Rant incoming...feel free to skip.
Customers are getting so entitled!! I had a woman come into the store two weeks ago. She bought 2 plastic serving trays. She walked toward the door, dropped them and one broke. I SAW her drop them. She comes and says "This one broke. Can I get a new one?" I asked why. She says "Because it's broken!" I said "Yes, but YOU dropped it. Since it wasn't that way in the store and we didn't do it, we can't replace it." And this was a very large woman. She towered over me and says in a very demanding voice "Can I get a new one??" and it was obvious she wasn't taking no for an answer. Then she says "Otherwise, I'll just return them both and get ALL my money back." Like we have to take back something she broke? I ended up just asking my manager what to do and she let the gal have a new one....don't think I would have done that, but it isn't my call.
And then this other woman comes in last week with a coat she wants to return. She says it's ripped, she has the receipt. But, when she puts in on the counter, all the tags (not just the price tags attached, but the tags sewn into the garment on the inside) have been cut out. You can't even see if it's the same item as the one on the receipt. So I call my manager over. She's the assisstant manager, and she's not sure what to do....protocol says that if you don't have the tags, you can't return an item, but this is technically a complaint, because it's ripped. But, she says she bought it two weeks ago to take on vacation and she only wore it a few days before someone pointed out there was a tear in it. The tear is on a seam....easily fixable. She insists she can't fix it. My manager offers her something of equal price from the store if she wants to replace it. No, that's not good enough, she already had to buy a new coat while she was on vacation. She doesn't want something else, she wants her money back. But she's already worn it. We don't know if she got caught on something and it ripped, or if it was maybe a bit tight and she stretched too far...we have no way of knowing if it was already ripped before or not, and she admitted she had worn it. Once you use something, you can't return it. My manager feels something lumpy, sticks her hand in one of the pockets and pulls out a dirty tissue and a packet of clean tissues. She sets them on the counter. I check the other pocket and pull out another dirty tissue. I grab both dirty tissues and throw them away in the garbage BEHIND me. She's getting angry that we won't just give her money back on something she used and cut all the tags out of. She was offered a replacement, but didn't want that. She asked for the manager, so we told her she'd be in the next morning. What does she do? She calls the head office (we have hundreds of stores) and LIES to them. She tells them she only wore the coat for a day, and she tells them that we THREW THE TISSUES IN HER FACE! And she says we treated her so badly that she doesn't dare to come back to the store. There were several people behind her that day that she tried to get on her side, but it didn't work, so she called the head office and lied about everything, hoping to force us to give her her money back, and I suppose to try and get us in trouble for daring to say no to her. So she sent her daughter to return the coat because the head office says we have to, BUT the manager says she won't give her her money back, she can only get something for equal value, which was already offered before and she refused. Suddenly that's ok, but she doesn't dare do it herself, so she sends her daughter. She doesn't dare because she lied through her teeth and doesn't want to get called out for it. Apparently the regional manager also heard about it and called, and she got a completely different story. The woman told her she hadn't even worn the coat for an hour, when she told us that she wore it for half her vacation and told the head office she wore it for a day or two. She still insists we threw her tissues in her face, which absolutely did not happen. And she tells her we accused her of ripping it herself, because we had the audacity to ask if maybe she had somehow caught the coat on something...a nail, a hook, etc. So she says we accused her of all this stuff, and then lies about what happened and accuses US of throwing stuff at her. I'm so ticked.
Is it just me, or is this woman lacking integrity? What is UP with customers thinking they should just get a replacement for anything when they broke it? Like it's OUR fault they drop things, or rip them? Is this a new thing??