Where's ReDisniey E-Dew's Updates?


Well-Known Member
Haha...do you seriously believe that Disney would just give him permission to share the things he does? No CHANCE. I have tried to say it as humbly as possible that I know for CERTAIN that one of his claims is completely false. Of course, people out there say "well what if your source is false", and that is fine to believe...But I am in the boat of believers who thinks his claims are a compilation of all the bits and pieces of rumors floating around out there. I think if he was so much in "The Know" he would have provided us a detailed description of the events taking shape in the HM before they were released to us by the admin of the site. But I don't want to rain on anyones parade, I feel like for some of you this may be as tough to swallow as finding out that there isnt an easter bunny.

I would love to know which of his "rumors" is completely false. Go on the record. It is not like you will be adding any new information.:confused:
And why would he provide "detailed information" before the admin of the site? The admin of the site may have gotten a true leak whereas ReDis may be providing approved "rumors". That is my theory.


New Member
Haha...do you seriously believe that Disney would just give him permission to share the things he does? No CHANCE. I have tried to say it as humbly as possible that I know for CERTAIN that one of his claims is completely false. Of course, people out there say "well what if your source is false", and that is fine to believe...But I am in the boat of believers who thinks his claims are a compilation of all the bits and pieces of rumors floating around out there. I think if he was so much in "The Know" he would have provided us a detailed description of the events taking shape in the HM before they were released to us by the admin of the site. But I don't want to rain on anyones parade, I feel like for some of you this may be as tough to swallow as finding out that there isnt an easter bunny.

He DID leak a bit of what was going to be going on in the Mansion. He even then posted again and took part of it back because things had slightly changed.

By the way, WDI is a LARGE division. No one imagineer can possibly know whats going on in all the different projects being worked on and looked at. It is VERY possible that he (or anyone else, for that matter) could be completely out of the loop on a certain project if they were engrossed in something else.

I don't know if he works for WDI or somewhere else, or if he is getting his information from elsewhere. But to say 'theres no way he works for Disney because XYZ' is baseless and downright illogical. Every major company has leaks.


He DID leak a bit of what was going to be going on in the Mansion. He even then posted again and took part of it back because things had slightly changed.

By the way, WDI is a LARGE division. No one imagineer can possibly know whats going on in all the different projects being worked on and looked at. It is VERY possible that he (or anyone else, for that matter) could be completely out of the loop on a certain project if they were engrossed in something else.

I don't know if he works for WDI or somewhere else, or if he is getting his information from elsewhere. But to say 'theres no way he works for Disney because XYZ' is baseless and downright illogical. Every major company has leaks.

Given his/her activity on the 'board, I don't find it unreasonable that he/she might actually be in PR.


Well-Known Member
CB3K, I ask again, which of his "rumors" are you sure is "completely false"? I would like you to disprove his rumor so I don't waste any more time reading his posts. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
The admin of the site may have gotten a true leak whereas ReDis may be providing approved "rumors". That is my theory.

Some of those same things were posted elsewhere prior to them being posted here. There are a rather large number of other Disney sites that have some people in "the Know" and one can get bits and pieces from here and there.

In the end your theory may be right and mone may be wrong, however until more details emerge I will still be skeptical of anyone claiming to work at WDI who posts "updates" on a fan forum.

Also if you were in imagineering why in the world would you run the risk of losing your job over something like this? So people you may never meet wil think you are Da Man - possible but highly unlikely.


Also if you were in imagineering why in the world would you run the risk of losing your job over something like this? So people you may never meet wil think you are Da Man - possible but highly unlikely.

Another reason why I think the info is being put here by marketing/PR.


Well-Known Member
Some of those same things were posted elsewhere prior to them being posted here. There are a rather large number of other Disney sites that have some people in "the Know" and one can get bits and pieces from here and there.

In the end your theory may be right and mone may be wrong, however until more details emerge I will still be skeptical of anyone claiming to work at WDI who posts "updates" on a fan forum.

Also if you were in imagineering why in the world would you run the risk of losing your job over something like this? So people you may never meet wil think you are Da Man - possible but highly unlikely.

It seems like this is the best place to find out what is going on of all the sites out there. But if the rumors originate here or elsewhere the info does get out somehow and it has to originate from someone "in the know". And who says ReDis is an Imagineer? CB3K, where are yoooooooooou?:lookaroun :)


Well-Known Member
Another reason why I think the info is being put here by marketing/PR.

I guess it is a possibility... I just wonder why? Disney knows that they have people on a message board locked up, why would they waste the time feeding us information on purpose? They relese what they want to at press events, not to a few thousand people on the internet.


Well-Known Member
I guess it is a possibility... I just wonder why? Disney knows that they have people on a message board locked up, why would they waste the time feeding us information on purpose? They relese what they want to at press events, not to a few thousand people on the internet.
Why wouldn't they? Would they rather have an uncontrolled flow of misinformation? No. If they are organized (which we know they are -- we have seen it in the television division also) then there would be planned stratagies for releasing info on the internet.

Smart companies USE these kind of sites regularly now. Lots of times it is for research too. It may be a test to see what is accepted or not.

To discount the possibility of him being a plant is beyond foolish and instead of making yourself sound like you are "knowledgable" of how things work, you are discrediting yourself more than anything else.

Notice how he never "puts down" anything. Nothing ever too negative ever comes out of the post. That gives more creditibility than anything.

Oh Gary Young -- How I need your video right now!!!


I guess it is a possibility... I just wonder why? Disney knows that they have people on a message board locked up, why would they waste the time feeding us information on purpose? They relese what they want to at press events, not to a few thousand people on the internet.

Its efficient. How many of us have friends that we jabber on to about Disney, even when we know they don't care as much as we do? If I tell someone who hasn't visited the park in 5-10 years about an awesome upgrade/new ride I heard a rumor about, they're going to start thinking about their next Disney trip (assuming they enjoyed the first). Word of Mouth marketing at its best.


What's more, I'm surprised Disney hasn't made an official forum yet. They'd likely save a boatload of money by having a community-based resource for researching a trip, rather than have the reservation specialists spend the time to answer the same questions 20x per day.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, many of you have no contacts to the PR world currently. The major modern trend is to utilize the internet in ways you would never think, and that includes intentionally releasing information online in forums, blogs, etc. To think that Disney, a company that has been known recently for taking chances on technology, would not be in that boat is just misinformed. To do surveys, you have to construct them and then physically ask people, and your audience is limited. The internet provides an increidbly cheap realm for people to post, and, at this point, no one realizes they are funneling into the machine. It's FREE information and FREE advertisement. And, it perpetuates MUCH faster when you have personal connections. Believe it or not, many of the old approaches to advertising and customer service are starting to make a comeback as the spreadsheet culture in corporate America is starting to yield its head as a short term profit, long term destruction approach.

Now, I have no idea if he is for real or not. He could easily be using this approach and merely rehashing information from elsewhere. But, I certainly will never claim that Disney wouldn't allow him to do this. It is very popular in many many companies to do so at this point in culture. So, please feel free to be skeptical, but don't attack with facts that are misinformed.

**End Rant**


Well-Known Member
What's more, I'm surprised Disney hasn't made an official forum yet. They'd likely save a boatload of money by having a community-based resource for researching a trip, rather than have the reservation specialists spend the time to answer the same questions 20x per day.

Sorry for the double post. THe problem with a forum like that is that you would (a) have too many people with it and (b) have people that would use it as personal pedestals. While these sites can take that format in a way, it's not going directly to Disney. If that were the case, it would be more like individual lobbying on Capitol Hill.


Well-Known Member
To discount the possibility of him being a plant is beyond foolish and instead of making yourself sound like you are "knowledgable" of how things work, you are discrediting yourself more than anything else.

Well alrighty then, guess I am just one big fool for being skeptical that he is a Disney plant sent to this message board to feed us information.

Furthermore I do not recall ever stating that I claim to know exactly how things work in the world of message boards and planted Disney spies or PR personnel... sorry but I do not find it a valuable use of my time to research such things.

As far as discrediting myself, according to what. I have never claimed to have any isnide knowledge whatsoever, actually to the contrary I have said on numerous occasions that I have NO inside souces anywhere at Disney Corp.

I do agree with you on the fact that he has never said anything negative, nor has he started to try and instigat any kind of argument - which I respect. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for your comments in this post which I think were completely uncalled for.

You can call me a fool all you want but I see nothing foolish in being skeptical of someone until they prove themselves.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, many of you have no contacts to the PR world currently. The major modern trend is to utilize the internet in ways you would never think, and that includes intentionally releasing information online in forums, blogs, etc. To think that Disney, a company that has been known recently for taking chances on technology, would not be in that boat is just misinformed. To do surveys, you have to construct them and then physically ask people, and your audience is limited. The internet provides an increidbly cheap realm for people to post, and, at this point, no one realizes they are funneling into the machine. It's FREE information and FREE advertisement. And, it perpetuates MUCH faster when you have personal connections. Believe it or not, many of the old approaches to advertising and customer service are starting to make a comeback as the spreadsheet culture in corporate America is starting to yield its head as a short term profit, long term destruction approach.

Now, I have no idea if he is for real or not. He could easily be using this approach and merely rehashing information from elsewhere. But, I certainly will never claim that Disney wouldn't allow him to do this. It is very popular in many many companies to do so at this point in culture. So, please feel free to be skeptical, but don't attack with facts that are misinformed.

**End Rant**

Here is my statement...

I guess it is a possibility... I just wonder why? Disney knows that they have people on a message board locked up, why would they waste the time feeding us information on purpose? They relese what they want to at press events, not to a few thousand people on the internet.

Where in the world did I attack with mis-informed facts???

I asked a question, or 2 - which was a serious question. I honestly did not think Disney would go through the trouble of releasing information to people on a forum such as this.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if I mistook your statement, but looking through your posts, you made it a fairly explicit statement that Disney WOULD NOT do something like this. If it was meant as "I don't think Disney would", then I apologize.

It has nothing to do with giving us the heads up for our sakes. It's not altruistic. It's a sounding board.

As for why...
1. How many people here have ever suggested a Disney vacation to someone? How many of us have answered questions about what to do? How many of us have defended what Disney is doing/has done? We (meaning all of the boards in collective) are a significant advertising source.

2. We represent perhaps the most discerning Disney audience. Chances are that if you do something that pleases everyone on this board, you have got a bona fide winner. Of course they will make their own decisions, but we are a free think tank. If you post ideas on here, you have lost them. You cannot claim them again (trust me). Furthermore, we have a very diverse yet intelligent group of fans. So, we debate out a lot of ideas from a pure guest perspective. If some form of consensus is reached, it's a good indicator that mosts guests will go along with it, too.

3. It can rekindle interest. While this is a selfish reason, Disney in the early 2000's explicitly said that it wasn't interested in it's returning fans. It was focusing on new visitors; first time visitors. That left a lot of people disenfranchised, so it's a way to get them back in since they are more likely to be around here. It's a form of damage control, albeit both minimal in damage and in execution.

I know the response will be that Disney isn't worried about us. But, that's not the key. WDI and TWDC is not focusing on us, waiting for our ideas to go forward. It is merely another piece of information. But, it is more reliable than general surveys in many ways, and it's FREE. All they have to do is ask someone to monitor these forums and the responses and summarize it. That's really cheap, so why not? There is no downside to it. If they decide not to do something, "well, it was just on a fan site. We didn't announce." And, if it works well, they got free confirmation. Of course this has a limited timeframe because people catch on eventually. But, for now, it's a great method.

And, this is not a Disney thing. I have two friends that have had jobs doing this (reading boards to monitor public impression) for major companies. FREE information is a huge commodity to corporations.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, many of you have no contacts to the PR world currently. The major modern trend is to utilize the internet in ways you would never think, and that includes intentionally releasing information online in forums, blogs, etc. To think that Disney, a company that has been known recently for taking chances on technology, would not be in that boat is just misinformed. To do surveys, you have to construct them and then physically ask people, and your audience is limited. The internet provides an increidbly cheap realm for people to post, and, at this point, no one realizes they are funneling into the machine. It's FREE information and FREE advertisement. And, it perpetuates MUCH faster when you have personal connections. Believe it or not, many of the old approaches to advertising and customer service are starting to make a comeback as the spreadsheet culture in corporate America is starting to yield its head as a short term profit, long term destruction approach.

Now, I have no idea if he is for real or not. He could easily be using this approach and merely rehashing information from elsewhere. But, I certainly will never claim that Disney wouldn't allow him to do this. It is very popular in many many companies to do so at this point in culture. So, please feel free to be skeptical, but don't attack with facts that are misinformed.

**End Rant**

And we don't even ask for "Disney Dollars":)

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