Of COURSE I am going to go with the second view, hands down. Especially after having the month we have been having up here so far weather-wise. You guys are getting absolutely hammered on the east coast this week! Can't say it looks like fun. We had a state of emergency here in my city a couple of weeks ago due to a bad snow storm that stranded over 300 people on our highway and we even made the top story on CNN (not bad considering we are a small town of maybe just over 70,000). Funny thing though...growing up here in Canada and being used to harsh winters, I have to say I can handle all the snow and cold we get from November until March/April. Heck, I don't even mind it for a month or two around Christmas to help set the mood. But when I read posts or see pictures of people in WDW having to bundle up and wear hats and gloves and winter coats, it actually makes me HATE cold weather! :brick: It just seems SO wrong that it can actually get that cold down there. In my mind, and in a perfect world, Florida is an escape from the cold and should always be a perfect 75-80 degrees every day of the year. Of course this isn't realistic, but it sure sounds good to me! :lol: