Which resort hotel to choose


Oh gosh......DD25 and I LOVE those beignets!! They are so good. Perfectly soft, chewy, and slightly sweet. For dessert, we use dipping sauces and for breakfast we eat with just the powdered sugar. MMmmmmm.....


Thank you dear friends, so the French Quarter is closer to DS by boat than Riverside? It would be great

POFQ is slightly closer to DS by 2-3 minutes-ish. The bigger draw of POFQ is the small resort size, single bus stop, and the food. The distance to DS is a plus but somewhat negligible. The boat ride to DS is scenic and relaxing.

Your question regarding summer 2024 discounts can't easily be answered. Disney often releases discounts differently for foreign visitors vs domestic visitors in both timing and discount rate. I would suggest making your preferred resort reservation now then make a weekly reminder on your calendar to check the website for discounts.

Our family's rule of thumb is to make a reservation for the resort that fits our budget at rack rate. IF discounts are released, we then decide if we are keeping our previously reserved rooms and banking the saved funds or upgrading to another view or resort.


Original Poster
Ora sono più che mai deciso per il distretto francese di Port Orleans ma al momento facendo simulazione sulle date in cui sarò a Orlando non esce tra gli hotel prenotabili. Voglio aspettare ancora un po', almeno fino a quando non prenoterò gli aerei per l'America e questo accadrà questo mese. Grazie mille per tutte le informazioni, certo la AKL sarebbe stata bellissima come resort ma mi sono resa conto che è molto lontana da tutto e non è comoda.


Well-Known Member
Yes, hotel and room availability is tricky. It would be very rare that they actually sell out of rooms, but what they do is only release some hotels and rooms at one time, or during one offer period, especially when they want to push a particular room type. And different travel agents and different countries get different allocations. I'm in the UK and sometimes I've found it very difficult to get the hotel I want or, when the hotel is listed, the only rooms they are advertising are the ones that cost thousands per night. And then trying to match that up with extremely expensive flight prices, which can vary a huge amount from day to day (Tuesday to Tuesday might cost £600 while Wednesday to Wednesday might be £1,500), it's very difficult logistically. It's a huge problem.


Premium Member
By the way, when do the offers start on the official website for summer 2024?
To answer this, which website are you wanting to use?

The U.K. website has packages already up for 2024, and I assume the EU site does too.

But if you’re wanting to compare prices between the packages and a discounted room through the US site then you might have to wait longer.


Original Poster
I'm looking at the .eu site, so the European one I suppose. Is there any other site where I can possibly book? Consider that I come from Italy and there is no Italian site. Sorry, I'm used to Disneyland Paris, for me this is a big step and I hope to realize my American dream.


Premium Member
I'm looking at the .eu site, so the European one I suppose. Is there any other site where I can possibly book? Consider that I come from Italy and there is no Italian site. Sorry, I'm used to Disneyland Paris, for me this is a big step and I hope to realize my American dream.
The UK/Eire site doesn’t offer room discounts, and I’m guessing the EU one doesn’t either.
The package prices will stay, the offers might include ticket deals (14 days for the price of 7) or dining offers.
What you can see now is likely to be the best price.


Original Poster
remember that in the past when I looked at this .eu site there were also offers on rooms like 25% discount etc simulating hotels + tickets so I would like to wait a little longer. It is important that it is the right site but from what I understand it is the site that should be used. I don't know if there are other sites and if I can book from other sites


Well-Known Member
Use the site that's built for the country you're in, i.e. EU. It's the easiest, probably cheapest, tailored to what most people in your region do, and virtually impossible to compare packages and prices built for other regions. You could worry far too much on this. Offers come, offers go, some may be more suited for your circumstances than others, but no-one knows whether anything that comes in the future will actually be better for you than what you have right now. Only the USA site has room-only discounts I believe (though you mentioned you'd seen some on the EU site?, but you'll possibly need a VPN for that and you won't be able to take advantage of European package prices.

The other thing to think about (which I've been reminded of by another site today) is that Disney usually raises prices in February and/or October.
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Well-Known Member
For me, your list would come down to Caribbean Beach or Wilderness Lodge. Animal Kingdom Lodge is too far away.
If you budget allows, I would definitely go with the Wilderness Lodge. Good location, less expensive than monorail resorts and the theming is still best at WDW.


Original Poster
I always thank you for all the advice, I also take this opportunity to ask you if in your opinion it is better to do 8 nights and 8 days of Disney parks including the day of arrival. I will arrive early in the afternoon and do 4 days of Universal parks or only do 3 days of Universal parks and 9 Disney parks. I'm very undecided on this


Well-Known Member
I always thank you for all the advice, I also take this opportunity to ask you if in your opinion it is better to do 8 nights and 8 days of Disney parks including the day of arrival. I will arrive early in the afternoon and do 4 days of Universal parks or only do 3 days of Universal parks and 9 Disney parks. I'm very undecided on this

I'd skip arrival day due to the time change and chances of arriving on time plus getting through customs can be excellent or iffy. I'd just plan a qs dinner and enjoy your resort or resort hop or head to Disney Springs
I'd skip Kennedy, That said we do love it and have been quite a few times but it's an hour+ drive depending on traffic. For us it's only a few minutes out of our way when driving in or out of Florida
As for how many park days that may depend on if you're going to the water park at UNI. Everything can be seen/done in 3 days if not doing VB. We like to take in details and the Potter shows are a must for us
We usually do 10 park days at Disney but we have a few favorites we like to repeat and we like to take in details


Original Poster
On the day of arrival I would arrive from New York because I will be there for 3 days first so I would arrive in Orlando at 2 in the afternoon and I could take advantage of the parks, but at this point I would have to decide whether to enjoy the hotel and Disney Spring or go to a park already. I'd like to do the Kennedy, maybe I'd better do 9 Disney nights and 3 Universal. I won't do Volcano Bay so I think 3 days including the day of arrival at Universal are enough with an unlimited express pass


Travel day can be exhausting. I suggest just getting settled in your room and hang in Disney Springs for the evening. Go to bed early before your first big park day.

I agree with pp, Uni is easily done in 3 days especially since you are staying at Portofino (if I remember correctly) as you will have the premium hotel express pass which saves you tons of time. If you are planning to go to Volcano Bay, you could stay the 4 days at Uni. Otherwise, I would spend the extra time at WDW.


Original Poster
Thank you very much, I would have liked to take advantage of the first day even just a quick entrance to one of the parks maybe the MK but I think I will follow your advice. For the Universal I have not yet decided whether to stay at the Portofino at the Royal Pacific or at the Hard Rock, however, they are all hotels that give the same unlimited pass being the first-rate hotels. Perhaps I should take the closest to the parks and then exclude the portofino. I would make better use of the 3 days but I'm undecided


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much, I would have liked to take advantage of the first day even just a quick entrance to one of the parks maybe the MK but I think I will follow your advice. For the Universal I have not yet decided whether to stay at the Portofino at the Royal Pacific or at the Hard Rock, however, they are all hotels that give the same unlimited pass being the first-rate hotels. Perhaps I should take the closest to the parks and then exclude the portofino. I would make better use of the 3 days but I'm undecided
Distance at UNI is quite different than distance at Disney. All 3 are walkable to the parks with Hard Rock being the shortest walk but none over 10 or 15 minutes depending on how fast you walk and all 3 provide a free water taxi. IMHO go with the best value or the best to you theming. More than once I've walked to all 3 resorts in the same day and explored the parks. That said I do enjoy walking. Even though you can more than easily walk between both UNI parks if you have even a passing interest in Harry Potter take the Hogwarts Express between the parks once each way as each ride is different
IMHO you're making a wise decision to take it easy the first day which gives you time to do something outside the parks should your travel day go as planned or should you have any issues on travel day you won't be stressed about doing something you paid for


Completely agree with above post!! Choose the Uni hotel by best price unless the theme, dining, or room decor speaks to you more. All 3 of the premium hotels are close to the parks and provide a fun water taxi if you want to save your feet.

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