5 minutes before they would let us in.

Before long, the doors opened and we were seated just a few rows back from the stage. And, then, we were singing "It's a great big beautiful tomorrow". While the attraction isn't somethiing that you would walk away from saying "simply amazing", it's still a nice presentation. I am always amazed at how realistic the Disney dogs are. The family dog in the Carousel would lift it's head, wag it's tail or bark in every scene. The last scene had been added since we had seen it before and I was glad to see that they had put in something more modern for the final scene.

Still humming "it's a great big beautiful tomorrow", we left the building and headed in the direction of Fantasyland. Pinocchio's Village Haus was calling Hunter's name. We walked past the stinky cars at the Tomorrowland Speedway. I have to admit that I am glad that Hunter has outgrown the cars. They were never a favorite of mine.

As we were approaching the tea cups, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee and Alice were settling in to visit guests. We hopped in line for the Tweedles. Luckily, there were only a few other people in front of us. John wanted to take a picture with them too. A short video of them playing around with Hunter:

One of John and Hunter doing the LOSER sign with their fingers:




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After meeting Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, we started walking over toward Pinocchio's Village Haus and that's when we noticed the walls they had put up due to expansion of Fantasyland. Pooh's Playful Spot tree had been moved over near the entrance to the Pooh attraction and there was a wall around it. Other than the walls, we couldn't see any real construction going on. It had started to sprinkle a little but not enough that we needed our ponchos. But, from the way the sky was looking, we would probably need them sometime soon.

We made it to Pinocchio's and so did a lot of other folks. It was crowded but not so crowded that you would turn around and find someplace else to eat. There were castmembers standing there with signs and they would escort you into the restaurant after you had gotten your food order. No more saving seats/tables in Pinocchio's Haus! John and Hunter stood around talking to one of the castmembers while Mama and I stood in line to place our orders.

Once we had our food, we wiggled our way out of the line and over to where John and Hunter stood. The castmember held his little paddle sign high and found a table for us. After going back and forth and getting forks, knives, pepper and salad dressing, we were ready to chow done on the yummy looking food.

John got the meatball sandwich and side salad. He said the sandwich was just okay. There seemed to be a lot of bread which could have been why it was just okay.


Mama got the Mediterranean salad. I just had to get a nibble or two and it was delish:


I ordered the chicken caeser salad which is my favorite salad in the whole "world":


I guess I didn't get a picture of Hunter's cheese pizza. It must have been good because I remember him eating every little bite.

You can also see in the pictures that we got the strawberry cheesecake. There was also a strawberry yogurt in the pic too but you can't see it well.

Once our tummies were full and satisfied, we figured now would be a good time to explore Fantasyland. What to do? What to do? Well, the first thing to do was find a potty!Fortunately, the Prince and Princess guests have a potty right next door to Pinocchio's Haus. Now that our bladders were also satisfied, we headed over to Mickey's PhilarMagic. It had started to sprinkle in earnest by that time so we walked fast. I didn't want to break out the ponchos just yet.

Just as we got under the cover, it started raining. More than just a few sprinkles too. Here we are waiting in line:



We found a hidden Mickey on the wall mural:


The line started moving and I had just enough time to snap a pic of Wheezy:


I always always always have to sing when the Lion King section of the show comes on. "Everybody look left. Everybody look right..................." Hunter just looked at me and shook his head. "Oh I just can't wait to be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" More head shaking from Hunter.
Let him shake his head because I love it! Oh, and the rest of the family enjoyed it too.

Once the doors to the theater opened everybody started walking out and then BAM! Everybody stopped walking. It was raining hard outside. The castmembers were telling everybody to keep walking forward. The people in the front weren't moving an inch. I told everybody to follow me and I inched our way into the store next to the theater. Everybody else in the whole wide world decided to do the same thing and we were stuffed in there like the proverbial sardines. And this is when we realized that some people don't use deodorant. Or if they do, it had now worn off!

****Up next: Do we ever get away from the long lost dwarfs....Stinky and Smelly?


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when I stopped the last installment, we were all smooshed together (along with a lot of other folks) in the little store near the exit to Mickey's PhilarMagic. Most of the people in there were just there seeking shelter from the storm. I actually wanted to see if they had a t-shirt that I saw last trip and didn't buy. Well, I quickly forgot about buying anything because you couldn't see hardly any merchandise because of so many people.

Lots of people. Lots of sweaty people. Lots of stinky people. Two in particular. Stinky and Smelly who we not so affectionately called the "lost dwarves". Unfortunately, we had the luck of being stuck behind them. In a corner no less. The man, Mr. Stinky, decided he'd lift his arm and prop himself up on the wall. No! No! No! No! Nooooooooooooooo! Mrs. Smelly then started pinching her shirt under her armpits and popping it. Uggggghhhhhh! Now, their wonderful smells were wafting towards us even more.

That's when I made an executive decision that we were getting out of there. Rain be damned! I couldn't get the ponchos out of the backpack quick enough. We had those suckers on in 2.2 seconds flat. We "excuse me" "excuse me" "excuse me" 'd our way through the crowds and out into the fresh air.

Good Lord have mercy! Can't people tell when they smell like that? Are their noses totally immune to the stinkiness? I swear if we had been stuck behind Stinky and Smelly for one more minute, I would have pulled out my "emergency" deodorant I keep in the backpack and offered it to them.

In this picture, you can tell how much it rained. Look at the water around the lady pushing the stroller's feet:


We figured now would be a good time to ride It's A Small World. So, we took a left and were soon waiting with a lot of other people who had the same idea. Thankfully, both sides of the line were open. And even more thankfully, no Stinky and Smelly or any other lost stinky dwarves (or giants or evil queens or princesses or princes
). The line moved really quickly and soon we were ready to board.

Mama had done really well getting onto the boat in Mexico at Epcot so we weren't worried too much about her getting on the Small World boats. She did just fine and we were floating away:


Let's all start singing now........It's a small world after all......It's a small world after all............It's a small world after all............It's a small small world!





Original Poster
You seriously didn't think John would NOT fall asleep did you?


Just kidding! He was just pretending in this one!
And, then he posed for this one which had us all giggling.



Hidden Mickey:


Shake it baby! Shake it!


All too soon, we were at the end of the ride bidding all of the animatronic people farewell:




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EEEEKKKKK! Look at the crowds in the background of this picture!


And in this one too:


We got out of the boat, walked up the ramp and just gotten to the turnstile to go out and Hunter realized his cellphone was not in his pocket. I told John and Mama to go ahead. We were going back to see if anybody had turned it in. They had! Cellphone back in pocket, we went back to find Mama and John.


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It's a Small World after all! It's a Small World after all! It's a Small World after all....it's a small small world! Well, it certainly seemed as if the masses were decending upon It's a Small World by the looks of the crowds in line. :eek: I was so happy that we hadn't waited any longer to see the attraction.

A potty stop was needed again and I knew that the closest one was located along the walkway towards Liberty Square. The line for Peter Pan's Flight looked to be about as long as the one for It's A Small World so we decided to skip it and come back later or on our second Magic Kingdom day.

Our next destination was the little shop right under the walkway to the Haunted Mansion. I don't know what it's called but I believe it is sponsored by Smuckers (or at least used to be). It was still drizzling rain but there weren't many people in the store. I wanted to see what they had but wasn't looking for anything in particular.

John was still in a silly mood so he did another "I can sleep anywhere" pose:


Some of the goodies that the store had for sale:



Mama bought a couple of things in the store and had them sent to resort pickup so we wouldn't have to carry them around. I love love love resort pickup!

Instead of continuing on through to Liberty Square, we backtracked through Fantasyland. I wanted to make sure that we went to Mickey's Toontown since we had missed it last trip. I had to visit my namesake before it was no more.
As we walked through, I snapped a pic:


Also along the way, I stopped and got us all Fastpasses for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh:


I really wanted to get my picture taken in front of the Mickey's Toontown sign. I am always, always a courteous picture taker/guest. If I see somebody else taking a picture, I stand back and let them take the picture. As I am standing there, I look around to see how many other people were there before me so that I am not jumping/cutting in line.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of folks out there that aren't so courteous. We stood there for what seemed like forever before we were able to get our pic taken. It would be our time to walk up and somebody else would jump in front of us. There was a guy on a scooter who was the rudest thing ever. He didn't care at all that he was breaking in front of me or the rest of the people. He pulled his scooter right up in front of the sign and had somebody take his picture. Then, his picture with a grandchild. Then, his picture with another grandchild. Then, his picture with yet another grandchild. After that, he moved and told the grandchildren to all stand up there.

John was getting really ticked off and said something like "some people just cut in line and then take forever to get out of the way". I know that the man heard him. I know he did but he just pretended like he didn't.

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