The thing is that I don't believe it was restored or that it is no longer still sitting in that field at WDW. They don't spend money on anything and they don't need that plane unless they are planning to sell it. First off, it has no engines and hasn't since it was put in DHS. It was repainted or the "wrap" removed when it was put out in the field. The engines were removed and sold shortly after the World Drive landing. The most they might have done, if anything at all, is repaint it. Think about it folks, there are pictures of it with Walt using it. Walt has been dead for 55 years. That dog don't hunt no more and that deteriorating pile of scrap metal don't fly no more.
All that said, I would like to see the shell displayed someplace but the whole idea that it has been restored is ridiculous in my opinion. Partial at best, just like it was shown in DHS. We had the pleasure of seeing it for about 30 years in a park that Walt never saw or even dreamed about. If they are going to display it permanently, logically it would be in the place that made ownership of it possible, California (i.e. Disneyland).