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As a side note, a friend of ours has gone to a few of Ringo Starr's concerts up in this area. He said Ringo put on an excellent show.You know what? I don't admit this often but it actually brought tears to my eyes. The words and the music and the knowledge that the man that was singing had been dead for 43 years and George for 22 years. I spent the rest of the day humming the tune and thinking back to early times. I remember going to my high school sweethearts sweet 16 party in 1964 and dancing to the Beatles and the hours I have spent since then listening to that unique sound. And there it was, back again, Now and Then more then describes my reaction. Both Paul and John were geniuses in music and even though John recorded his part, possibly the year he was killed it was like magic. Paul is 82 now and his musical genius and imagination still amazes me. I'm afraid that he will not be around much longer based on his age and having heard parts of a couple of his recent gigs, that magnificent voice is gone now either overworked or aged badly. I fear that without his ability to "put on the show", he might just fade away. Projects like this will keep him going on for a while, but even if they had some more new undiscovered music George can no longer be a part of it so this is indeed the newest and absolute last New Beatles song we will ever hear.