Whit! Drinking Already.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Good Morning Adults.( no children allowed ) I'am curious ( as ever ) to what time in the day do you enjoy your first alcoholic beverage.? . I'am not one for drinking in the afternoon at WDW. Even on a beach vacation,I maybe have one beer at lunch,but that's it..If I'am doing the parks I prefer a energy drink to quench my thirst.So for my first drink ( alcoholic ) of the day,it's usually in the evening.If I'am at a TS meal,my DW and I would polish off a bottle of wine,or if its late on in the evening,say at Epcot,I would enjoy a few tipples whilst strolling around the countries..But I reckon most of all,I enjoy a cool beer at the end of the day,wither it be at my resort bar or in my room..Over to you..No fibbing now...;)


Well-Known Member
Depends on how hot it is in Florida that day! If it's mild weather I will have something delicious and refreshing from the pool bar while I lay out in the afternoon. If it's too hot that just turns my stomach off to alcohol. Despite the heat on my July trip I will be trying some awesome margaritas in Epcot...very excited already :)


Well-Known Member
I recall a softball tournament of old when our team was knocked out after an 8:00 a.m. game. What to do . . . well, the beer stand was open. :D

When on a WDW vacation, I may have a mimosa if I'm at a sit-down restaurant. Otherwise, it's definitely after noon. Of course, I keep multiple time zones on my phone, so it IS always after noon somewhere.

Oh, yes, it IS vacation.


Well-Known Member
while at Disney, depends on what time we get to Epcot. We normally get to the park around 12 actually. Don't think we've ever been there right as WS opened. I hit the food booths, and depending on the country, will get a cocktail. There is never a set time, but it's always 5:00 somewhere!!! LOL

ROFL..I swore youre answer would be..."Its easier to tell you when I'm not drinking at WDW" Nice Buffet reference...

I rarely drink while in the bubble..and If I do its in extream moderation..need to be hydrated properly..(not Alcohol) and properly fed to push through day after park day and limited sleep in between

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