slappy magoo
Well-Known Member
Right. I can't grasp the concept. Perhaps you should explain it to me. Or ask your psychologist spouse to explain it to me. And don't bring in the "thousands" of others who bring their kids to AoA...or choose to stay in AoA because it's what they want...or choose to stay at AoA because it's what they can afford. YOU. You explain how adults picking the hotel is a bad thing for kids.And. . . . .there it is. You can't even grasp the concept. Guessing that many of the thousands upon thousands who take their kids to AOA would tell you the same.
View attachment 298733 You really need to stick to what's actually been written here, as opposed to the nonsense of "want vs need" and any sort of "abuse". Regardless, planning a trip for the kids doesn't need to have to do with what anything they "want". My kids never ask for anything and are thankful for everything. They'd never complain about where we take them or not, but that fact has nothing to do with my whether I'm selfish about it. original point to the OP was that the kids will probably have a great time at WDW no matter where they stay so the OP can take her own hotel preferences into consideration too and it won't make her a bad parent. Something you seem to disagree with for reasons you have yet to articulate.
But hey while you're here I wanted to ask you a question - when we go to WDW, we usually drive. My kids would prefer to fly, but the thousand-plus dollars we save by driving we can then put into longer trips, more sit down meals, nicer accommodations.
So my question is - how many years in Hell will I have to stay because I didn't give my kids every little thing they ever wanted? That I didn't splurge on the airfare and then rent a car but still kept the trip as long as we usually take them? I'd like to know so I can plan accordingly, make sure I have enough battery packs for my phone, that sort of thing.